The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 284: The battle for the inner door is still crushing!

The law of wearing law is right. When it is in despair, it can stimulate the power of devour.

But, first of all, I have to survive this despair.

He faced Ye Xingchen with a fierce kick. Brother Greenscarf fainted before he calmed down, and the power of devour that was about to erupt suddenly pulled back.

So ... Bai was tortured, and he was born without a cause.

have to say.

This is a big tragedy.

Xun Jun often shook her head with a smile and said, "I thought it was very strong. It turned out to be so vulnerable."

Elder Wu Jin was shaking with anger.

Let Dai Lü appear, but he was defeated in one move and stepped on his face one after another. He really lost his face!

no way.

The night stars are too strong.

I was defeated even if I sent Qing Linfeng up.

The only thing I can find comfort is, use the disciples outside the door to consume the strongest disciples.

Elder Xi Jin waved his hand.

内 An insider disciple walked on the Wuchang field, his eyes flashed with anger.

So many fellow students have been defeated, it is difficult for any Shengquan disciple to tolerate, so he must win!

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "Yuhua appears."


Yang Yuhua stepped forward.

"Iron bone 铮铮 disciple, Yang Yuhua!"

"Shengquan disciple, Qi Fan!"

"Start!" The referee said.


Qi Qifan first stepped up the trouble, thirty-six Lutong Tianquan was exhibited, and a series of boxing shadows were instantiated.

He is a veteran disciple of the Holy Spring Sect, possessing a top-quality spiritual root. Although his strength is only a first-class martial arts master, from the point of view of boxing and momentum, he is significantly stronger than Dai Lu!

"Each punch has a force of at least 40,000 kg!"

"This is the true disciple of the Holy Spring Sect!"

"Ironbone disciples are going to be unlucky!"


Yang Yuhua staggered her paces, her arms were staggered, obviously she had to fight against her body!

When everyone saw this, they all shook their heads.

Thirty-six Lutong Tianquan is the only Quanquan method of the Holy Springs.

As soon as it is displayed, it will form a continuous trend. If you choose to defend, you will fall into absolute passiveness.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The fist shadow blasted over like a shell!

Although the strength of each strike is about 40,000 kilograms, Yang Yuhua, who was subjected to the bombardment, stands in place without any movement!

The knot printing cover is not open, it is easy!

Everyone narrowed their eyes.

After so many bombardments, with such a strong force, the disciples are all right, you can take a half step back!

Qi Fan, who played a set of boxing skills, also appeared amazed on his face.

Even a huge beast with a rough skin and thick flesh, under the violent bombardment of his own, has been repelled several steps away!


Yang Yuhua blasted over with the bursting fist while the other was raving.

拳 This punch is fast, and when Qi Fan recovers, he can only cross his arms to defend.

"Come without rudeness!"

Yang Yuhua's fist infused with psionic energy blasted over.

嘭 ————

Suffering a fierce blow, Qi Qifan suddenly drew backwards, his face was abnormally haggard, and intense pain spread across his arms!

Yang Yuhua, a second-class martial arts master, has achieved 55,000 pounds with one punch under the blessing of the bursting fist!

I asked, how did Yipin martial arts pick up?

"噔 噔 噔!"

Qi Qifan stepped back and went directly out of Yanwu. When he was holding his body in a difficult position, his legs were soft and he half-knelt on the ground.

"Ding! Defeat the disciples of the Holy Spring Sect within 2/10."

The warrior's mouth twitched.

It was hard to accept that the disciples of Nianmen came into play and were punched out!

Qin Haoran and the big brother of the league are also stupid.

Why is there such a strong disciple in just one year?

Elder Xi Jin was so angry that his lungs exploded.

At the doorstep of my home, witnessed by all forces, fifty-two battles, losing fifty-two, it is difficult for anyone to control their emotions!


Xun Jun often smiled and said, "Xuanzhou comes on."


Xu Song Xuanzhou walked into the martial arts stage and stood proudly.

On the part of Wu Shengquan, another inner disciple was sent, and his strength was still a martial arts master.

There are two ways to become a disciple in Wuli Zongmen. One is to have excellent spiritual roots, and the other is to be strong.

This strength is to reach the martial arts.

Bian Linggen is good, and his state is strong, he is a personal disciple.

of course.

Wu Linggen's good disciples will gradually grow stronger.

For example, the eight-pin martial artist Mo Shangfei, who was defeated by Li Qingyang in Lingquan Mountain, has also entered the second-pin martial arts level in one year.

Alas, it's too slow.

At that time, Li Qingyang, who was only a fourth-grade martial artist, now has not only the best spiritual roots, but also the practice of a fifth-grade martial artist.

Such a comparison.

The gap is really not that big!

"The iron-bone disciple who fought is a warrior."

"The Holy Spring Sect is a martial artist, and should win the first victory!"

Everyone whispered.

越 You can do leapfrog battles in the same realm. It is very difficult for the big realm to want to leapfrog!

Master Song Song's heart suddenly hanged.

My son recovered from paralysis for a long time. It was too dangerous to use martial arts as a warrior.

However, after the start of the game, Song Xuanzhou relied on various martial arts skills and achieved comprehensive suppression in a short time!

I especially seized the opportunity to display the open palm, and the power of the outbreak has reached 30,000 kg!

爆发 His opponent's power broke out only 25,000 kg!

I felt the psionic energy diffused under the slamming and powerful palms, and Master Song looked dull.

我 儿.

Is this ... so strong? !!


Xuan Song Xuanzhou walked to the back, bursting fists in succession, directly blasted the disciples of the Holy Spring Sect with a great realm!

Although not as clean as the brothers, but from the beginning to the end, he was pressing.

This is enough to prove that the paralyzed man stood up again, and did some hard work in the Iron Bone School, or a genius once in a century!

He watched his son defeat his opponent and looked at the back of Iron Bone. Father Song couldn't hold himself, his excited hands shivered.

Uh ...

Xu Song Xuanzhou used the peak martial arts practice to defeat a martial arts master, not only proving himself, but also telling warriors from all sides that the iron skeleton disciples can expand their realm!

Wu Shengquan's high-level face was ugly and extreme.

However, this will be destined to continue to be unsightly, because Zhang Wei and others who are stronger than Song Xuanzhou came on the scene one after another, and swept the disciples of Holy Spring Sect's inner gate ~ ~ ding! Conquered 10/10 disciples of Holy Spring Sect. "

"Ding! Disciples defeat Disciples of the Holy Spring Sect, and the epic quest completion is 50%, and the host gets 400 contribution points."

"Ding! Contribution value: 2205/2000."

"Ding! Martial contribution overflow ..."

Disciple Xi ’s performance was so strong that Jun Chang laughed very comfortably, so he opened the purchased product column, spent 500 points of contribution value, and bought 10 bottles of qualification transformation fluid.

After I finished, I sent it to the disciples with long faces.

Let the disciples who fought out of the war have a hand, which can't be done for the time being, but they will definitely remember the credits, and they will be rewarded first.

The disciples outside the Iron Bone School have been very sturdy in this year's practice. It will only be more horrifying to raise the spiritual roots again.

"Elder Kim."

Xun Jun often laughed: "Do you still continue?"

Elder Wu Jin didn't speak, but waved his hand in a somber expression. An inner disciple with the ability to reach the third-grade martial arts came out again.

This is, then fight!

Xun Jun often laughed and would not be afraid of war, let Long Ziyang play.

The most showy thing is.

In the 61st battle of Badu, the disciples of the Ironbone School only played Ye Xingchen. The others have not yet played.


Among the disciples of the Outer Gate, Long Ziyang, the strongest disciple, defeated his opponent neatly and won the 11th victory in the Inner Gate.

The forces of all parties were calm.

In sixty-one matches, Ironbone won sixty-one games, and their spirit and muscles have long been numb.

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