The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 286: Xiao Guiji vs Qing Linfeng

"Is this young man Xiao Xiaoji who was put off by Murong's prideful girl?"

"It's him. I heard that last year, on behalf of the Iron Skeletons, they participated in the Cheongyang County Martial Arts Competition and won the championship."

"Don't it become waste?"

"Murong Xin came to the Holy Spring Sect, wouldn't it be tempting to see the fiance who was put off?"

"People are now disciples of the second-rate Lily Shengzong, but Xiao Guiji is in the seventh-rate iron bone school, and the two are destined not to be one of the world."

"It's a shame to be put off by a woman."

Although the fighters of various parties are whispering, but every sentence is clearly transmitted to Xiao Sin's ears, making him clenched his fist.

Wu Murongxin frowned.

Poke these people's lips, it's so broken.

Xun Xiao turned his head around, with a slight indifference in his eyes, as if telling her.

Have you heard?

This is the harm you brought to me.


You can use young ignorance to evade the responsibility of returning that year.

How can I make up for a man who trampled on the dignity he suffered?

Wu Murongxin didn't dare to stare at Xiao Sin, because looking at those indifferent eyes would only make her feel more guilty.


Xiao Xiao sighed.

As the head once said, you must take back your lost things!

What I lost was a man's dignity.

How do I get it?

After two years, she boarded the Lily Sect, stood in front of the group of people, took out a paper distress book, and put off the woman who brought endless humiliation to herself!

I'm not convinced?

Then come to fight!

"Shengquan disciple, Qing Linfeng."

Qi Qing Linfeng reported her name and then said, "I sympathize with you."

This is true sympathy, not a mockery.

In a world dominated by men, the dignity damage caused by a woman's remarriage must be very fatal.

Xiao Xiaoguo smiled with the corner of her mouth and said, "Actually, I am very grateful to that woman. If it were not for her divorce then, I would not have Xiaoguo today."

I said a little pause here.


With a fist in his hands, he was extremely proud: "I will not become a disciple of the iron skeleton!"

There was also pride on the face of Tongmen behind him.

They are very fortunate to be disciples of the Iron Bone Squad. They can stand here and challenge the insurmountable mountains!

Xun Jun often laughs and pays in vain.

Disciples have a strong sense of belonging to the Iron Skeletons!

"Start!" The referee said.


With a knot in his hands, Lin Qing screamed, and the psionic energy whistled out, instantly condensing a wide palm, sweeping over with a powerful force.

Gathering Lingyin!

Only high-level martial arts can be learned by senior officials and personal disciples in the Holy Spring Sect!

Woohoo ——————

The palm print screamed from the top to the bottom, and the power it carried quickly climbed, and it directly broke to 100,000 kilograms!

"It's strong!" Exclaimed everyone.

With the blessings of martial arts, an outbreak of martial arts power comparable to Pu and the like broke out.

My sister standing next to Murong Xin said lightly, "Qing Linfeng is pretty good. How can that guy compete with it?"

Her tone seems to praise a fifth-class disciple. People should be honored.

no way.

The second-rate sect disciple is naturally arrogant.

At that time, Murong Xin took the person of Lily Shengzong to divorce. In the face of Xiao family and Xiao sin, he showed a higher level of superiority.


As the palm print was about to come down, Xiao Sin stepped forward, his body bowed slightly, and the psionic energy in the cyclone emerged frantically and condensed in his right fist.


Blast Fist is unfolding, face up!

Boom ————

When the fist and the wide palm print contacted, the powerful air wave whistled out, and the surrounding dust was swept away immediately.


Xun Xiao and Ji Linfeng stepped backwards respectively, and only took five steps to stabilize their bodies at the same time.


The warriors of various parties narrowed their eyes.

Ironbone disciples and Shengquan Zong passed down the disciples, but they did not fall into the wind!

King Wang Donglin solemnly said: "Although the boy only has the practice of Wupin Wushi, he is also a very good Wushu!"

The gangsters of various parties also saw from their initial encounters that Xiao Xieji was also an extremely high-level martial artist.

To reach the highest level, the most basic element is to have a superb spiritual root!

Ironbone sent Ho De Ho Neng, there are such sturdy disciples!

Tong Murong Xinming's eyes widened in surprise, and said, "Have he recovered his superb spiritual root?"


Qi Qing Linfeng looked dignifiedly, "It's strong."


Xiao Xiao sinned and rushed forward on the vertical clouds.

The right and left arms were used to perform burst punches and open palms, respectively. The strong breath erupted, forming a wave of wild winds.

Boom! boom!

Suddenly, two extremely martial arts masters fought dozens of moves, each with a strength of 100,000 kilograms, and the momentum was huge!

This is definitely the most exciting battle since the challenge began.

Because the fronts are basically all unilaterally crushed by iron-bone disciples, there is no such thing as fanfare.

The warriors from all sides were stunned.

Then they thought that the Holy Spring Sect sent a disciple disciple, they can definitely abuse the Ironbone faction, but they did not expect that the disciples sent were not weaker than Qing Linfeng!


The strong performance of the disciples, completely refreshed their cognition, and also completely slap them countless times!



Xiao Xiao's crimes have been opened and closed, and bursting punches and open palms are frequently used.

虽然 Although he is inferior to Qing Linfeng in the realm, his strength is not inferior to the opponent each time!

This stems from martial arts.

虽然 Although Burst Fist and Kaishan Palm can not match the high-grade martial arts on the level, as long as they understand the extreme, they can provide powerful combat power!

Boom! boom!

The two sides fought for more than ten moves. Qing Linfeng stepped back more than ten steps, subtle changes in his face, and numbness in the arms bearing the strength.

Xiao Xiao's guilty expression stood still.

The strength of the two is comparable, but in terms of physical strength, Qing Linfeng is far behind!


Zhongyun step show!

Xiao Xiao has launched a new round of bombardment ~ ~, the power that erupted is still strong as ever!

"This guy seemed to be attacking his life from the beginning. Can he lose his body?"

"As long as Qing Linfeng stabilizes the situation, he will definitely exhaust his exhaustion!"

"Although I can fight equally with Linfeng, I only know the outbreak, and at first glance it is a reckless husband who has not experienced actual combat."

I often smiled when I heard everyone say.

A group of silly.

弟 My disciples play this way because they are physically strong and willful. You just have to look good. You are not qualified to comment here.

Xiao Xiao's body is not a little bit weak.

With the constant violent bombardment, instead of raising the slightest tiredness, the more wars the more brave!

Lin Qing knew naturally that if he kept on dragging his spirits down, he might win.

Provided that.

I have to be able to carry him when he is exhausted!

目前 For now, Xiao has become more and more brave, and Qing Ling has gradually fallen to the downside. Supporting more than ten minutes is the limit!

No, you must find a chance to control the enemy with one blow!


Lin Qing caught Xiao's assault and attacked the gap, stepping backwards on her body, then rising in the sky, quickly making a knot seal, and yelling, "Large Spirit Seal!"


The raging violent spirit can burst out from the experience, instantly condensing a thick palm print with a width of five or six meters, and then relentlessly suppress Xiao Xiaoji!

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