The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 280: Play 40 games first!

The warriors from all sides saw Jun Chang smile as he wished, without three heads and six arms, like everyone with two arms and two legs.

As soon as I came, I asked the Qin leader to make them a little unexpected.

The two have grudges, many people know.

But anyway, it is also the leader of one faction.

Even if there is any contradiction, you ca n’t just talk about it as soon as you meet?

I especially heard the saying that this is the way of hospitality of the Da Zong Men, and the warriors on all sides suddenly realized that the head of this Qiliu martial art was very crazy and very arrogant!


He's not crazy or arrogant.

How dare you bring your disciples to challenge the Holy Spring Sect?

Being young is good, not afraid of anything, not taking care of everything.

In the eyes of everyone, Jun Chang laughed more scornfully.

I smashed it.

Pretend to be struck by lightning.


At this moment, an old man about seventy years old flew out of the hall.

He landed on the martial arts field, and laughed loudly: "Jun's head is here, there is a loss and a loss!"

人 This person has a strong breath, and at first glance it is a high-level Wuzong!

"Elder Kim in charge of the housework of the Holy Spring Sect!"

"The Sovereign of the Sect of Springs retreats all year round. Elder Jin is in charge of all matters and can appear in person. It is enough to give iron bones face."

"In my opinion, this is considered first, then first."

Everyone whispered.

They could catch the slightest discomfort from the eyes of Elder Jin.

A low-level martial artist, who behaved so arrogantly in front of Zongmen, would certainly be intolerable to change himself.

Xun Jun often smiled and said lightly, "I have come from thousands of miles, and your holy spring sect doesn't plan to arrange a rest for your residence?"

Really, it's crazy!

One by one, the disciples of the Holy Spring Sect were raised in anger.

But after all, it comes from the Damon Gate, which can restrain his anger, but thinks in his heart, and when tomorrow's challenge begins, you will not be so dragged!

Elder Jin Jin said: "The old man has arranged the cabin early, and the wind will bring the disciples of the king's head and iron bones."


Qi Qing walked out of the wind and asked to be inviting: "King of the king, come with me."

Xun Jun often laughed and went to the inner court under the eyes of everyone. The iron-bone disciples followed, and even when they were examined by a group of big men, he was not timid.

After they left, the forces of all parties began to whisper.

"This iron-bone disciple is not easy!"

"From the breath, it seems all high martial arts!"

"It's a little incredible that a Qiliu martial art can do this!"

"In my opinion, may have taken some bluffing elixir?"

I heard that some people questioned this, and Xie Chengzhu sneered.

If you know, the two elders who came from the certification headquarters in Yangzhou, Southwest of China, will give the Iron Bone a top three appraisal, and you will know if it is a bluff.

Xie Chengzhu wanted to tell everyone aloud, do n’t watch his mother ’s dog look low, but because Jun ’s head should be low-key, he can only tolerate it in pain.

Uh ...

Wu Shengquan was still very concerned about the style of the ancestral gate, and he placed a group of iron skeletons in several beautiful courtyards.

"rest well."

Xi Jun often laughed: "Ready for tomorrow."


I hurried thousands of miles away, and the disciples were still a little tired, and they chose to stay in the boxhouse.

Xun Xiao had no rest, sitting in a stone pavilion in the courtyard, running Yi Jin Jing, and continued to train the flesh.

加入 Since joining the Ironbone School to obtain this divine mentality, he has developed a good habit of practicing anytime, anywhere.


Suddenly, Xiao Xie opened his eyes.

His subconsciously looked towards the courtyard and saw the outer door. A standing girl was looking at herself.

Murong Xin!

Uh ...

The inner courtyard of the Holy Holy Spring School is not small, and there are unique green areas for the disciples to watch and relax.

In the bamboo forest, Murong Xin held the bamboo leaves and said, "You seem to be stronger than last time."

"This is the purpose of finding me?"

Xiao Xiao was sitting on a boulder with indifferent words.

He was surprised to see this woman at Sacred Springs, but it was just an accident.

Mu Murongxin was silent for a moment, and said, "Your manager is in a mess. Would you like to follow him?"

Xiao Xiao understood it.

一定 She must think that I was sent to challenge the Holy Spring Sect to die.

Xiao Xiao sinned lightly: "I don't care about Murong's arrogant girl in my affairs."

He said, get up and return to the courtyard.

的 The divorce that year was like overwhelming the last feather of a camel and sinking myself for five years. I really didn't want to have too much contact with this woman for a moment.

Seeing Xiao Gui leave, Murong Xinming's eyes flashed with complex emotions.

Every time she sees a man who has been divorced by herself, she will blame herself very much. She blames her choices when she was young.

Judging from the psychological activities of Murong Xin, she is not an arrogant woman, she just did the wrong things at the wrong time.

If so, the two still have a marriage contract.

According to the custom of starfall continent, this time should have been married, and there will be another married couple in the world.


I was destined to miss, missed a marriage.

Uh ...

The next day.

The weather is fine and cloudless.

The yellow calendar doesn't look.

Because you know from today ’s weather, it ’s very suitable for competition!

Xun Jun often smiled and stood on the periphery of Yanwuchang with his hands on his back, facing the hall of Shengquanzong. Two hundred disciples stood upright behind him, with a pride in his eyebrows.

The forces of the various parties have also rushed over, and all secretly marveled.

到底 What kind of confidence do these Qiliumen disciples have, and dare to be so fearless in front of the facade of Wuliuzong ~


Because, iron bone 铮铮!

Xie Guangkun and Ai Shang 睨, etc., tacitly walked behind Jun Changxiao.

The Elder Ma and Elder Wang of the Cangshan School also stood behind, making it clear that they support the Ironbone School.

No one is surprised.

After all, the Cangshan faction is in Qingyang County, and it is reasonable to support the faction in the county, without any problems.

The positions of all parties are more oriented towards the hall, representing them that the Holy Spring Sect can win the challenge.

Among them are the Qin League leaders and the leaders of the parties.

In particular, looking at Jun Changxiao's eyes, there is disdain and sneer.

比赛 A broken car and a sports car race.

As long as people with normal heads, they will think that running over a throttle and stepping on the accelerator will properly throw the car.

Iron bone pie is broken car.

Shengquan Zong is a super sports car.

Xun Jun often laughs and doesn't care about the support of other forces, because that's the same sentence. No matter how you look down, I should be strong.

"Jun heads."

Elder Jin, who stood opposite, said, "How do you want to challenge?"

Xun Jun often laughed: "Start with outsiders, start with thirty or forty games to win or lose."

Hearing these words, everyone almost fell.

First play thirty or forty games?

This guy ... Are you here to challenge or to join a martial arts contest?

Xi Jun often laughs and doesn't want to fight so much!

But the **** epic task must be defeated to defeat the 30 disciples of the Holy Spring Sect.

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