The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 878: Battlefield

In order to make up for Su Xiaomo's undercover practice time, Jun Chang laughed and gave him a lot of natural spirits.

This treatment is not comparable to Li Qingyang and others.

As for the Zhenyang set, Zhongpin Plastic Body Dan and Plastic Soul Dan, they are also indispensable. Finally, two surged amulets were given.

Although the surge of talisman is not available for the time being, as long as it enters the level of the peak Wuwang, it is equivalent to having two opportunities to become the Wuhuang, which is convenient to save lives when necessary.

of course.

The monarch is still thinking about the opportunity to perform a play for his disciples as ‘juntian elderly’.

How to act.

When are the performances particular?

However, the point is that there must be Fan children playing, and sparks and lightning must be along the way, so that they can shock the Taixuan Shengzong and make them value Su Xiaomo more.

"It will take some planning." Jun Chang smiled secretly.

After consulting Xiao Wei from Lao Wei, he focused on cultivation.

Because his realm is stagnant, and he has distanced himself from his peers, he must not be able to go to the battlefield of the plane, not to mention that there is not much time to come out from Taixuan Shengzong.

A few days later.

After experiencing the tower, the mystery of life and death, and the mystery of time and space, he came to the hall and resigned: "Sect, disciples are going back."

Jun Chang laughed: "Pay attention to safety."


In front of the mountain gate, the disciples saw off for Su Xiaomo.

As Liu Wanshi wiped her tears, she waved her hand and said, "Brother, if you don't have enough dry food, you can come back to Zongmen Bu!"

This time she made a lot of snacks and put them in the space ring to keep them fresh for a while.

"Thank Shimei!"

At the foot of the mountain, Su Xiaomo turned around and waved to the suzerain and his fellow doormen. After leaving Southwest Yangzhou, he brought the magic mask on and restored Su Jintang's identity.

Although he was undercover for a year in the Taixuan Shengzong, it was nothing more than imagination. Only in the ancient times could he find a home.

So in order to go home early and complete the suzerain's entrustment, you must climb faster!


Liu Wanshi worried: "Brother Su won't reveal the stuffing, right? What to do if he is found? Will he be arrested and tortured?"

Jun Chang twitched at the corner of his mouth and said, "Girl, can't you think of something auspicious?"

of course.

It is also necessary to consider such matters, and in any emergency, the protection of the disciples must be given priority.


After sending Su Xiaomo away, Jun Chang smiled and clapped his hands and said, "It's time for business."

What's the matter?

Go to the plane battlefield to do things!



Ten core disciples of Lu Yan, Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, Li Fei, Tian Qi, He Wudi, Long Ziyang, Yang Yuhua, Ling Yuanxue, and Song Xuanzhou stopped at the battlefield entrance.

Zhou Hong could not go for the time being.

Because it did not reach the peak sword king level.

There is a difference between kendo and martial arts, and it is not just a matter of raising the skit.

Of course, as long as you comprehend Gaoshen Kendo and step into Sword Emperor, your combat effectiveness will definitely be stronger than your fellow martial art practitioners.

In addition to the big disciples, Li Qingyang and others all wore true sun suits, just like generals who went to the front line to support at any time.

Jiang Xie, Brother Ning, Ge Lao, Ding Xingwang, and Gongsun Haohai stood in front of the ten disciples.

For the time being, the six are high-level combat power in the true sense of Wan Guzong. Although Wei Lao recovered his strength, he still manages the drug field behind the scenes.

The King of the Purple Witch and King Baiqiu also came.

These two orcs are comparable to the holy level, and definitely belong to the golden thug level.

As for whether or not the strong man of the place can be severely abused, it depends on both of them and Ding Xingwang.


Not long after, Jun Chang laughed and walked over.

Xiaolonglong and Xiaomoxian followed the master. Both of them were still unpleasant to their eyes, staring all the way, their eyes were sore.

Stop in front of the portal in the extraterrestrial battlefield.

Jun Chang smiled solemnly and said: "The battlefield on the plane is extremely dangerous, so you must take it seriously, and you must not underestimate the enemy."


Everyone cried.


Jun Chang laughed with a snapping finger and said, "Go!"


Li Qingyang took the lead in entering the streamer portal until he heard the ‘state of inconsistency, unable to enter’ prompt, and then crushed the surge of talisman given by the suzerain.

"After testing, the entrant's level reaches the royal level, which meets the minimum conditions for entry. The transmission device is being activated, loading 10% ... loading 30% ... loading 100%, transmitting!"

"call out!"

Li Qingyang disappeared out of thin air.


Jun Chang laughed: "It can be mixed in with the surge of charm!"

Xiao Guiji and Li Fei, who did not reach the imperial rank, crushed the surge of talisman and were teleported in sequence. During the process, the blood burned and the mood seemed a little nervous.

How terrible is the battlefield of planes that can cause the suzerain to be injured?

look forward to.

Looking forward!


The sky is dark and the earth is blood red.

The strong killing air is rippling in the air.

This is the battlefield of the plane, a Shura field that only kills and is killed.

In the stronghold of only a few tens of square meters representing the continent of stars, the flags fluttered in the wind, which was a bit desolate.


"Where did that guy go!"

At a high altitude outside the stronghold, two or thirty warriors in uniform were hovering, with a slight anger on their faces.

They come from the Red Sea continent.

Jun Chang laughed and the first person killed on the battlefield came from this face.


A warrior Shen said: "That guy won't be killed by others?"

"If killed, there should be a reminder." The middle-aged man headed frowned.

"It's strange to say, why did the face of Starfall Continent appear on the battlefield of planes out of thin air, and why did someone come?"

Others are also puzzling.

According to the rules of the battlefield, at least 2,000 people must be dispatched to enter this place, and the bases to be given have a relatively large range. It is like a star-studded continental site below with a room size.

"Will you wash the red light and hide in a corner of the battlefield secretly?" Someone speculated.

"At the moment, only this one is possible."

The crowd did not worry too much about why the stronghold of the starfall continent appeared, but they have been looking for Jun Changxiao, looking for more than half a year.

Taking one blood is secondary.

First and foremost is revenge for the companion who has died.



Suddenly, dozens of streamers flew in the distance.

These people are from the Lingyun continent, and like the Chihai continent, they are always looking for a smile.

It is said that there is no need to pay attention to the in-plane battlefield. It is enough to meet directly to kill, but the two strong planes are separated by hundreds of feet, but they do not reveal any war intentions.

Not that they don't want to fight.

It ’s because they have been fighting each other a lot, and gradually formed a tacit understanding ~ ~ I want to fight, and make time to kill Shura field!

Kill Shura field.

A main kill zone.

According to the upper bound, the designated plane must enter the killing Shura field for slaughter within a certain period of time.

of course.

This requirement was later added, but it was not there at the beginning.

The reason is that the upper realm wants the lower realm to fight each other, and the warriors of the lower realm are not stupid, often they will form a tacit understanding. You don't offend me, I don't offend you.

It was embarrassing for you to kill and sit down and drink tea together.

Therefore, the upper definition stipulates that the new entry plane must enter the killing Shura field to kill in a certain time.

(End of this chapter)

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