The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 292: Complete the mission and break through Wuzong!

The last game is often a final battle, which will be extremely fierce.

But at the beginning of the game, Gu Chaojiu was frozen in ice, then kept running and slid out of the martial arts court, letting the forces of all parties surprise.

This ... is it over?


朝 Gu Chaojiu, who has the qualification of the Holy Spirit, has lost only nine words after the referee shouted.

程度 Tragedy degree, do not lose the law.

After all, that is the strongest disciple of the Holy Spring Sect!

I can only say that.

Because Gu Chaojiu had no idea that Lu Yan was an ice martial art, nor did he think of the intensity of the cold, and he could freeze himself!

Night Ye Xingchen frowned, and secretly said, "This woman has control over the ice system, and she has reached the point where she is in full fire."

He is confident of defeating Gu Chaojiu, but it will never be so easy.

到底 What is this master sister doing? What kind of ice training method did you practice? Can it be so powerful?

"Elder Kim."

Xi Jun often laughed: "I'm sorry, I sent my disciples to win again."


Elder Wu Jin could not bear it anymore, and a spit of blood spewed out on the spot.

The corners of the parties twitched.

Seventy-two matches and lost seventy-two games.

They can now understand the pain of Elder Jin and understand his vomiting blood!

This is to be replaced by your own martial arts and iron bones. If you lose the tenth game, you may have lost your consciousness.


Today, the Holy Spring Sect is completely planted!

Xun Jun's head is now very cool.

After Lu Lu defeated Gu Chaojiu, he met the defined conditions. Epic task 3 was completed, the completion degree was 120%, and 1000 contribution points were obtained.

因为 Because of the over-completion, I got a printing amulet, a bottle of qualification transformation fluid, and some experience.


Why didn't I break through ...

君 Just when Jun Chang laughed, the psionic energy in the body began to rotate wildly, the cyclone gradually materialized, and finally a crystal-like existence condensed!

"What is this?" He was surprised.

System said: "This is the spiritual core unique to Wu Zong. It belongs to the upgraded version of Cyclone. It can store more spiritual power and transform it into stronger psionic energy."

"So it is." Jun Chang smiled and realized.


此时 At this moment, a pure psionic energy emerged from the spiritual core, slowly rotating beside it, and a cyclone came together.

"What's the situation?" Jun Chang laughed.

The system was surprised: "The host actually condensed a cyclone after breaking through Wuzong!"

According to the data it searches for the starfall continent, some martial arts can open two or more cyclones in Dantian for some reason.

But after breaking through Wuzong, no matter how many cyclones, they will merge into one body, forming a larger spiritual core than others.

Benefits are sufficient space, sufficient capacity and strong endurance!

突破 Breakthrough Wuzong, like Jun Changxiao, has converged into the nucleus, and it has also spawned a cyclone. The mainland is completely undocumented!

The system was a little sloppy for a while.


At this moment, the psionic energy existing in the psychic core began to condense and gradually became pure!

Xun Jun often laughs and feels that his strength is increasing madly, easily breaking through 150,000 jin, 200,000 jin, 250,000 jin ...


Ascension stopped.

System said: "Break through the martial arts from the military division, double the original strength, the host has another cyclone, and now the strength has reached 300,000 kilograms!"

300,000 catties?

Xun Jun often laughed and became hot.

He experienced the thrill of 300,000 jins of strength, but relied on the power increase.

Now that I am entering Wuzong, I really have this level of strength, and I feel that there must be a difference!

Systems said: "The strength of an ordinary Wu Zong is about 100,000. Although the host just broke through, one of them will be fine."

"How much strength is there in the highly qualified Wu Zong?" Jun Chang laughed.

The system calculates and says, "The top grade Wuzong, the power can reach 250,000, and the host is 50,000 higher."

"Only 50,000."

This is only 50,000 said true.

You know, the system is talking about the superb Wuzong. This kind of existence is the top genius in the star continent!

宿主 "The host broke through Wuzong, 50,000 higher than the top genius, and can be classified as a super genius!"

Super Genius?

It sounds very hanging!

The evaluation given by the system is not without starburst continent.

Some high-level sects must have holy products and divine spirit roots. They may rarely make shots, but their strength is absolutely crushing the best spiritual roots!

"Ding! The host successfully broke through to the second martial arts master!"

When you hear the prompt, Jun Chang laughs and the blood bursts out. After all, every time you finish the epic task, the repair will be promoted one after another!

But after waiting for a while, there was no further promotion.

Xun Jun often twitched at the corner of his mouth and said, "Complete the epic mission, from the peak martial artist to the second product Wuzong?"

"After the great realm is promoted, the higher the difficulty of cultivation, the host stepped into Wuzong and upgraded one product, is it still not satisfied?" The system said silently.

Of course not satisfied.

How can I break through to the third or fourth grade!

and many more!

The outside world is so quiet?

Xun Jun often smiled and hurriedly regained his heart, only then realized that everyone around him was staring at himself with big eyes, with unbelievable eyes.

I was stunned by the disciples nearby.


青 Li Qingyang's shocked voice said: "Are you ... just so loud, did you break through to Wu Zong?"

When Xun Jun broke through, the whole body released a strong air, which instantly filled most of the performance martial arts field, and immediately shocked everyone present.

Oh my God!

Bring your disciples to challenge the Holy Spring Sect, and you can break through the realm by the way, what exactly is this operation!


Xun Jun often explained with a rather awkward smile: "The disciples won seventy-two games and did not hold back for a while. They exposed the hidden practice. Don't mind, don't mind."

As soon as this remark was made, the corners of the mouth twitched again.

This guy who seems to have only Xiushi Xiu ~ ~ originally hide Xiuwei.

I just said.

Even if you really break through the realm, you can't burst into the promotion momentum one after another!

Everyone believed the poor lie of Jun's head.

Because they don't think that someone can take the first grade into the second grade after breaking through Wu Zong.

Speaking again.

七 The head of a Qiliu martial arts team has Wu Zong's cultivation, which is really incredible!

青 Li Qingyang and others also lingered.

It turned out that the head has been hiding and repairing, it turned out to be a real Buddhism!

Can't see through, can't see through!

"What strength do I have now?" Jun Chang laughed.

Systems Road: "According to the promotion level of the host, it should be about 330,000."

"Break through a grade to improve 30,000?"

"Wu Zong's power increased by 10,000 ~ 20,000 kilograms, and the host can reach 30,000, which is far beyond the highest standard."


Xun Jun often gave a laugh, then looked at Elder Jin, who was shaking with anger, and said, "My iron-bone disciples have been able to fight, and I will leave first."

Complete missions and level up.

I'm meaningless here, I'm sure to leave.

Elder Wu Jin pressed the air of fire: "Since the head of the Jun came to challenge thousands of miles, he only let his disciples fight, I'm afraid I can't justify it?"

"What do you mean?" Jun Chang laughed.

Elder Wu Jin said: "Since the head of the monarch has Wu Zongxiu, the elder would like to teach him some tricks."

PS, for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets.

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