The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 877: Emotionally

The appearance of the true sun set greatly enriched the disciples' equipment library.

Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin, and said, "If this equipment can be mass-produced, it must be equipped for the battle riding hall. It must be old."

At this point, I got up and went to Xiyutang.

"Li Tangzhu."

Jun Chang smiled in and said, "Notify the sub-rudders in Beimozhou and let them contact the Wind Lord ..."

The sound came to a halt.

Because Li Luoqiu came out from the inner hall.

She has put on a brand new true sun set, and the feminine war armor wraps her body, which is particularly graceful. A pair of silver war boots cover her legs, making it extraordinarily long.


"do I look good?"

Li Luoqiu stopped and turned around in front of him. The red cloak swept past the dog's left face, permeating the fragrant fragrance.

Even if the woman wore similar armor, she still couldn't hold back the charming and charming temperament.

"Good, good." Jun Chang smiled and praised.

Appreciate a beautiful woman from the perspective of appreciation without bringing any other thoughts.

Li Luoqiu sat down, poured tea for the lord, and smiled, "What are you looking for?"

Jun Chang laughed out a form and put it on the table, saying: "Notify the North Mozhou side to split the rudder, and let the wind ruler transport more of the ore listed above."

He won't go to these trivial matters in person, just leave it to his disciples.


Li Luoqiu took it over and laughed: "This kind of clothing should be more suitable for Lu Yan."

Jun Chang laughed: "She doesn't like red."

Li Luoqiu blinked and smiled with a hint: "The suzerain knows a lot about the big disciple, even she doesn't like red."

"They also know Li Qingyang." Jun Chang laughed.

The first disciples who entered Zongmen all knew about Lu Ye's dislike of red, but maybe they have forgotten or ignored it for so many years.

As the master of a sect, the monarch's preference for his disciples must be borne in mind.


When I returned to the study, the reminder sounded again in my ear.

With a wave of his hand, Jun Chang smiled and took out the freshly made steel wings.

Although this equipment is named under the name 'Steel', a pair of wings seems to be transparent, which is difficult to find without careful observation.

It's normal.

The steel straight man is also the body of the fetus, and it is not really made of steel.

"Try it."

The idea communicates with it, and the wings fly up and set themselves behind, then completely hidden.

"Not bad," Jun Chang laughed.

The starry continent can step on flying swords and fly on Yubao, but with a pair of wings it seems to be swaggering, and it is actually very good to hide.



A slight sound of waving wings came.

Jun Chang flew up with a smile, locked the mountain peaks behind, and flew out.

When he reached his destination, he said, "Flying speed has increased a lot, but it is far from the mechanical wing."

"It's also good to have a disciple who breaks through the Emperor Wuhuang. At least in dealing with the enemy, he can take advantage of speed or better retreat."

Although the mechanical armed wing is cool, it is too expensive, and it is destined to not provide a large number of disciples. The steel wing only needs ore to be refined, which is very suitable for large-scale equipment.

The disciples are full of sun suits, and there are wings that increase the flying speed. The combat effectiveness is absolutely strong.

Jun Chang smiled and rubbed his hands, and said, "Go to the battlefield of the plane, fight him dark!"

Inside the hall.

Jiang Xie, the Ning Brothers, and others got true sun sets and wings of steel, and they were all ecstatic after testing the effect!

In their current state, it is a little difficult to break through the small level, and they can only rely on equipment to carry out external blessings.


Jun Chang smiled and took out the newly-made Zhongpin Plastic Body Dan and Zhongpin Plastic Spirit Dan, saying: "One for each person."

He has taken these two elixirs first, his body and soul have been significantly improved, and his strength has been further improved.

Because elixir is limited.

Jun Changxiao temporarily gave it to elders and the host and core disciples such as Li Qingyang.

As for the follow-up refining, they will be distributed to the disciples in order to give them double sublimation in body and soul.

A few days later.

Su Xiaomo, who had restored his original appearance, returned to Wanguzong and was warmly welcomed by his colleagues.

In particular, Li Fei gave a hug fiercely, saying, "Brother Su, brother, I want to die for you."

"Get off!"

Su Xiaomo pushed him away, hurried to the cafeteria, and said sadly, "Deep, make something delicious for your brother!"

"I'm coming!"

Liu Wanshi stepped out of the kitchen and hit her finger.

One black and two black came in with all kinds of dishes, and in a short time they filled a large table.

This is for her brother alone, and some dishes have not even eaten Junjun.

Su Xiaomo couldn't care less. He took the chopsticks Fengyun Canyun to eat it, and shed tears while eating, grinning and choking, "A hundred times stronger than Taixuan Shengzong's food ... No, a thousand times stronger!"

"Brother, you are almost hungry to become skinny." Liu Wanshi distressed.

After Su Xiaomo had eaten and drank enough, he came to the main hall and arched his hand and said, "Practice Su Xiaomo, see Suzerain."

Jun Chang laughed and walked down, patted his shoulder and said, "This time you worked hard."

"For the patriarch, for the lord!"

Su Xiaomo shouted, "It doesn't matter if you are bitter or tired!"

Jun Chang laughed and threw a ring and said, "There are 50,000 natural spirit stones in it."

"Five ... five thousand?" Su Xiaomo's eyes widened ~ ~ So many spirit stones are absolutely huge, even the elders of Taixuan Shengzong may not be able to easily take them out!

"You can't neglect cultivation while undercover."

Although Taixuan Shengzong has martial art resources to cultivate his disciples, Su Xiaomo is now only an outsider. If he wants to make any substantial breakthrough, he can only make up for it by secretly relying on natural spiritual stones.

"Thank you lord!" Su Xiaomo said.

Jun Chang smiled, "Is that disciple named Xia Shuiyun still entangled you?"

"Uh ..." Su Xiaomo scratched his head and said, "I will come to my disciples to do the task every three or five."

Jun Chang laughed backhandedly: "Emotional things are happening right now. What can be difficult to say?"

Su Xiaomo's eyes widened.

At any time, he was convinced of what the suzerain said, but his emotional affairs were full of doubt!

"of course."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Lao Wei is not emotionally under this seat. You can also ask him."

When he said that, his face was not flushed or panted.

"Yes!" Su Xiaomo exclaimed.

"Go and make up for the wasted months as soon as possible."


Su Xiaomo retreated.

However, instead of practicing, he entered Yaotang to find Wei Lao.

It was not until the two hours of the exchange that they started to open up, chanting, as if clearing away the clouds and clouds and heading to the back mountain.

Su Xiaomo returned to Wanzong for two purposes, one is to eat Liu Wanshi's meal, and the other is to ask Wei Lao's emotional affairs!

Therefore, Wei Qingfeng not only administers Yaotian and Yaotang, but also occasionally makes guest appearances with emotional experts to teach his disciples, and he can teach anyone, but he cannot teach Jungou leftovers.

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