The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 291: Win 72 games

Zhou Hong and Jian Fei were separated by a few meters, and the sword sent out began to confront each other, shocking everyone back.

Jianxiu is the sword, it really is different!

Many enemies are dying.

The sword is a commonly used weapon. If you become a sword repairer, your own force will skyrocket a lot!

I'm a pity.

的 The requirements for becoming Xiu Xiu are too harsh, and it is not for anyone who wants to become.

Even if the system is in hand, it is the same as the open king's head. Without a sword repair qualification, it's not just a martial art.

Ye Xingchen, the reborn Emperor of the Great Emperor, even practiced the Ling Jian Shen Jue, but still only martial arts.

"Start!" The referee shouted.

Zhou Zhouhong and Jian Fei always looked at each other.

Slightly, they backed up ten steps in unison, keeping enough distance from each other.

The two did not burst into momentum and psionics, just look at me, I see you, the picture looks like a freeze.

Xun Jun often twitched at the corner of her mouth and said, "Here it is."

When Zhou Hong entered the faction, he thought that the swordsman and swordsman duel must be dull, and the swordsman and swordsman duel must be more boring!

"Bright sword." Zhou Hong said.

Jian Jian extraordinary said: "My sword, only when it comes out of the sheath."

"Take it."

"As soon as I make a move, the sword must see blood."

所以 "So I'll do it first?"

"Fighting with sword repair, I like to let my opponent out first."


"Because the strength of the opponent can be measured, it is not worth the sword."


The corners of the mouth twitched.

Two of you, you are fighting, can you not chat, can you fight, we are all sleepy!

他们 "They are in a hurry."

Zhou Zhouhong said: "We must want us to fight quickly."

Wu Jian extraordinary said: "They don't understand. The conversation between you and me is actually a contest."

Xun Jun often laughed and couldn't stand it.

He would like to send a ‘Is this the world of Jian Xiu’ emoji to express his collapse.


Zhou Honghong's sword finally came out of the sheath, saying: "Unknown to the world, Jian Xiu is destined to be lonely."

"Deeply agree." Sword extraordinary.

Zhou Zhou Hong held the sword alone and said, "I've made a move."

"Please." Sword extraordinary.

brush! brush! brush!

Zhou Hong took a step forward, and the ancient long sword suddenly slashed in the void, and every sword light burst away instantly.

"So fast!" The strong men of all factions startled.

Even though they were watching intently, they still didn't catch how many times Zhou Hong was out of sword!

The extraordinary sword was captured, and my heart was shocked!

He even drew sixty swords, even more than thirty swords!

This definitely uses some deep sword skills!

"锵 ————"

When thinking, the sword was one-handed, and the three-foot sword appeared out of thin air, and in the void, he cut out a unique sword style.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The two swords gas suddenly collided, and there was a crisp sound, as if the wonderful music intertwined.

Wu Jianqi was all offset, and the two were still standing with their swords.

Zhou Zhou said: "You shot twice."

Jian Jian extraordinary smiled bitterly: "You are too angry with the sword, I can only shoot one more time."

"Sword potential!"

Zhou Zhou turned his wrist and said, "Jing Hong!"

The sword came out of the sheath, the sword light flashed!


Pierce unparalleled sword energy, with the cold and cold momentum to attack the sword extraordinary, the power is far stronger than when the show in Death Valley!

青 Li Qingyang and others are getting stronger, always in Zhou Hong of Wu Jian. If you stay there, you will see a ghost.


Facing the coming sword qi, Sword extraordinary was holding the sword with both hands, and suddenly chopped from top to bottom, yelling: "Changhong Guanri!"


Qi Jian burst out of air!


The two swords slammed into each other directly, and the cold and violent wind screamed in an instant, and the faces of the sweeping people were as painful as a knife!

虽然 Although the two sword repair nonsense is more, but the real fight against each other, the outbreak of the sword is so scary!

The second match, with equal fanfare!

Zhou Zhouhong bent down slightly, showing a chill in his vicissitudes.


For a moment, a spirit-like momentum emerged from the whole body, and the leaves that fluttered in the wind were immediately cut off on the spot!

The slate smashed by Xiao Xieji and Qing Linfeng fighting at the foot was also cut into a small piece!

Yan Jian wrinkled an extraordinary brow, closed his sword, and said, "You won."


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Judging from the situation, no one can help but surrender?

Only Ye Xingchen knows that the sword potential released by Zhou Hong is actually the second form of Ling Jian Shen Jue—two-character Qi Jue!

Only after practicing Ling Jianshen Jue for less than a year, he realized the second style, and the kendo qualification was really powerful.


Zhou Zhouhong retracted his sword into the sheath, and said, "It's accepted."

He would like to have a great battle with Sword Extraordinarily, but at this moment, he represents the Iron-Bone faction, and he should mainly win the competition.

Jian Jian extraordinary put the sword into the space ring, arching: "If there is a chance in the future, the sword will go to the iron bone pie, and then you will learn your sword."

"Welcome at any time." Zhou Hongdao.


Everyone collapsed.

You two have a lot of nonsense, but ended the fight in less than 1 minute, too fucking.

This is the battle between sword repair.

Once falling to the opponent to some extent, unless there is a separate life and death, there is no need to continue the battle.

not to mention.

Zhou Hong was stronger than Jian Fei on the sword, and he also performed the second style of Ling Jian Shen Jue.

He is not a battle of life and death, why should he die?

Uh ...

Wu Jianxiu's duel ended with a triumph of Ironbone faction. The injury must be the Holy Spring Sect.

"Chao Nine."

Elder Wu Jin's voice shivered, "This last battle must be won!"

"I know, I know." Gu Chaojiu scratched his head and walked to the Wuchang Stadium lazily.

"Well, go." Jun Chang laughed.

Lu 芊芊 touched the bracelet he gave himself, and stepped onto Wuchang.

"The last battle is often the finale, but the Ironbone faction sent a female disciple?"

"Too many wins, do you not respect the Holy Spring Sect?"

"In my opinion, maybe it is to let the water go. To the lower level of the Five-Class School, after all, we have lost 71 games."

Everyone whispered.

Ignoring Gu Jiuyi, he secretly said, "I have already lost seventy-one games?"

No wonder the faces of the elders and colleagues are so ugly!

Gu Chaojiu, who was a bit jealous at first, was about to stand upright, and his eyes became sharp, as if he had changed his personality instantly.

"Girl ~ ~" He solemnly said: "Although you are a woman, for the sake of martial arts, Gu Mou will not show mercy. "

Lu Yan stopped, and said lightly, "Iron bone sect disciple, Lu Yan."

"Shengquan disciple, Gu Chaojiu."

After the two men reported their names, the referee shouted, "Start!"

"KaKaKa ————"

Suddenly, a chill of cold air whistled from Lu Yan's body, and the ground was frozen quickly wherever he passed.

"I go!"

Gu Chaojiu was shocked and said, "Ice military martial arts!"

"Nine heavy frozen hands!"

Lu Lu held up his right palm with an ice bracelet, and a more powerful cold swept through.

"not good!"

Gu Gu Chaojiu's face changed, and she was about to use her body style to escape, but the speed became slow under the turbulence of the cold, and the frost gradually filled the entire face.


圣 The saint Linggen's personally-disclosed disciple is about to speak. Under the frenzied frenzy of the cold current, his legs suddenly opened and turned into running ice sculptures.


With a wave of long sleeves, Lu Lun swept through with thick spiritual power, instantly pushed him to the ground ice, and slid down to perform in the martial arts.


Everyone almost fell down collectively!


After a few breaths, Gu Chaojiu unblocked.

冻 He froze and sneezed on his shoulders, his nose running down unconsciously.

"Elder Kim."

Xun Jun often arched with a smile: "Sorry, I sent my disciples to win again."

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