The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 936: Be a melon eater

Chapter 937: Becoming A Crowd

The sudden emergence of the Emperor's Gate frequently shot, and in a few days, several sects were destroyed, and certainly not to be tolerated by the famous sects, so two first-class sects took the lead and launched an attack with more than ten second- and third-class sects.

For a time, the eyes of warriors and forces from all sides focused on the Western Yunzhou.

Xiyutang's intelligence network has also begun to operate, and dozens of pieces of information are sent daily. After screening, Li Luoqiu informed the suzerain of important information.


Jun Chang, who was sitting and fishing by the pond, laughed. After hearing the latest information, he was surprised: "This Mo Emperor's Gate actually has four martial arts occupants, and his strength is a bit to be reckoned with."

Li Luoqiu said: "The two first-class masters have a lot of casualties."


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "A bunch of miscellaneous fish."


Li Luoqiu twitched slightly.

To attack the two first-class ancestral gates of the Emperor's Gate, four and a half saints, ten emperors, and dozens of emperors were sent. The lineup can be described as luxurious, and the suzerain was described as `` miscellaneous fish ''.

If Li Tangzhang went to the battlefield of the plane, and saw Jun Chang laughing with a heart-struck slaughter, he would understand why he described it this way.

The monarch is also the person who has experienced the big scene now.

Don't say anything about the semi-sacred and martial emperor. Even if there are dozens of martial arts in front of you, you won't be surprised.

"This Mo Emperor's Gate is the Ancestral Force that has sneaked up on its own. If there is no **** strength, it will definitely not be openly opposed to the famous gate." Jun Chang laughed and murmured.

According to the information he currently possesses, he has determined that he has repeatedly attacked his masked black man repeatedly, that is, the remnant of the magic gate that was separated from the Emperor Sect that year. The guy who invited himself in Fenghua Valley may be one of the leaders.


Western Canton.

On a mountain, the spirit can be wanton, and the space is distorted to the extreme.

This is the place where the Emperor's Gate warriors and the famous gates fought against each other. Although the battle has ended, the existence of the killing spirit is still strong.

"Isn't that the first class gate?"

A burly man in a black battle armor stood on the battlefield, carrying a **** beast thigh.

Standing next to a slender man, he picked his forehead hair and said lightly: "This kind of garbage, the deputy keeper should not send us a shot."

"Ghost charm."

A humpbacked old man came and said in a deep voice: "You are getting bolder now, dare to question the orders of the deputy host."

The ghostly man laughed and said, "I'll just say it casually, don't button your hat casually."

"Let's go."

A graceful woman withdrew the dagger and said lightly, "Hui Zongmen."

Although the looks of these four people are different, there is a chilling enchantment all over their bodies, and their cultivation is also at the royal level.

These are the four main defense methods of the Emperor's Gate that emerged out of thin air. The burly man is called a man, the slender man is called a ghost, the old man with a humpback is called Yin Dove, and the beautiful woman is called Ying.

In the fierce battle just now, there were at least five or six hundred famous orthodox warriors who died in the hands of the four, and they were absolutely the main force.

"The Zongmen forces in the Western Yunzhou state are almost out of control. When do you go to other states to play? For example ..." Ghostly smiled: "The nearest southwest Yangzhou."

The shadow who walked in front said: "This state has the ancient emperor ancestors, and the deputy lord has a command. Don't provoke it for the time being."

"I'm surprised!"

Ghost charm said: "Evans have killed many of us, why didn't the deputy keeper let us go?"

Yin Dou Leng Bu Dinger said, "You question the deputy again."

"No, no, don't talk nonsense!" Ghostly said.

Mangfu looked southwest, and grinned, "I heard that the disciples of Wan Guzong are very strong, and the family really wanted to meet them."

"Come on."

Ghost rolled his eyes and said, "Just as you are brute force, you can smash this Zongmen mountain with one punch."

"The deputy owner has his own ideas, and we, as subordinates, just have to obey." Ying said.

The ghost shrugged, "I'll just talk about it."


Longevity, Longshou Peak.

Li Luoqiu also made a routine return: "According to statistics, in the battle of Qingling Mountain in Western Yunzhou, the famous gate led by two first-class sects was decently wounded and injured more than a thousand people."

"Where is the Demon Gate?"

"Hurt a hundred people."

"Only wounded and not dead?"


With a smile, Jun Chang retracted the fishing rod and said, "This is a bit powerful."

Li Luoqiu said: "According to the information sent by the spies, the disciples of the Emperor's Gate are all demons, and they can forcibly inspire their strength. Although there are many decent people, they are completely crushed."

"Hidden in the dark for such a long time, suddenly the big light suddenly came out. Naturally, the well-known decent people would suffer a lot if they didn't take it seriously." Jun Chang laughed.

Li Luoqiu said: "Many first-rate big gates are in action. In my opinion, the good show has just begun."

Jun Chang smiled, hung up the fishing bait, and threw out the rod, laughing: "So we are in charge of watching the show."

He needs to master the general trend of the world, but he is not interested in participating in such a thing as the battle of positive demons, after all, he is not targeting himself.


Jun Chang laughs and is curious.

How capable this Mo Emperor Gate is, and dare to fight against the famous gates of the entire continent.


The emergence of the Emperor Gate broke the long-lasting peace and made many warriors realize that the world would become unstable.


Within a few days, invitations were issued by several top ancestors headed by the Emperor Taixuan Shengzong, inviting senior officials of each sect to discuss how to slay the Demon Gate.

Wan Guzong also received the invitation, but Jun Chang laughed and shredded the invitation card with a single glance, saying: "I have no interest in participating in the affairs between you and the demons, and just want to be a melon-eating crowd."


"Cangshan sent Elder Horse to meet."


Inside the hall.

Ma Yunteng sat in the first place, his face was a bit ugly.

Yesterday, Zongmen received an invitation to go to Huiyingshan to discuss the imperial gate.

Cangshan faction heard about the Emperor's Gate.

This kind of force that destroys the Four Sects and its playlike powers must not be aroused.

But the top ancestors sent invitations, so I was embarrassed not to go, so the top management was very entangled, and finally sent Ma Yunteng to Vanguard, to ask the monarch's opinions.

"Don't go."

Jun Chang laughs and gives advice.

Ma Yunteng said bitterly: "Since then, it is equivalent to offending several top schools."

Jun Chang laughed: "Elder Ma, the intention of these big gates to invite yours is nothing but serving as cannon fodder when dealing with the gate of the Emperor."

"That's why the head will send the old man to seek the opinion of the monarch and suzerain." Ma Yunteng said.

Jun Chang laughed in a deep voice: "The Emperor's Gate was killed this time, and it was also aimed at those major gates. Our little gates have no strength to compete and can only watch the fire from the other side."

Ma Yunteng: "..."

My Cangshan faction really has no strength to compete, but you ca n’t say it forever.


Ma Yunteng got up ~ ~ Gongshoudao: "I Cangshan sent the monarch to watch the fire across the bank."

After giving this ally's opinion, Jun Chang laughed and thought of another ally, so he murmured, "Willn't the woman go to the appointment silly, right?"


Li Luo Qiulai Daily: "The invitation to Miaohua Palace, the Lord of the Palace led the elders to Yinghui Mountain."


Jun Chang smiled for a moment and thought, "This seat is not involved, but you can make soy sauce in the past."

At this point, I settled the case of Zongmen, got up and flew out, and went to Yinghui Mountain at a very fast speed.

The major gates came together to discuss how to slay the Emperor Gate. As the elder monarch, he was a member of the circle, and there was nothing wrong with the Jungou left to see.

Li Luoqiu, standing on the Xiyu Peak, shook his head and said, "In the character of the suzerain, go and see if something goes wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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