In just a few days, forces from all sides have entered the Holy Spring Sect, and have experienced the magnificent atmosphere and end-of-hundreds of hundreds of end-of-years.

of course.

I am also waiting for the challenge of the iron skeleton.

Calculate time. There is only one day left until the day of the challenge. Why has n’t the unreliable martial arts come yet?

Will I be persuaded and will not come again?

势 A lot of forces have thought about this possibility, but they will not be too angry. After all, the purpose is to see a fifth-rate sect.

How about?

not coming?

I'm sorry, just at dusk.

The head of Xun Jun and his 200 disciples were accompanied by Xie Chengzhu and Ai Family to stop in front of the mountain gate of the Holy Spring Sect.

"Who is coming?" Said the disciple.


Xun Jun often smiled and showed the waist tag engraved with the words "Iron Bone", stunned Dan Tian, ​​and shouted loudly: "The head of the Tie Bone Sect often smiles and comes to challenge the Holy Spring Sect!"

The sound of is powerful and echoes in the middle of the mountain, and is introduced to the Holy Spring Sect.

"I'm coming!"

"This iron skeleton leader stands at the foot of the mountain and dares to shout so loudly, it's extraordinary courage."

"If your courage is small, can you travel thousands of miles to the Holy Spring Sect to send abuse?"

"I can't wait a bit. I want to see if this iron skeleton has three heads or six arms?"

"No matter how many heads and arms, come to challenge the Holy Spring Sect, destined to lie down."

The warriors of various parties talked.

The Qin League leader and the Union leader who came first took a smile.

I heard that the forces from all sides were laughing at Jun Changxiao, and they felt soothed, even better than breaking through the realm.

This is a group of poor people.


Because in Cheongyang County, there is no alternative to the Iron Skeletons, so they can only use the arguments of other warriors in other counties to soothe the long-depressed soul.

Xi Jun often laughed if she knew, she would definitely look scornful.

Only **** can comfort myself in this ridiculous way.


奚 Jing Jingxuan, who was sitting in the small hall of the inner courtyard, heard Jun Chang laugh and laughed, "It's him, he's really here."

Tong Lier said with a lip, "Dare you come?"

Before and after she came to the Holy Spring Sect, she has been telling the palace master that the Iron Bone faction may admit it and dare not come to challenge it.


After Ma Yunteng, who was playing chess in the inner courtyard, laughed, "Jun's head is here."

Wang Donglin said: "Go first to challenge Hao Qimen, and now come to challenge the Holy Spring Sect, this kid is really reckless."

"Well, young people."

Ma Yunteng said: "It's not bad at all."

"I'm coming."

Tong Murongxin stood at the window of the compartment, and her complex emotions rose.

Even though Xiao Xiao had won the martial arts contest and made her look impressive, but followed the Ironbone faction leader to challenge the Holy Spring Sect, did he not humiliate himself?

I still say that after being divorced by myself, I have nothing to worry about?


Wu Murongxin sighed.

Uh ...

Shengquan Zong, Houshan.

Dai Pan sits in a cave in a cave. After hearing the sound, he opens his eyes with green light and says coldly, "Jun often laughs, you are finally here!"

The Green Scarf Brother, under the Black Eagle Hall, accidentally gains engulfing power, devours the old ghosts of the ghost, and breaks through to the seventh-grade martial artist.

After returning to Zongmen, he participated in Zongmen Xiaobi and performed well. He was successfully promoted from an entry disciple to an outside disciple.

of course.

He doesn't dare to be too high-profile, but concentrates on cultivation.

During the sacrifice period, many ferocious beasts and plant vitality came from the mountain after ingestion, and the realm also stepped from a warrior to a first-class martial artist.

To be honest, Zongmen restricted the development of Dai Lu.

Because of his special ingestion power, he is destined to be promoted by ingesting external forces, and step-by-step cultivation will only be slow.

Dai Dailu also considered leaving.

But thinking that Jun Changxiao would bring his disciples to challenge, he endured for several months.

Destroy my Lingquan sect and kill my cousin.

I have two enemies in my body. If I do n’t do anything, just leave like this.

Dai Dailu has been planning and taking out the nuclei obtained during this time, successfully bribing an elder and obtaining a challenge place.

"Jun always laughs!"

"I want to let you know that I am not what I used to be!"

听说 "I heard that your Ironbone Pie is also divided into inside and outside doors!"

"I will fight with your inner disciples, even if you can't kill them, let him know what it means to be painful!"

Brother Green Jin decided.

He wants to challenge the disciples' inner disciples as a disciple.

After I finished this ticket, I left the Holy Spring Sect. From then on, the sea was wide and the bird was flying!

谁 As for who to challenge?

Wait for the discussion to start making choices.

Of course, if Zongmen allows, you must choose the strongest insider disciple, not only can you fight Jun Chang laugh, but you can also pretend to force yourself.

Breakthrough the green scarf brother of a martial arts master, is bound to be tomorrow, because who is he? I am a devourer!

What kind of qualifications are there for my disciples?


If you really want to challenge the strongest disciples in Ironbone, not the woman Lu Lu, it is the night star.

重 Devourer VS The Emperor is born again, it seems pretty interesting.

The premise is that Brother Green Jin must hold it, because this opponent is no more gentle than Li Qingyang and Xiao sin, and it is very fierce to fight.

"桀桀 桀!"

Dai Dailu covered her face and smiled strangely, "Jun often laughs, you and your disciples, destined to be my stepping stone on the road to the Supreme!"


May God bless you, our Green Scarf.

Uh ...

Laoshan at the foot.

Xun Jun often shouted with a smile, and several guardian disciples of Shengquanzong suddenly looked disdainful.

铁 This Ironbone faction is not high-ranked, and the head is young and quite arrogant.


One of them said lightly: "Jun is in charge, my Holy Spring Sect has been waiting for you, please go up the mountain."

Xun Jun often laughs and throws his sleeves away, taking his disciples up the mountain.

Ye Xingchen, walking on the stone steps, looked ugly, and then reluctantly lifted up the magic sound.


How old do you keep me!

Ai's homeowner and Xie Chengzhu and others also reported their names and hurried to follow up.

Suddenly looking at the iron-bone disciples who went up the mountain, the imposing momentum was as strong as ever, admiring immediately.

It is undoubtedly a hell-like test to challenge the Five-Class School.

How can these iron-bone disciples be so calm, how did Jun head train?


The gate of Xunquanzong was pushed open.

With dazzling sunglasses, a mink coat and a cigar with a cigar in his mouth, Jun Chang laughed and stepped in with the gambling **** BGM.


Powerful parties from all sides of the Outer Court watched it one after another.


"It's pretty cool."

"When tomorrow's contest begins, he can stand and leave, it is considered holy spring sect."

Everyone talked disdainfully.


Dangjun always smiled and stood in Yanwu Stadium. When two hundred disciples lined up neatly behind him, proudly stood upright and released his breath.

These iron-bone disciples have a strong breath and sharp eyes. As long as those who are not short-sighted and blind, they realize that they are definitely only available to higher martial arts!

"Eyes ... dazzled?"

"Oh my God, an eight-class martial art ..."


Xun Jun often smiled, holding out his cigar, showing the certification card given by the certification hall, and said lightly: "If you have double dog eyes like Qin Mengzhu ~ ~, you may not be able to see whether it is written eight or seven."

As soon as I came, I was stunned, and the fire was full!

Qin Haoran said angrily: "Jun often laughs, you ..."

Xun Jun often smiled and raised his middle finger, and said lightly: "The defeated men are not qualified to bark in front of this seat."

He knows that this guy has been to Shengquan Zong, and he must have any dirty and shame deal with the other party. He also knows that he brought the big brothers today, and he definitely wants to see his joke.

I'm not happy with you, I'm not happy with you.

I'll 怼 you, what do you mean! see!

Qin Haoran was so angry that his body was shaking, but he didn't speak anymore, after all, it was to look at his joke, not to be a guest!


Xi Jun often smiled and shook off the mink coat, and the disciples stepped forward to catch it.

The monstrous monarch headed his own black hair up with one hand and said, "I will send a challenge to the door, and the Holy Spring Sect will not come out to meet, is this the way of hospitality?

The corners of the mouth twitched.

I deserve to dare to challenge the Eight Sects of the Holy Spring Sect ... Qiliu School is in charge, this is really crazy!


奚 Jing Xuan, who walked out of the inner court, laughed, "Jun is so domineering. After seeing the light again, you must see what he looks like."

When I spoke, I was already fantasizing.

一定 He must have big eyes, sharp nose, long ears.


The head of the monarch fantasized by the Lord of the Palace has been separated from the human level, and in the strict sense, it can be classified as a monster.

PS, for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets.

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