The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 285: My knife comes out of the sheath and you have no chance

The inside battle continued, and the next game, Jun Changxiao sent Ling Yuanxue.

虽然 Although this girl is a bit timid, when the game begins, the burst punches and the open palms are cast, and the opponent is blown out like a master punched to death!

He then fought two more games.

At this point, all the disciples who have gone to Death Valley to practice, except Zhou Hong, have played and defeated their opponents, raising the total victory to 64 games.

The corners of the parties twitched violently.

Before the challenge began, who could have thought that it wasn't the Iron Bone faction who was finished, but the Holy Spring Sect!

"It's terrible!" Ma Yunteng was amazed.

The disciple brought by Xun Jun often laughs. Even if he sends his disciples to fight, he will definitely lose the last one!

奚 Jingxuan laughed: "Just say, if the iron skeletons in charge of Jun have no strength, how dare they challenge the Holy Spring Sect."

Tong Lier was completely silent.

She won all 64 games, and her Miaohua Palace couldn't do it!

Wu Murongxin whispered, "It turns out that his martial arts are so strong."


Sister Yun said lightly: "Anyway, it is a fifth-rate sect, but it is so weak that it is really shameful."

She hasn't read it yet, it's not that the Holy Spring Sect is weak, but the Ironbone faction is too strong!

Next, there is no longer any need to fight, because the 64-game losing streak of the Holy Spring Sect, not only lost a face of the fifth class, but also lost the panties!


Elder Wu Jin sent his disciples to fight again!

内 This inner disciple looks almost thirty years old, and his strength is in the rank of Sipin martial arts.

During the period of death, the Holy Spring Sect did not send out the fourth-grade martial arts master, but he was defeated by the iron-bone faction second-grade martial arts master.

In the face of a group of various resources piled up and changed, without absolute level suppression, it is difficult to win.

Xi Jun often laughed that Tian Qi was going to play.

Ma Yongning asked to ask, "Head, please let me play!"

Xun Yihei and Erhei both appeared, making Liu Wanshi very happy. He had been unable to bear the idea of ​​fighting.

Xun Jun often laughed: "It's okay."


Ma Yongning stepped into the martial arts field.

He always held the knife that was cut and connected, and proudly said, "Fight with a weapon."

After the battle, the disciples of the Holy Spring Sect looked at Elder Jin, and after receiving his advice, they sacrificed a three-foot sword.

"Shengquan disciple, Lan Jing."

"Ironbone sect disciple, Ma Yongning."

Since the registration number, each factionist is a little speechless.

The two are so old, especially Ma Yongning, who is hard-bodied, looks like he is almost 40 or 50 years old, but he is just a disciple. How bad is this!

I'm only 29!

Who's 40 or 50 years old!

Ma Yongning said: "At the beginning of the game, you move first, because my knife is out of the sheath, you have no chance."

Qi Lanjing: "..."

This middle-aged man is so arrogant!

"Start!" The referee shouted.

"锵 ————"

Qi Lanjing's long sword came out of the sheath and rushed forward. During the process, the wrist trembled, and the complex sword flower was intertwined instantly.

"The Wave Sword Technique!"

"This is a high-level sword skill!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Facing the sword-like flower like the waves, Ma Yongning smiled slightly and put down the knife, and put his right hand on the handle.


Suddenly, a heavy knife intended to permeate the whole body, exuding a desolate atmosphere as if from Mobei.

"This sword ..."

A strong man was surprised and said, "He is a sword repair!"


Everyone widened their eyes.

Knife repair and sword repair are very rare in the starfall continent!

"锵 ————"

在 At this moment, Ma Yongning took a step forward, and the knife with obvious repair marks came out of the sheath, and the desolate breath erupted instantly, like a sandstorm.

"Blade of the Northern Desert!"


The guillotine screamed out, shattering the waves and sword flowers that had struck with Cui Gula's death.

"not good!"

Qi Lanjing's eyes were startled, and she hurried away from the field!


The heavy knife was chopped on the slate, showing a knife mark more than five meters long!

I fled to Lan Jing outside the field, and a cold sweat came from behind.

Ma Yongning's purpose is not to hurt people, otherwise, he cannot escape, but has already been split!

Ironbone Pie wins again!

At this time, the forces of all parties are not concerned about sixty-five victories. What is concerned is that the seemingly old iron-bone disciple is a knife repair!

Xun Jun often smiles a little bit stunned.

He once fought with Ma Yongning, he was not so strong then.


Yuliu Wanshi excitedly said: "Great!"

I heard the little girl say, Ma Yongning slowly withdrew the knife, a pride as a swordsman appeared on his face.

"Ding! Disciples defeat Disciples of the Holy Spring Sect within 15/15, meet the hidden criteria, complete 60% of epic missions, and the host gets 200 points of contribution."

"Ding! Martial contribution: 1905/2000."

In my opinion, to reach the hidden standard is to beat the original number of beaters by a few more.

Xun Jun often arched with a smile: "Elder Jin, I'm sorry, but fortunate to win another game."

"..." Everyone collapsed.

Xun Jun is in charge. Your iron skeletons are lucky to win sixty-five games, and they are about to win the Holy Spring Sect!


Lin Qing couldn't help but said, "Practice, please!"

With eternal anger pressed by Elder Jin, he had high hopes: "Lin Feng, we must win!"


Lin Qing walked into the martial arts field in the wind and stopped in the central area with a very dignified look.

Brother Shi defeated 65 games in total, making him unacceptable, so this battle must be won anyway!

"Holy Spring Sect's disciples are fighting!"

"It's time to send him on the court, to improve morale for the disciples who will play later!"

"From the breath ~ ~ Linfeng Prince is at least Liupinji and other martial arts masters!"

"Well, the very best martial arts at this level must have 80,000 catties at least!"

After Wu Dangqing appeared on the stage, all forces finally realized that Shengquan was going to take it seriously.

If Elder Kim knew what they thought, he would definitely vomit blood. Because of the battle of the disciples inside, my Holy Spring Sect was already serious, but could not win at all!


The leader of the Qin League said coldly: "Linfeng has a superb spiritual root and is also a great martial artist. Not to mention his disciples, even if he always laughs and fights, he will be severely abused!"

"Finally there is a good show to watch!" The Long Knife Gate owner and the big league laughed.

Twenty-five games were contested, and Iron Bone won sixty-five games, which made them feel cool and cool. Now Qing is playing in the wind, showing a strong breath, and immediately came to the spirit!

It's just ... even if we really win the next game, that's no good!

"This person is not weak."

Xun Jun often smiled, holding her chin, and then thinking, "Sin yourself, you will meet him."


Xiao Xiao's sin has passed.

After standing in the middle of the Yanwu Stadium, Xu said, "Iron Skeletons, Xiao Sin!"

Xiao Xiao sins himself?

The warriors of all parties looked at each other, and they looked at Murong Xin who was watching the war in the distance.

"Sister sister."

Sister Wu is also surprised: "This Xiao sinner, is it true that you have been your fiance?"

Murong Xin didn't say a word, Ming Ming always looked at the man who stood proudly on the stage of performance, and secretly said, "Your fellow is strong, how about you?"

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