The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 278: Holy Springs

There is a lot of aura in the astral continent, and many schools will choose to build it by mountains and rivers.

Qian Qingyang County is thousands of miles away. There is such a mountain, surrounded by aura, and the mountain spring contains majestic spiritual power. It is called holy spring by the world, so it is named holy spring mountain.

Twenty-eight years ago, a strong man came here to establish a sect, establish the Holy Spring Sect, and strive for development.

Nowadays, it has become the fifth-rate sect, and has a pivotal position in the thousands of miles.

Many martial arts believe that the success of the Holy Spring Sect can be achieved today, and it has a lot to do with the Holy Spring, because drinking that water all year round will definitely be of great help to martial arts.

I'm a pity.

It is difficult for the martial arts to drink for those who are not sectarian.

This day.

In front of the gate of the Holy Spring Sect, surrounded by spirits, all parties came to visit, stepping up along the centuries-old stone ladder.

"The fifth class gate is really magnificent!"

A warrior was full of envy when he looked at the strong spiritual power gathered at the mountainside.

如果 "If it wasn't for the Iron Bone who challenged the Holy Spring Sect, I would be afraid that I would not have the opportunity to enter such a gate."

"In other words, the Eight Stream School in Qingyang County is really strong, and they dare to challenge the Holy Spring Sect with a pebbled stone."

"The emerging sects are out of control these years. What can't be done?"

"It is okay to challenge the Liuliu martial arts. If you defeat the Liuliu martial arts, if you lose, you will not be able to mix on the rivers and lakes."

The martial arts warriors of various parties who were ascending the Mount of Holy Springs were discussing.

They are from other counties. Although this trip is to see the Tetsuya challenge the Holy Spring Sect, but they really want to visit Daejongmen.


Because I didn't look at Iron Bone faction at all, once the challenge started, I must be miserable.

If it is a Liuliu martial art, he may still be optimistic about one point, but the eighth to the fifth, people with normal brains do not think they can win.

Uh ...

Shengquan is really big.

The performance of the martial arts field outside the courtyard alone is comparable to the venue of the Liyang Chengmen School!

The main hall is very magnificent, with a simple atmosphere, and it looks very periodical at first glance.

This is the foundation of the 800-year-old sect of Lizong. Even if it is a new five-class sect, it may not be comparable.

After the martial arts soldiers from all walks of life came in, they looked at the unique building and the solemn hall, and all respected them.

I deserve to be the gate!

I just stood at the entrance of the outer courtyard, and a feeling of worship was raised in my heart.

However, when they saw a disciple with a famous sword and eyebrows going back and forth, the breath that was sent out was everywhere at the level of martial arts, and they were deeply shocked.

Who has n’t seen the martial arts?

However, from the perspective of the momentum, the pilgrims of the Holy Spring Sect are middle and high levels!

The martial arts realm of the Pleiades continent is actually divided into more detailed levels, including general, medium, high and extreme.

Let me talk about the martial arts level.

力量 The strength of each product ranges from 1000 to 2000.

的 The lowest increase in strength is called the general and other martial arts, reaching 1500 is called medium, reaching 2000 high.

Wu Ji and other warriors can reach 2500!

增 The increase in strength depends on various factors of talent, so waiting for the warrior is the top genius often said in the world population!

So, what's the difference between Ji and other martial arts?


And very big!

Let's take the peak martial arts as an example.

The strength of the warriors such as Xu Pu was 12,000 jin, and the minimum power of the other fighters was 25,000 jin.

The difference is two times. Extremely high peak warriors. Properly kill high peak warriors such as Pu.

忙 The busy Shengquan disciple in the outer courtyard has a solid footsteps and a strong momentum, so that the leaders of all parties can see at a glance that this is definitely a high-level martial artist!

There are several middle and high-level martial arts in your own school, which is already good. Five schools are everywhere, and this is a huge gap!

"You all."

在 At this moment, a handsome disciple came and said gracefully: "The cabin has been arranged, please follow me."

Everyone's hearts rose again.

弟 This disciple should be less than 20 years old, but there is a martial arts master, and his breath is very strong. It is definitely a special class!

"He is one of the disciples of Shengquan Zong, named Qing Linfeng!"

"Is that Linfeng boy who smashed over three hundred thieves alone with a three-foot sword and went to Longzhai alone?"

啧啧 "Well, heroes are young!"

Everyone followed, with awe in their eyes.

Wu Shengquan let the best spiritual roots, and also a disciple of disciples come to settle down for himself, really thieves have face.

and many more!

在 At this moment, the crowd stopped at the intersection leading to the inner courtyard, and saw a woman with a beautiful appearance, surrounded by female disciples and walked in.

"That's ... the master of Miaohua Palace!"

"Oh my God, why did the lord of the Fourth Class come?"

"Coincided to be a guest at Holy Springs?"

Everyone was surprised.

Lin Qing said: "The Lord of the Palace heard that the Iron Bone faction would come to challenge me the Holy Spring Sect.

The corners of the mouth twitched.

It's incredible that an eight-level martial art challenged the fifth-level sect, and it also shocked the fourth-class Miaohua Palace, which is a bit difficult to accept!

At this time, two wonderful young girls came out from the inner courtyard, and the lily flower pattern on their shoulders was very eye-catching!

Everyone narrowed their eyes.

This lily pattern, is it ...

Qi Qing Lin Feng said: "They are Lily Shengzong disciples, and they are here to see the excitement."


Everyone sucked air-conditioning.

The Ironbone faction challenged the Holy Spring Sect, and they even shocked the second-rate sectarians. What kind of world is this!

"That young girl seems to be the genius girl Murong Xin of Murong's family in Tianhai City, right?"

"Well, I have heard of this girl, who has the best spiritual roots, and is known as the goddess of heaven in Tenkai-gun."

"The eleven elders of Lily Shengzong fancy and went to Murong's house in person to receive apprentices, but caused a great sensation at the time."

"Hey, the most sensational thing is that she brought Lily Shengzong to the Xiao family in Qingyang County to remarry."

"I also heard that it seems that there is a superb genius in that Nine Classes, which was later regressed and turned into waste, and was stopped by Murongxin's fiancee."

"On the continent of stars, all men are divorced. ~ I did not expect that there would be divorced men. This is really a good idea."

Everyone's argument spread to Murong Xin's ears, and his eyes were a little angry.

"Sister sister."

Sister Wu whispered: "Don't have general knowledge with these superficial men."

Everyone saw Mu Rongxin's anger and quickly shut up without saying a word. He followed Qing Linfeng honestly to the inner court.

Sister Yun said: "Sister sister and that waste are retiring. It is a thing of the past, but their mouths can't be blocked by others, so don't care too much."

Murong Xin didn't say a word, and guilty rose in her heart.

She is the only one who knows that her anger is not that others are talking about herself, but that she is mocking Xiao.

It is undeniable that the two have lost any relationship, but he became the laughingstock of everyone, also caused by his ignorance to retire.

"Xiao sin, I'm sorry, I just want to pursue freedom, and I don't want to hurt you." Murong Xin muttered in his heart.

Sorry useful?

The benevolent sees benevolence, the wise sees wisdom.

However, from the perspective of Jun Changxiao, no matter what Murongxin intentionally or unintentionally, what she has done has caused great dignity damage to Xiao sinner and a man. Two years later, she must take her disciples to the Lily Saint Fair!

In the old world, young people can not be held legally responsible, but in the star continent, if you have done something wrong, you must pay the price, because here is the strongest!

How guilty?

I can, take those who have gone to the Xiao family, the group of superior Lily Shengzong who is so overwhelming, come to my iron skeleton to send an apology, this is your sincerity!

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