Outside the Earth's atmosphere, Sun Wutian stood proudly in the air. His aura had already reached its current limit, but his body was still constantly surging with new strength. The strong sense of crisis stimulated his body to grow further.

Not much, but very useful

"Is that Zamasu?"

"Which time and space is Zamasu from?"

Goten's eyes gazed into the depths of the dark starry sky, and various information about Zamasu's origins flashed through his mind like lightning. The worst one was undoubtedly the Zamasu duo that appeared in the future time and space in Dragon Ball Super.

The strongest known one should be the Black Goku that appeared in Dragon Ball Heroes, who traveled through time and space, crossed history, and constantly sought out Goku from different time and space to fight to adapt his body, and finally developed Super Saiyan Rose to Super Saiyan Rose 3.

The former is the easiest to deal with. Even if it is a combined Zamasu, at most he is only a little stronger than Gogeta in the Super Saiyan God form, and it is definitely very limited.

With Goten's current strength, he can easily suppress it.

But if it is the latter, Goten can only fight desperately.

Desperately suppress the body's instinct to run wild, so that the power will not continue to run wild, increase wildly, and finally destroy the earth and even the entire Milky Way.

""Here they come!"

Sun Wutian's eyes condensed. A gorgeous aurora in the universe broke through the eternally silent dark starry sky. At an incredible speed, it was already in front of him almost the moment he noticed it.

Almost at the same time, several streams of light behind him also broke through the sky and rushed into the starry sky.

At the moment the other party appeared, Piccolo, Tien Shinhan and others also appeared behind Sun Wutian.

"Is this the new"770" enemy?"

Tien Shinhan didn't even have time to see who was on the other side, and he was already furious and in combat mode.

"No, not Zamasu? ?"

Goten's eyes twitched slightly. He thought that the person who came over might be Zamasu, and even thought of many versions of Zamasu. He also considered that it might be the coming of a certain God of Destruction.

But he didn't expect that it was them.

The angel Whis, and... the future Trunks and the future Xiao Wu who shouldn't belong to this time and space.

"Trunks? ?"

At this time, Piccolo, Tien Shinhan and others also suddenly exclaimed.

But thinking of what Goten thought of Zamasu replacing Goku's body, they did not relax, because at present, they did not know whether the Trunks in front of them who had been to this time and space was still the Trunks they knew.

"Goten, is he the bastard named Zamasu that you saw in your dream?"Picco's calm voice sounded in Goten's ears.

"No, he is not Zamasu"

"I misunderstood and was too suspicious."

Sun Wutian shook his head and introduced in the puzzled eyes of everyone:"This person in the future I dreamed of is the servant of Beerus, the God of Destruction of our Seventh Universe, and also his master, and the angel who stands firm in our Seventh Universe"

"As for the strange Saiyan aura I sensed, it was him.……"

Goten looked at Trunks standing behind Whis.

Piccolo and the others, who were ready to die bravely, breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that.

It's good that it's not Zamasu.

This way, they won't be caught off guard.

Just when Piccolo and the others breathed a sigh of relief and were about to say hello to Future Trunks and introduce his identity to Goten, they heard Goten say with certainty:"You are Trunks, right?"


Future Trunks nodded in surprise:"You know me?"

Normally, this should be the first time they met.

"Time is a wonderful thing, and dreams are even more so. You appear in many of my dreams."Goten nodded, revealing an inexplicable emotion, and spread his hands and said,"Although every time you appear, disaster will be brought to my dream, and then a bastard named Zamasu will appear, I know your existence through those dreams."

"Trunks from the future, right!"


Future Big Nod nodded in shame. He didn't expect that he would exist in the future that Sun Wutian dreamed of. Moreover, from what Sun Wutian said, it was him who led the enemies here many times.

Whis also became interested and looked at Sun Wutian curiously. So did the others.

At this time, Sun Wutian was also looking at the angel Whis.

From the identities of Future Big No and Future Xiao Wu, it was not difficult for him to imagine which time and space this Whis came from. Although it was not clear why they appeared in this world, whether it was an accident or the time and space chosen by Future Trunks and others in the original work was this world.

But, it doesn't matter.

As long as they are friends and not enemies, it's fine.

At least, for the time being, when he couldn't even perceive the dimension of Angel Whis, the depth and vastness of Whis that gave Sun Wutian the feeling that he was facing the boundless starry sky was almost unknown.

If such a person becomes an enemy, I'm afraid I won't even have the opportunity to grow and resist.

Sun Wutian was secretly shocked. It really deserves it. He is an angel ranked as high as the 15th dimension in the evaluation of veterans, no matter it is the dimension of life power or the dimensional level of the combat units linked to it.

At present, it is absolutely unimaginable for him to fear.

Earth, West City, Bulma's house.

When they learned that it was Goten who had misunderstood, and it was not Zamasu who showed up early or other enemies, but the master of the God of Destruction from other time and space, who showed up with Trunks and his girlfriend from the future time and space.

Everyone felt relieved.

With Goten's instant movement, everyone was brought to Bulma's house.

Then, just when everyone was glad that they were not enemies, with the recognition of Bulma and future Trunks, and hearing the tragic future and ending of future Trunks.

Almost everyone was petrified on the spot.

"Black Goku, Zamasu, Human Zero Plan?"

"That damn Zamasu killed my future self? ?"

Bulma's reaction was exactly the same as Bulma in the Dragon Ball Super space-time where Whis and others were, where Future Trunks had been. She was so angry that she would not stop until she tore Zama apart for revenge.

Go back to the past to seek help.

Goku and Vegeta traveled through time and space twice to the future, wanting to help Future Trunks defeat Zamasu. They returned seriously injured the first time, but were fully prepared the second time.

But the result was that the combined Zamasu forced everyone into a desperate situation again, and finally had to summon the Omni-King.

In the end, the entire universe turned into nothingness.

Goten's narration was, after all, from a third-party perspective, and many things were briefly mentioned, but Future Trunks' narration was detailed and comprehensive, depicting a tragic, desperate and dark future for everyone. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Everyone in Bulma's courtyard felt sympathetic after hearing this.

"As expected, the scene of the Tournament of Power was exactly the same as the one I had experienced countless times in my dreams."

"Destroying you is none of your business!"

Goten's words were very soft, but they rang like thunder in everyone's ears, shocking their hearts. Only then did they suddenly come to their senses. When they were sad and empathetic to the future Trunks' experience and experience, they almost forgot that in the future Tournament of Power, if they could not defeat their opponents,[]

Their final fate will not be much better than what happens to Trunks in the future.

"Ah, very interesting comments."

Whis looked at Goten deeply. It was really difficult for him to comment on the words of the Saiyan boy. His reason told him that as a human being, he should maintain the highest respect for the Omni King and not be disrespectful, but his emotion told him that there was nothing wrong with Goten's words. The seventh universe of Future Trunks' time and space, the thirteenth to eighteenth universes of their time and space.

Isn't it the same?

As long as the Omni King insists on his own way, no matter how well your universe develops, no matter how respectful you are to the Omni King, what should be destroyed will still be destroyed. Perhaps from the perspective of the Omni King, it is just as Goten said.

Destroying you is none of your business.

When Future Trunks heard this, his eyes turned red and he clenched his fists, but soon he put them down powerlessly.

He couldn't even deal with Zamasu. A God of Destruction could easily destroy him. His anger was just a kind of impotent rage, which could not change anything.

"Oh, this topic is too heavy and serious."

"Let's change the topic to something lighter."

Weiss smiled and broke the silence. In the matter of the Omni King, even an angel cannot overstep his authority, let alone make too many comments. If he is not careful, he may attract the attention of the Omni King, and then he, an angel who has transcended time, will not be in a good situation.

Therefore, he had to change the topic......


Whis put a finger on his chin and tilted his head and said,"Let's just chat about the topic that Zamasu will appear in this time and space in a few days."


Deathly silence.

Bidili's eyes almost popped out. This was what Whis said. The previous topic was heavier, so he changed to a lighter topic. How could it be lighter in a few days? At this moment, almost everyone secretly labeled Whis as someone who doesn't know how to chat.


Videl leaned on Goten fearfully, as if only in this way could she feel a little safe.

The future described by Future Trunks was too terrible. Everything was silent, all humans were dead, and the entire earth turned into purgatory. Trunks, the most powerful human being, was vulnerable in front of Black Goku.

Especially when the Omni-King cleared the universe directly in anger.

Whether you are the King of Hell who is in charge of reincarnation, or the King of the Realm and the Great King of the Realm who supervise the universe, or the King of the Realm and the God of Destruction who are responsible for creating and maintaining peace in the universe, they were all wiped out in an instant.

Unable to struggle, unable to resist.

In that situation, as long as you put yourself in it a little, you can only feel boundless despair.

Now suddenly hearing that Zamasu, who brought boundless despair to a certain future time and space, will come to this world in a few days, no matter how strong she is, she feels endless panic sweeping over at this time.

Others also subconsciously seek comfort and shelter from their closest people.

"Don't worry, I'm here!"

Goten patted Videl's hand and comforted her,"Zamasu is just a mere Zamasu, there's nothing to worry about. Even if the Fused Zamasu that Future Trunks encountered appears, I can still easily kill them."

These words were no longer just arrogant.

In the dark and desperate future described by Future Trunks, Fused Zamasu made it difficult for Goku and Vegeta to defeat him together. Even Vegetto in the Fused Super Blue form could not quickly get rid of him, so that in the end, they had to resort to the All-King to directly wipe out the Seventh Universe. This shows how powerful Zamasu is, especially how terrifying the Fused

Zamasu is. However, when the person who said this was Goten, who already had the record of defeating Fused Gogeta in the Super Saiyan God state, his arrogant words instead brought a full sense of security to everyone on Earth.


No matter how terrifying Zamasu is, no matter how dark the future is.

They still have Goten, and there is still hope.

"Mr. Goten, you seem to be very confident in your own strength."

After hearing Goten's arrogant words that Zamasu was nothing more than a piece of shit, Whis looked Goten up and down, smiled mysteriously and said,"Based on your performance against Gogeta in the Kaioshin Realm, although 2.6 is slightly stronger than Goku or Vegeta in Super Blue, and Rose-Red-Black Goku in single state."

"But, it may not be enough."


" After hearing Whis's comment, Goten was neither surprised nor angry. Instead, he calmly let go of Videl's hand, then took a step forward and appeared in front of Whis. In his angry form, he was tall and mighty, and the sense of oppression he brought was not ordinary.

If it weren't for the angel Whis in front of him, most people would probably tremble in fear without Goten saying anything.

"Isn’t that enough?"

"So, how about this?"

While Goten was speaking, he had further transformed into the legendary Super Saiyan form, with a terrifying aura raging. In the most extreme form of the Super Saiyan, with a combat power of more than 100 Kyo, Goten could instantly wipe out the entire solar system and destroy the galaxy with just a thought.

Then, a fiery red divine power quickly spread from Goten's violent and raging Super Saiyan aura in the eyes of Gohan, Piccolo, Tien Shinhan, Trunks and all the other people who knew the existence of the Super Saiyan God.

In just a moment.

The extremely violent Super Saiyan aura on Goten's body began to calm down.

"Super Saiyan God!"

Picco said almost word by word about the abnormal state of Son Goten at this time. Every word seemed to be as heavy as a planet. Just a few words almost exhausted all his strength.


"Piccolo, are you saying that Goten has also mastered Super Saiyan God?"

Bulma was the first to react, her eyes widened suddenly, and her pretty face was filled with disbelief and shock.

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