The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 937: Is Yinghui Mountain your home? Not allowed to come up?

Chapter 938: Ying Huishan Is Your Home? Not allowed to come up?

The starfall continent has a very special mountain named Yinghui Mountain. The mountain is not full of aura and the scenery is average, but it is highly worshipped by the world. There are countless warriors who come here every year to visit.


Because the demon order was issued here.

From that day on, Mingmenzheng fought a decisive battle with the Emperor Demon Sect, leaving a battle sufficient for future generations to praise.

Thousands of years later, under the operation of several first-class Zongmen, the high-level Zongmen from the south to the north rushed towards Yinghui Mountain again.

of course.

Demon Gate is not as good as Demon Sect.

The scale of this decent denomination was far less than one-tenth that time.

"He Sovereign!"

"Head of Gong!"

At the foot of Mount Yinghui, the two ancestors met and spoke politely, then walked together on the long-established stone staircase, their eyes awed with awe.

At that time, the ancestors negotiated on this mountain to discuss the Emperor Emperor Sect, in exchange for thousands of years of peace for the starfall continent, and future generations will naturally remember it.

Today, they were invited by the first-class ancestors to discuss again how to deal with the sudden emergence of the Emperor's Gate, and they even raised their sense of mission.

The high-ranking gates of the followers came to pay homage whenever they stopped at Yinghui Mountain. In order to show respect to their ancestors, even if they could fly up, they would choose the way of climbing.


A disciple stood at the foot of the mountain, worshipping with all eyes: "Although this Yinghui Mountain looks very ordinary, the disciple feels a kind and intimate atmosphere!"

The old man in the Jinyi who stood in front of his back arrogantly said, "In those years, we discussed the Emperor Demon Sect. We also sent someone here!"

"So it is!"

The disciple Wu Wu said: "No wonder there is a kind feeling, it turns out that there is a sense of ancestors here!"


The Sovereign said, "Let's go up."


Dozens of disciples followed him up the stairs, all with awe in mind.

Just as the martial arts fighters rushed from Tiannandibei along the long mountain road, an untimely stream flew towards the top of the mountain.

This move instantly annoyed everyone.

"Who is so bold, dares to fly in Yinghui Mountain!"

For a while, countless spiritual thoughts were released, shrouding the streamer that flew upward, and after seeing each other's appearance, Qi Qi was shocked: "Eternal Sect Master!"

"Why is he here?"

"Did the first-rate Zongmen also send invitations to this shameless guy?"

Jun Changxiao, who was on the rise, stopped suddenly, pointing his hair at the mid-mountain ancestor, and said, "You speak like this, you are accused of slander!"

The system said: "I think they are right."

Jun Chang laughed and ignored it, and flew towards the mountain again, leaving only a group of very angry senior men. ,"hateful!"

An old man from Zongmen said angrily, "This gentleman often laughs too arrogantly!"

"I haven't heard of the story of Wan Guzong recently. I thought I changed to a low-key route. I didn't expect to come to Yinghui Mountain!" Someone wondered.

Not to mention, since the end of the Food God Contest, Wan Guzong has not been doing anything on the rivers and lakes for a long time, so that everyone is running out of topics to talk about.

The main thing is the appearance of the battlefield portal, and Jun often laughed a lot, and the disciples also have new copies, so naturally they will not go outside.

in short.

I can compete with all the strong players, how can I have a mood to play with the star warrior mainland warriors?



Jun Chang smiled and fell on the top of the mountain.

Ascending the mountain ahead of time, the high-level officials who were bragging and farting turned around and looked at them with a little surprise on their faces.

What happened to this guy?

Moreover, it depends on the situation!


A middle-aged man in Jinyi flashed his anger after seeing Jun Chang smiling.

This man is proud of the world's sacred suzerain.

Son Ao Wushuang has been in the Dragon and Tiger hegemony and has been abused by Ye Xingchen so far. He is still lying on the bed and it is normal to not look good.


Jun Chang laughed: "There are not many people."

There are already four or five hundred warriors gathered at the top of the mountain.

Among them are the second-rate ancestors and the second- and third-rate ancestors.

of course.

There are also a lot of ancestral gates that have grudges against Wan Guzong.

For example, the Holy Sect of Pride of the World, the Holy Sect of Haoguang who has contended for the mineral veins, and the Great Sacred Sect of the Great Dawn and the Heavenly Sacred Sect of the Dragon and Tiger.

Huashan has a sect of martial arts every year. Participants are nothing more than three or four sects. Today, it is very common for the first and second tiers of ancestors to gather in Yinghui Mountain. The level is higher than that.

"You all."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm here to watch the excitement."

The heads of all the gates were gloomy.

So many gates of the Starfall Continent are gathered together to discuss how to eradicate the sudden emergence of the Emperor's Gate, which is really serious. He even came to see the excitement, does not mean watching the joke of the whole continent!

"Monarch Sovereign."

Ao Huanyu said with a cold face: "Since you have never been involved, please go back."


Jun Chang laughed sitting in front of the huge stone next to him, and said, "Ying Huishan is your house? No one else is allowed to come up?"

Seeing his arrogant appearance, the doormen at the gates were anxious to step up and rub their faces on the ground.

If it is really implemented, the result may be that the mountain is smoothed, and there is nothing in the face. After all, it has taken over the power from the upper world, and the quality is absolutely guaranteed.

Jun often laughed and couldn't connect Ao Huanyu.

"Monarch Sovereign."

A kind-hearted old man walked out, looking earnestly: "The sudden appearance of the Emperor's Gate is of great strength. Since I'm a decent doorman, I can't do anything ..."


Jun Chang smiled and interrupted: "I have never been arrogant and arrogant."

Want to pull me into the pit, there are no doors or windows!

However, this sentence has caused harm to the various gates. After all, they claim to be decent. Isn't this guy changing his method to say that he is decent?

"not to mention."

Jun Chang laughed and continued: "There are several martial arts sects in the Demon Gate. I have limited strength in Wanzong. Even if I am with you, I will not help you."

Speaking is an art.

Dog left is interpreting another art and cannot speak.

It's the same way, and it's the same, and it can't bear to look directly at the major gates.

"Jun always laughs!"

Ao Huanyu said angrily: "I think you're here to find the difference!"

Jun Chang smiled lightly and said, "You haven't ripened melon, and this seat is nothing to do before you run to find fault."


The big door gangsters stared at each other with anger, and the original atmosphere was replaced completely.

Li Tangzhu guessed right.

With Jungou's character left, come and see if it's fine.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Just then, a soft voice came from behind: "Are you really here?"

Qi Jingxuan walked with joy on her face.

The long elder Sun Fanghua and Leng Xingyue face each other, and finally understand why the palace master came to Yinghui Mountain. It turned out that he wanted to see this kid.


Why are the big brothers so ugly? Why look at Jun Changxiao's eyes unfriendly.

Did this guy offend them all?

"Master of the palace."

Jun Chang laughed: "To deal with the Emperor's Gate, we should hand it over to all the main gates present. Don't follow us blindly.

All the big brothers heard that they were even more angry!

Even if you do not participate in the crusade of the Emperor's Gate, you have also challenged other gates not to participate. This is a messy stick!

奚 Jingxuan laughed: "Sovereign monarch ~ ~ I came to Yinghui Mountain just to see the scenery."

"So it is."

Jun Chang smiled and jumped off the boulder, pointed at the distant sea of ​​clouds, and laughed: "Let's go there and enjoy the scenery, don't bother the big brothers to discuss the big things."

Qi Jingxuan froze and followed.

Long Sun Fanghua and Leng Xingyue did not accompany them very much, especially when they looked at the back of Gongzhu and Jun Changxiao. They suddenly felt that they were a perfect match.

The ancestors of each case forced their anger and continued to wait for the arrival of other cases.

However, occasionally, when I look at Xiang Changjun and Xiao Jingxuan talking and laughing, I don't call one place at once!

Such a sacred place.

That guy was openly in love!

(End of this chapter)

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