Before this. In a timeline unknown to Sun Wutian and difficult to observe at present, three people who were traveling through time were also affected by the waves of time and space. The future they were originally expected to go to had a huge deviation at this moment.

""Time and space wave?"

Weiss Angel's Staff tapped the void, trying to fix an anchor point in the depths of time and space, so as not to be swept to other timelines or some unknown time and space by the time and space wave.

However, before the angel's power was released and the time and space node was anchored, the square shuttle cube that shuttled through time was swept by the time wave to an unknown world in an unknown timeline. In the dark deep space of the universe, a shuttle cube suddenly appeared out of thin air.


Weiss looked around and quickly let out a surprised sigh.

"What's wrong, Master Weiss?"

"Have we arrived yet?"

Future Trunks asked curiously.

"No, we seem to have come to the wrong place."

"Just now, the time wave affected time a little, causing the future we were originally going to deviate, as if we fell into some unknown time and space."

Weiss explained with a smile, and then lightly tapped the scepter, and the angel power quickly gave feedback, and information about the current world quickly appeared in Weiss's mind.

"Ah, it is indeed the most mysterious time."

"I thought I was dragged into a future world by time, but I didn't expect to return to the more distant past."Weiss said distressedly, with a rare look of emotion on his face.

Even if someone as strong as an angel can master the mystery of time, and can even easily speed up time, stop time, and reverse time, they are still nothing in front of the long river of time.

Weiss didn't feel any loss about this.

After all, even his father, the high priest, couldn't understand all the mysteries of the long river of time.


"Back to the more distant past?"

Future Xiao Wu, who was standing next to Future Trunks, opened her mouth in surprise:"Mr. Weiss, do you mean that it is earlier than the time of the world we were in before?"

Trunks also opened his mouth in surprise.


Whis smiled and nodded, without hiding anything, and lightly tapped the angel's staff to project a picture of the earth in the current time and space:"According to the time division that you can understand, this should be a few years before the time when Trunks encountered Black Goku and went back to the past to find reinforcements. About... three years!"

After hearing Whis's explanation, Future Trunks did some mental calculations and said in surprise:"About three years? In this case, wouldn't it be more than half a year after the incident with the Demon King Dapur, and less than a year?"


Whis agreed with Future Trunks' words, then frowned slightly and said,"But this world seems to be very different. It is a past world with huge deviations from the world I live in and the world you live in, Trunks.""

""It's really strange."

Weiss finally made an inaudible sound, full of doubts.

Logically speaking, although the timeline will go to a completely different future because of different choices made by certain people, the future of this world is too far away from the time and space he came from, right?


Future Trunks and Future Xiao Wu looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes. They had no idea what Whis meant.

"Forget it, I'll show you guys!"

Whis thought about it. They had already landed in this world, and they were just passing through. There was no need to hide anything. He pointed the Angel Staff at the starry sky again and projected another picture.

In the picture, it was the scene where Son Goten easily defeated Mystic Gohan, and then defeated Super Saiyan 3 Gogeta in succession, forcing him to the end of his rope.

"This is?"


Future Trunks rubbed his eyes, thinking he was hallucinating. Although there was no Goten in his future world, he also knew Goten during the days of Dragon Ball Super Time and Space, and learned some things about Goten through his childhood self.

In the eyes of future Trunks, although Goten could transform into a Super Saiyan at a very young age, his strength was not that good, only a little stronger than Android 18, very limited.

But what the hell is this world?

Why can the Goten here defeat his brother Gohan at his peak, and also defeat the fusion of this world's father Vegeta and Uncle Goku? ?

"What a terrifying potential."

"Compared to him, even Goku and Vegeta are far from good enough."

Whis watched the projected image carefully. Even though he was an angel with a lot of experience, he couldn't help but marvel at Goten's terrifying potential:"If I teach him, I'm afraid he will be able to comprehend Super Saiyan God and master the power of Super Saiyan Blue in a week, right?"

"Or, can he even comprehend Ultra Instinct?"

In a short time, he adapted to the attack of Super Saiyan God Gogeta. Although Gogeta didn't kill him, he quickly caught up in a few minutes and even defeated Gogeta.

Such terrifying potential cannot be said to be unique in Whis's life, but it is definitely rare.

Whis even has a strong thunder intuition. If he were to teach Son Goten of this time and space, he might really be able to teach Son Goten Ultra Instinct directly!!

Future Trunks and Future Xiao Wu couldn't understand what Whis said, but it didn't prevent them from being shocked by the strength of Son Goten of this time and space. At the age of seven, he surpassed everyone and even defeated Super Saiyan God Gogeta. If he was given a few more years, he would definitely be invincible, right?

"That's great."

Future Trunks looked at the picture of Goten, who was as strong as a dragon and was suppressing Gogeta, and suddenly smiled happily from the bottom of his heart:"If the Goten in this world can continue to become stronger, even if that bastard Zamasu appeared in this world, he would probably be easily killed by him, right?"

He had experienced the darkness and despair of Black Goku and Zamasu. Although there is a slight turn for the better now, Future Trunks still hopes that every time and space will not have the same experience as their world.

That is too tragic and too desperate.

"If Zamasu also appeared in this time and space....."Before Whis finished speaking, he suddenly froze, because in the near future, he had seen Zamasu from a certain time and space come to this time and space for unknown reasons. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"What's wrong?"

Sensing that Whis's expression was different, Future Trunks suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. Would that bastard Zamasu also appear in this time and space?

Whis looked at Future Trunks' speculative and worried expression, and couldn't help but sighed and shook his head, saying:"There is a Zamasu who is from an unknown world and time and space. Oh, no, according to your understanding, that should be Black Goku. In the near future, about seven days in this world, he will come to this world."


A crazy killing intent suddenly appeared on Future Da Te's face, and an aura comparable to Super Three surged out, like a tiger ready to devour someone. The terrifying aura filled the galaxy where the three of them were in an instant, and even Future Xiao Wu beside him had a face full of hatred and anger.[]

"Could it be the influence of the time wave we encountered, causing Zamasu, who was supposed to go to other time and space, to be unexpectedly attracted to this world?" Whis said uncertainly.

Time is full of mysteries, let alone time and space, which is even more full of unknowns.

Even the God of Time, who holds the authority over time and space, cannot fully predict the future and the impact of time and space. He can only predict part of the future and repair time and space after it is affected.

However, considering the power gap between the enemy and us, Whis, who is beside him, cannot take the initiative as an angel, especially in other timelines, which is a taboo for angels. In the future, Dat can only think hard, and finally suddenly thought of this world, which is a past earlier than the past he has been to before. Then maybe……

"Mr. Whis, I remember that before we set out, you said that as long as Lord Beerus is still alive, even Zamasu can't cause any trouble. Then the Lord Beerus of this world should still be alive, right?" Future Big T looked at Whis with hope. He had never really seen the power of the God of Destruction, but both his father in that time and space and Uncle Goku admitted that he was an opponent they could never defeat.

Presumably Zamasu could be dealt with, right?

Whis only had to sense it a little to detect the powerful vitality of the cat in the God of Destruction's world. He smiled and nodded,"Yeah, Lord Beerus of this time and space is indeed still alive.""


At this time, Future Xiao Wu suddenly interrupted, facing Future Trunks' puzzled eyes, and shook her head:"I'm afraid that waking up Lord Beerus of this time and space is not a good thing."

Whis and Future Trunks heard this and fell silent for a moment.

In the dream about the future that Goten, who just projected this world, told, the God of Destruction can almost be regarded as the enemy of Goten of this time and space.

Because the arrival of Zamasu to awaken the God of Destruction can certainly get rid of the opponent, but it may also lead to the direct destruction of Goten of this time and space, and even the entire earth.

"Miss Xiaowu is right. If we rashly awaken Lord Beerus in this time and space, it will interfere with the time and space process of this world to a great extent, which may lead to unknown and terrible consequences."Whis gave a positive answer

"In addition, our destination is not this time and space. If we interfere with this world, coupled with the time and space we are about to go to, I am afraid that two time and space rings will appear at once."

Speaking of this, Whis was also very troubled.

Normally, he should immediately take Future Trunks and the others and turn around and leave, and continue to go to the world of another future timeline that he had marked long ago.

But Zamasu seemed to be attracted to this time and space because of them. If this mess is not solved, Whis feels that the consequences may be more terrible than creating another parallel world.

After all, Zamasu, that bastard, has caused the seventh universe of a certain time and space to be directly erased by the Omni-King. It is hard to say that this time and space will not repeat the same mistake.

"Let's do this."

Whis thought about it and felt that he had to finish the matter before leaving. He couldn't just bring trouble here and then leave without doing anything."Zamasu's space-time trajectory will end on Earth. Let's go to Earth first, first to inform him, and second to see what the real strength of Mr. Son Goten in this space-time is. If he can deal with Zamasu, that would be the best."

"If it is really impossible, I can only wake up Lord Beerus in this world and ask him to come out and destroy Zamasu from another time and space, so as to avoid another time and space disaster."

After hearing what Whis said, Future Big and Future Xiao Wu nodded excitedly.

They can see the Earth again.

Even if it is only the Earth from another time and space.

For the two whose hometown Earth has been destroyed, they suddenly felt tears welling up in their eyes.

"What a hassle!"

"If I had known that this trip would encounter such trouble, I should have asked the Lord of Time to deal with the problem of Future Trunks' whereabouts."

Whis's angel shuttle cube cut through the starry sky, taking Future Trunks and Future Xiao Wu to the Earth in this time and space.���What he didn't tell Future Dato was that the Zamasu attracted to this time and space was much more terrifying than the combined Zamasu that caused the destruction of the future world.

If he wasn't careful, the Earth of this world, no, the entire seventh universe, or even the entire universe might be wiped out by the angry Lord Omni.

This was the real reason why he didn't just walk away.


Weiss suddenly uttered a"huh" as he was walking.

"What's wrong, Mr. Whis?"

Future Big's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that something unexpected happened again, such as a group of Zamas suddenly running out or something terrible?

"Just a little curious"

"Mr. Sun Wutian of this world actually noticed our presence."

Whis said, a virtual scene was automatically projected in the shuttle cube, showing Sun Wutian on Earth frowning in shock, then instantly transforming, making a protective shield as if facing a formidable enemy, and brazenly rushing out of the Earth to prepare for the battle.

"Tsk tsk, a Saiyan can actually sense my power?"Whis watched Goten's explanation to his family and friends in the screen, secretly marveled, angels are above the gods of destruction, far beyond the Kais, their power is of a higher dimension, under normal circumstances, even the Kais can hardly sense their power in person.

Only the gods of destruction can sense it clearly.

But Goten in this world actually sensed the abnormality when he used the angel's power to survey the universe just now, and when he continued to use the angel's power to trace back the time and space picture, he directly locked his position. You know, even the Kais in this world haven't noticed the time and space visitor yet..

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