The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 943: No one can mess with

The ghosts were instigated by the ancient Manzong.

It is also a ghost idea to launch a challenge on the day of recruitment.

In his view, Wan Guzong will definitely fight, after all, he has great prestige on the rivers and lakes.

Not bad.

Jun Changxiao will not refuse any challenge.

As long as you dare to come, then accompany.

Everything is under the control of ghosts, and Meizi is thinking. Waiting for the brutal disciples of Wangu to be severely tortured, and then spreading the news, it will definitely make this sect door shameless.

This guy also knows that Jun Chang laughs very well, and he must find him to challenge for certain tragedy.

Since it is not possible to directly help the deputy's revenge, he can only start with his disciples, and then make the reputation of Wan Guzong greatly diminished.

But when the reckless husband was beaten down, and then suffered a frenzied madness, the plans and plots in his grasp suddenly deviated from control!

"Get up."

Ye Xingchen said coldly.

"Oh my god!"

"I really want to be a disciple of Wan Guzong!"

Many girls held their hands together like flowers, looking at Ye Xingchen, the overbearing president Fan Er.

The ghosts standing under the stage were already shocked with cold sweat at this moment.

The reckless husband has no power to fight back. Although he is stronger than him, he is a little stronger, and he will definitely be abused.

This guy finally understands that when he came to Wanguzong, he would be tortured.

Ghost now wants to leave this place, but it's too late, because people are out to pick up the guests.

calm down!

The ghost took a deep breath and looked at Xiao Xinji: "I didn't choose you, I chose him!"

Ye Xingchen can't afford to mess with this guy!

"Master Ye."

Xiao sinned and said, "He is mine."


Ye Xingchen said coldly, then walked off the ring.


Xiao Guiji arched.

Seeing Ye Xingchen go down, the ghosts completely relaxed, then jumped to the ring, and secretly said, "This opponent I picked has the same strong flavor as Mangfu. He should focus on the flesh. As long as the speed is fast, it should be easy. Get rid of."

He is smarter and has considered his opponents comprehensively.

No matter how reckless a man is, seeing Ye Xingchen despising himself, he didn't hesitate to choose him.


Xiao Xie jumped up.

"Get started." Jun Chang smiled impatiently.

I thought the reckless husband had some strength, but the pretense was good, but in the end he was simply handled by his disciples, so he was not interested in the next battle. It might be better to end early and continue to recruit disciples.


brush! brush! brush!

On the stage, the ghosts cast their body skills, and suddenly turned into a dense shadow.

Xiao's crime was standing in place, not moving like a mountain.


At this moment, Ghost Seize seized the opportunity, and suddenly rushed behind him, with a gloomy atmosphere emerging in his right palm, and suddenly blasted past.


Xiao Guiji did not escape, letting the other party slap him in the back, and then stood still.


Ghostly gazes startled.

"The power is too weak, so be stronger!" Xiao sinned.


The Ghost Charm casts a few steps back, and then quickly strikes a knot with his right hand, condensing more powerful energy to the past!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

All the powerful three palms are in the middle of Xiao's crimes, but the other side is still as stable as Tarzan, and is not satisfied: "Can you be stronger?"

Ghost mouth twitched.

This method is definitely his own killing trick.

And three consecutive bombardment, did not beat him back to the slightest, a little hurt self-esteem!

"This person can't escape, indicating that his body is strong and his speed is poor. Even if he can handle it, it is just a punching bag." Ghost charm has made a decision when analyzing the battle situation, but once or twice, then come a few times!

brush! brush!

The body law was unfolded, and the shadows crisscrossed.

At that moment, Ghost Charm perfected the advantages of his fast speed, sometimes flashing left and right, and sometimes jumping up and down, shocked the young girl's mouth gradually opened, even wondering if he was seeing a ghost!



Explosive sounds were heard frequently.

In a short period of time, ghosts relied on their body style. After finding flaws, they continued to attack Xiao Guiji. After dozens of shots, he panted and stood on the edge of the area, holding his head to collapse and roared, "What has he done? ! "

So many shots have taken a lot of psionic energy.

But the opponent is still standing still, it feels really desperate!


Xiao Xie turned around and said, "Your power is so high. I stand on the spot and let you fight for a long time."


Ghost growled: "You can't escape it!"


Without saying a word, a powerful psionic energy suddenly erupted in front of him, only to see that Xiao Xie had stepped in front of him, and his right hand condensed a strong soil system force, and suddenly blasted the past.

Ghostly pupils suddenly contracted.

Over ...


Xiao Xingji banged with a punch, and the speed and strength of the boxing blasted directly on the ghost's chest like firing a cannon.

Slow down the camera indefinitely, and you will see that the other person ’s facial expression slowly changes, then slowly lifts his feet off the ground, and his body flies in a half bow.


The lens returned to normal, and the ghost exploded and flew out of the ring. Then, after smashing more than ten large trees in succession, it fell down hundreds of feet like a muddy beach, and there were punches on the chest depression, and people died on the spot. .

Ye Xingchen, he couldn't mess with it.

Xiao sinned himself, and he couldn't mess with it.

He is a core disciple of Wanzong, he can't afford it!

"Come here."

Jun Chang laughed: "Just put these two guys in the cell."


Li Fei, Long Ziyang and others carried the half-dead reckless husband and ghosts, and then got up and flew to Wan Guzong.


The shadow hidden in the distance saw the two captured and secretly said, "This is the end of death."

She had just rushed over, and the reckless husband and ghost had already challenged, so it was too late to stop, and she could only hide in the dark to watch.

This result is not unexpected at all.

After all, the deputy owner repeatedly told him not to provoke the Zongmen, and he must have strength.


Ying didn't stop much, left silently, ready to send the news back, but just turned around, but found that in the big tree in front, stood an icy woman in white clothes winning snow ~ ~ Since coming Don't go back. Lu Lu said lightly.

Ying was a little surprised that she would be found, but she calmed down and smiled, "Can you stop me?"


Casting an inscrutable figure and flying over from the other side.


However, a strong chill quickly permeated from behind, and adhered to the body, forming a grain of frost, making the speed greatly reduced instantly.

The shadow's complexion changed slightly. This required the psionic energy to remove all the cold from the body. A sword light suddenly flashed, and then his hands fell to the ground.

Lu Yan held the sword on her neck and said, "I can."


Farther away.

Yin Dou was captured when he saw the shadow, and shook his head, "Girl, although you have the ability to go without a shadow, you are too close to the ancient emperor, and it is normal to be found."


"Let's go back and spread the message."


There was a loud noise, and the ground suddenly sunk in a deep pit.

Yin Dou rolls his eyes and faints in the center area, He Wudi falls slowly from the sky, the corner of his mouth twitches: "This guy, then without hitting?"


"Curvy waves are an attitude, and they are not bound ..."


When Zhao Doudou sang affectionately, the prison door opened immediately, so he hurriedly closed his mouth and said, "Are there new prisoners again?"




The man, the ghost, the ghost and the dove were thrown over.


Zhao Doudou walked over and saw them all fainted, so he sympathetically said: "It is not light to be abused."


Dai Lu beckoned at the wall and said, "Come and welcome our new inmate."

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