Mo Xiaomo couldn't contain his excitement for a long time.

Looking at the corpse of the 100-meter giant dragon, she was filled with endless disappointment.

This is the dragon skeleton of the elder of the clan!

Standing here, I don't know how many years it has been!

Fly up along the 100-meter dragon skeleton.

All the way to the top of the dragon skeleton.

Mo Xiaomo was excited, looked down at Lin Tian and others below, and shouted loudly: "This is definitely the dragon skeleton of the elder Fenglong! It's too big! I can feel the majestic dragon energy contained in his dragon skeleton. , terrifying!"

Seeing that the little girl had reached the top of the dragon skeleton, Lin Tianman was speechless and said, "This dragon skeleton is the corpse of your dragon elder. You just stood on the top, isn't it disrespectful?"


Mo Xiaomo curled his lips with disdain: "This set may apply to other ethnic groups! But in our Dragon Clan, there are not so many rules! The greatest respect for the corpses of the elders is to remember them. Inheritance to inheritance! If it fails, it will be the greatest disrespect!"


Lin Tian touched his nose and was dumbfounded for a while.

He really doesn't know anything about the Dragon Clan.

He could see that Mo Xiaomo was very eager to return to the Dragon Clan.

Said that she would be disrespectful to the elders of the dragon clan, but that would not be true.

But stepping on top of the corpse in front of him made Lin Tian somewhat speechless.

"Have you sensed the existence of memory inheritance?"

Lin Tian said to Mo Xiaomo.

The little girl wandered around the dragon bones for a while, her excitement subsided, and she replied: "When did my body become so huge?"

She had hope and longing in her eyes.

just soon.

The little girl frowned, looked at the huge dragon skeleton, and then shook her head: "It's just that I can't sense the existence of memory inheritance!"

There are special fluctuations in the memory inheritance of the dragon clan.

As long as it is a clan with dragon blood, it can be sensed on the corpse.

But in front of you, it's empty!

According to the description in Mo Xiaomo's memory, the memory inheritance will be easily sensed!

But what's going on now?


Lin Tian's face was shocked, and his face was full of doubts.

Everyone else looked at each other.

Faced with such a situation, Wuma Tieyu and others could not help.

The previous dragon skeleton had no memory inheritance, so it does not have it now. Is it right that this dragon skeleton is the same?

The real dragon skeleton, not in the main hall?

"Young Master, is it also a fake dragon skeleton?"

Qiangyuan scratched his head and said cautiously.

"Fake? If it's fake, then there is no way out!"

Mundo Copper Bell stared wide-eyed and said loudly.

When everyone came here, it can be said that after experiencing various dangers, they have long been exhausted physically and mentally.

Do you want to continue looking for the place where the elders of the wind dragon sit?

"It won't be fake!"

Lin Tian shook his head and said, "This majestic coercion cannot be faked! It can only be said that the memory inheritance has been covered up!"

"And you found out that there is no fluctuation of the seal of the law here! It's unusual!"

The crowd was stunned.


Not the slightest fluctuation of the law can be sensed here.


In the gear passage, on the chessboard in the secret magic cube room, remnants of the imprint of the law were sensed.

But here, no?

It doesn't make sense!

Here, as the Sihuan Dongfu of the elders of the wind dragon, there is no seal of the law left, but it does not make sense.

Mo Xiaomo has mentioned that the Garden of Wind, the elders of Fenglong, has a high probability that the law of wind exists.

But now here, the most important part is not there?

It's so abnormal!

"Ah... that's right, how can there be no wind law? At least there are remnants!"

Mo Xiaomo reacted and was puzzled.

Lin Tian walked along the dragon skeleton and patrolled the hall.

Unfortunately nothing was found.

In the huge hall, except for this giant dragon skeleton, the rest of the place is empty.

"Didn't you say that in the sound transmission secret slip before, there will be a lot of treasures here? Why is there nothing?"

Mundo wondered a little.

The others were somewhat depressed.

After going through risks, but getting nothing, I am somewhat unwilling.

Of course.

I have learned the remnants of the seal of the law before, but I have gained a lot.

But he didn't get any real treasure, so he was in a bad mood.

"It seems that the secrets are all within this dragon skeleton!"

Lin Tian turned his head to look at the 100-meter dragon skeleton, then looked at Mo Xiaomo above and said, "Do you have any connection with this dragon skeleton, other than feeling the majestic dragon energy?"

"There must be a strong feeling between your dragon bloodlines!"


Mo Xiaomo only reacted at this time.

She was even more puzzled: "No! That's right... Between us dragons, even if it's just a dragon skeleton, we can sense the connection in the blood at close range! Those dragon skeletons we met before can sense it. arrive!"

"But this dragon skeleton... what's going on?"

Under Lin Tian's reminder.

She just thought of this too.

She used the power of the bloodline in her body, but the dragon skeleton did not respond at all.

At least in the reaction of breath, there is no fluctuation.

How powerful is the blood of the dragon family, even if it is dead, there will be a strong hidden power of blood!

Even after tens of thousands of years, it can survive.

This is why the memory inheritance of the dragon race is so complete!

But now, there is no feedback from the power of blood!

This is not right!

"The problem should lie in the law of the wind!"

Lin Tian looked at the extremely silent dragon skeleton, and said to Mo Xiaomo: "Outside this hall, there are clouds and mists, and the wind and clouds are surging, and here, it's too quiet!"

"So, the power within the dragon bones is sealed by the law of the wind!"

"And in addition to the power of the law, there is a layer of imprint! This imprint is forbidden, if you don't look carefully, you really can't see it!"

Another ban!

Everyone's heart sank.

In their view.

Will the ban on the dragon skeleton of the elder Fenglong be a simple existence?

"How to unlock the ban?"

Mo Xiaomo was also in a hurry at this time, and said to Lin Tian, ​​"Do you have a solution!"

"I have no idea!"

Lin Tian smiled lightly.


no way?

Then come here, not in vain!

Everyone present was stunned.

Mo Xiaomo's face suddenly collapsed, and he said depressedly, "What can I do!"

"I can't do it, but you can!"

Lin Tian looked at Mo Xiaomo with a faint smile, and said, "Little girl, it's up to you!"

"I have a solution? How can I do it?"

Mo Xiaomo's eyes were bright, and he was extremely surprised.

The others were all excited too.

I thought it was going to be a waste of time.

Turns out, there is a way!

"Your dragon flame!"

Lin Tian didn't tease the little girl any more, and said sternly: "Since you elders of the dragon clan have left a memory inheritance, they must have left behind a certain successor! You don't have any in your memory?"

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