The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 3980: unexpectedly strong enemy


Mo Xiaomo shook his head depressedly: "Only a general description and inheritance method of memory inheritance!"


Lin Tian was slightly surprised.

But he suddenly thought of something and was relieved.

"I kind of understand!"

Lin Tian said to Mo Xiaomo: "There are so many branches of your dragon clan, and you are all wary of each other. How can the inheritance of memory be careless? However, the way the elder Fenglong seals the power of the law is obviously not good for the other branches of your dragon clan. Fortification, but to prevent foreign races from being inherited or destroyed!"

"So the solution is very simple, that is, you need your dragon flame to burn the seal outside!"


This is more than simple, it is simply an easy move!

Everyone was surprised.

Mo Xiaomo gets the memory inheritance, and they will also benefit from it.

Otherwise, everyone will have to draw water from bamboo baskets.

And now it's harder to find an exit from here, probably going back.

You don't want to go back any further!

"Wow haha... this is so easy!"

Mo Xiaomo shouted in surprise.

She suddenly transformed into a black dragon, with black dragon flames all over her body.

"You better come down and attack again!"

Lin Tian withdrew a distance and reminded Mo Xiaomo at the same time.

Wuma Tieyu and others don't know why.

But watching Lin Tian retreat, they also knew that something dangerous would definitely happen when they got down, so they also retreated.

It's just that the little girl Mo Xiaomo may have been overexcited. She shook her head and said, "No, no... Haha, I can get the second inheritance! I already have the memory inheritance of the Black Dragon Clan in my mind, and now I have the Wind Dragon Clan. The memory inheritance of the elders, I will be invincible in the future!"

Speaking of which.

Black dragon flames spewed out from her mouth.


The flames were overwhelming.

It rolled out in an instant.

But a dozen or so breaths drowned the entire 100-meter huge dragon skeleton.

Click click!

The crisp cracking sound kept coming.

It is clear.

It was the seal on the dragon skeleton that was shattering.

"Haha... We can break the seal! Not only can we comprehend the law of wind, but we can also obtain memory inheritance..."

Mo Xiaomo was extremely excited at this time.


only. ,


There was a terrifying loud noise.

The monstrous power came from above the dragon skeleton.

Mo Xiaomo couldn't react at all.


under the scream.

She bounced off the dragon skeleton and slammed into the top of the hall fiercely.

She wanted to flutter her wings and fly, but her terrifying power made her wings, which were enough to fan a giant mountain, didn't work at all.

It can be seen how powerful the seal on this dragon skeleton is!


The interior of the hall is very high, and the ceiling is almost hundreds of meters above.

a long time.

Mo Xiaomo slammed his forehead on the ceiling of the main hall, making a dull loud noise.

The entire hall seemed to sway faintly.

under this muffled sound.

Then there is the huge sound of breaking the sky.

Mo Xiaomo slammed down from above.


The little girl screamed, vaguely in pain and vibrato.

It is clear.

She was not lightly injured this time.

The main thing is.

She fell down, but she couldn't spread her wings to fly, she could only helplessly fall.

Lin Tian hurriedly hit the midair with strenuous beams, forming layers of spiritual barriers.

This is to buffer the power of Mo Xiaomo's falling.

Finally, the little girl slowly landed.

At this time, she had turned into a little girl.

It's just that he was covered in blood, his face was pale, and blood was constantly pouring out of his mouth.

Obviously, the injury was not minor.

"how's it going?"

Lin Tian stepped forward to ask.

"Cough cough..."

The little girl got up with difficulty, sat cross-legged, and said with a pouted mouth: "I can't die! But I feel like my internal organs are displaced! Now, I'm afraid I can't move! Why didn't you remind me before..."

"I reminded you! I thought you were rough-skinned and thick-skinned..."

Lin Tian curled his lips and said, "Heal your wounds first!"

"Hey... It's okay, the best way for me to heal is actually dragon energy!"

With blood on the corner of Mo Xiaomo's mouth, he laughed out loud.

Then she looked up at the hundred-meter dragon skeleton washed by the black dragon flames.

At this time, Long Yan disappeared.

And above the dragon skeleton.

There have also been changes.

One after another wind appeared visible to the naked eye, and began to slowly surging around the dragon skeleton.

at the beginning.

very slow.

Just like the spring breeze.

But it got more and more intense.

And in this surging wind, Lin Tian sensed a strange force for the first time.

This is very similar to the rules in the chessboard encountered before!

"It's the law of the wind! Let's sit cross-legged and realize it!"

Lin Tian reminded Wuma Tieyu and others.

Everyone's faces were overjoyed, and they immediately sat cross-legged.

The third time.

It can also comprehend the power of the law, although it is only a remnant, but it is an infinite harvest!

Naturally, Lin Tian didn't delay, and sat cross-legged on the spot.

He had learned the remnants of the Law of Wind on the chessboard in the secret room of the Rubik's Cube.

If you can comprehend again in front of you, you will definitely have a greater harvest.


As the time goes.

Lin Tian found that his thinking was too naive.

Although the law of wind is a sub-law of the elemental law in the eight laws.

But it's not something that can be fully understood.

Therefore, Lin Tianzheng has been comprehending for several hours, without the slightest thought.

The power of the wind law he sensed was still the same as in the previous chessboard, and it even caused him to have a state of disorder.

"I can't continue! I'm afraid I'll go crazy..."

Lin Tian sighed helplessly and could only give up.

By this time the others had already stopped.

As they all stop.

The wind power surging on the dragon skeleton gradually weakened, and finally disappeared directly.

"The law of wind here has a time limit!"

Lin Tian said softly.

The others had regretful expressions on their faces.

What they can comprehend is very limited.

But thinking about the gains they can get, many people are relieved.

"Hahahaha... The memory inheritance of the Wind Dragon Clan, here I come!"

Mo Xiaomo got up at this time, extremely excited.

She looked at the top of the dragon skeleton, her eyes burning, and she was about to leap up.


Just suddenly.

There was a cracking sound from outside the hall.

Very clear.

From far to near.

Listening to those breaths, they are very powerful.

There are at least three auras, comparable to the existence of Nirvana!

Wuma Tieyu and Lin Tian saw it immediately.

"A strong enemy is coming!"

Wuma Tieyu said in a deep voice.

At this moment, Mo Xiaomo's face was dull, and he looked at the entrance of the hall in awe.

She was stunned for a while, and then said in a trembling voice: "Yes... it is the breath of the dragon family! It is the breath of our dragon powerhouse! It is the powerhouse of my dragon family who is here!"

The little girl was extremely surprised at this time, and regardless of the inheritance of the memory on the dragon skeleton, she turned and galloped towards the entrance of the main hall!

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