The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 944: Zhao Doudou's experience

Demon Gate's four major protection methods, three were held in the male prison with Zhao Doudou and Dai Lu as companions, and the other was held in the female prison with the Jiudu Palace master as companions.

The reckless husband and ghosts come to such an end, they can be regarded as self-sustaining, but Ying and Yin Dou have also been caught in, that really means a bit of lying on the gun.


It was killed by a pig teammate.

Especially ghosts!

Why do you say that? Because when he fights with Xiao Sin, no matter how he is or how he handles, he has a wicked atmosphere, which makes it easy for Jun Changxiao to judge that it may be a demon.

I remembered that I had just beaten the demon gate of the Emperor's Gate a while ago, and now there is a magic repair to challenge the door, there must be any relationship between the two.


During the battle, Jun Chang laughed and said, "One punch will get this guy done."


Xiao Sin had been commanded by the lord, and he no longer made full use of the speed and strength of the beaten sandbags, and directly resolved the ghosts.

Suppose that the two were sent by the Emperor's Gate, then there may be companions lurking in the dark, so Jun Changxiao ordered Lu Yan and others to pay more attention, and they really caught two more.

Not afraid of an opponent like God, but an opponent like Pig.

Reasonable quote!

"Yuan Gongzi."

Jun Chang smiled coldly and said, "You are challenging my bottom line again."

Lying on the hospital bed, if the deputy gatekeeper of the Emperor's Gate knew it, he would vomit blood three times and said: "Sovereign monarch, this has nothing to do with me, they passed it without permission!"


Li Qingyang walked into the hall and said, "How to deal with these four people?"

Jun Chang laughed: "I am worried that I can't find where the Dark Sect forces are hiding. Now I want to take the initiative to give people my head, naturally I must take good care of myself ..." He looked coldly: "Strict punishment!"

Demon gate and Mingmen decent things, he seems to remain neutral, in fact, while the two played against each other, find out the Dark Clan power nest.

Many sneak attacks on disciples of Zongmen that year, Jun Changxiao naturally would not give up.

However, a Dark Sect force that has been dormant for many years, since it dares to stand on the bright side as the gate of the Emperor, must have no fear.

Even if the power of the Zongmen is taken to destroy it, there may be a replacement for the Emperor School and the Emperor Palace.

Deal with this power.

As long as it is shot, it must be fatal!

Xiyutang's intelligence network has been fully operational. Jiang Xie is looking for clues in Manchuria. As long as the Demon Gate continues to make trouble with the Mingmen, it will sooner or later reveal its feet.

This is why, in Ying Huishan, he could easily obliterate the demon gatekeeper of the Emperor's Gate but let him go, because the other party may only be one of the leaders, and it would not be effective if he killed him. He might also alert the other party.

Jun Chang laughs and pretends to be a neutral person. If you kill you, I will be in charge of watching the show. In fact, I will coordinate the overall situation in the dark. After waiting for the power of the Dark Sect who has repeatedly targeted himself, I will use Erya ’s **** little skin. The whip was fiercely beaten.


It is definitely a good opportunity to catch four magic repairs!

"Have they taken away everything they used to kill?" Jun Chang laughed.

Li Qingyang said: "The suzerain is like a god. Poisons are hidden in the sleeves and boots of these populations. The disciples took it to feed the sheep and died directly after eating it."

"The ritual of the dead is not surprising." Jun Chang smiled.


Liu Wanshi came in, wiping her tears, and said, "Several sheep raised by my disciples suddenly died for no reason!"


Li Qingyang was silent, retreating quietly, and then the wind disappeared.


Liu Wanshi chased out of the hall with a kitchen knife and roared loudly: "Second Brother, you dare to poison my sheep!"


In the cell.

Zhao Doudou put one leg on the plank bed and said, "Looking at the misery of the three of you, you must have sinned to death."

As the number one prisoner, there are more prisoners going through it, as long as he can calculate one or two from the injury when he comes in.


Zhao Doudou said: "Don't worry too much. In my experience, as long as the Zongmen forces on your behalf have paid enough ransom, they will definitely be released politely, maybe they will also be in charge of the meal."

He was talking about the several semi-sacred beings captured by the proud saints and the holy light saints.

"I tell you."

"This eternal rice is simply delicious on earth. If you can be redeemed, you only have to eat one meal and you will definitely not lose it!"

"of course."

"The other possibility is to be surrendered."

"In my experience, if you are not the kind of iron-bone cricket generation, it's best to quickly disarm and surrender, because there was a guy with purple hair and who likes to be light-haired, it was hard, and was pulled out every day, and finally I really can't bear the surrender, you talk about it, isn't he living and suffering? "

"The most tragic is me!"

"No one used the money to redeem, and they didn't want to surrender. They had to be kept in the cell for at least two or three ... No, I'm afraid it would be four or five years!"

Zhao Doudou said, wiping tears.

"Little ... boy ..." Woke up, but the ghost with a severely wounded blockage lying on the ground, grinning his teeth: "You ... how about you ... believe it or not ... I will kill you now ... "

Becoming a prisoner without a chance to die made him very upset. Now there is a chattering guy beside him, and the whole person is about to collapse.

Compared to the three, Ying is happier.

There was only an unscrupulous Jiudu Palace owner in the prison cell. Although the room was covered with spiders and scorpions, as a magic repair, naturally he would not be afraid.


Zhao Doudou looked at Dai Lu as if he was facing the wall, and bitterly advised: "The monarch urges you to enter the ancestors many times, and you are so embarrassed."

"I wear laws."

"Don't die in eternity!"

"and so."

Zhao Doudou raised his thumb and admired, "You are the most iron-bone man I have ever seen in prison!"


Just then, the cell opened.

Zhao Doudou quickly jumped off the board bed, then narrowed in the corner.

According to his experience, since there are new prisoners being brought in, the Wanzong side will definitely come to interrogate.


Jun Chang laughed and walked in from the outside, waving to the accompanying disciples.


Li Fei and Tian Qi strode forward ~ ~ to hang the seriously injured three husbands with iron chains.


Jun Chang smiled and sat down, smiling: "Frank and lenient, resist strict."


The reckless husband lifted his head and said, "I ... we don't know anything, we can't say anything. If you want to torture, just ... dead heart."

"is it?"

Jun Chang laughed and didn't believe in evil, so he waved and said, "Entertain the three."


Li Fei and Tian Qi came up with their fists.

As he was about to get started, Yao Mengying appeared at the door of the cell, and said, "Master, can I torture them?"

Zongmen seized the four magical cults. She learned from Liu Wanshi's mouth and hurried over.

"Little sister."

Li Feidao: "Let's leave the torture to the brethren."

Jun Chang smiled, holding his chin, and said, "The girl is also a magic repair, so it seems good to ask her to torture it."

Magic repair?

The reckless husband and the ghosts tried to turn their necks to look at the door.

Until he met Yao Mengying's eyes, his soul seemed to be severely damaged, and his hands and legs shook uncontrollably.

This scene was noticed by Jun Changxiao.


"The three gave you torture."


Yao Mengying came in and said, "Two brothers, please release them."

"Boom!" The chain was taken away.



The loosely bound man and ghosts kneeled directly on their knees, with sincerity and horror on their weak faces, and seemed very afraid and afraid of this little girl who suddenly appeared in the cell.


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