The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 878: Chaos City Feiyun Danfang

Eat one bun a month?

And in order to thank me for giving him such a precious alchemy method, he asked me to eat buns?

Lin Tian was silent, and the corners of his mouth twitched.


Seeing the look on Shi Xiaoshou's face seemed to say how generous you look at me, Lin Tian suddenly felt a little sad inexplicably.

Feiyuncheng people have lived here for generations. Except for powerful people like Nie Xingchen, most of them are isolated from the world and lead a relatively backward life.

And Shi Xiaoshou is the bottom group of people here.

If Shi Xiaoshou was willing to enter the dunya with his cultivation base, he would definitely be able to live very well.

However, it can be seen that the people in Feiyunju would rather stay here.

"Slim, want to eat the meat buns from Lin Jifang in the city again?"

At this time, a somewhat old and hoarse voice came from the simple earth house beside the vegetable garden, and then an old woman with a rickety back and gray hair came out.

The old woman was dressed in linen clothes with wrinkles on her face and a cane in her hand.

This old woman also has a cultivation base, but she can't, only refining the second level.

"Hey, grandma, it's Grandpa Fuyao's guest who came here. He taught me some good things when he was doing alchemy just now!"

Shi Xiaoshou moved his fat body and trot over to help the old woman who appeared, and said to the latter: "His name is Lin Bei. He is a guest brought by Zhenren Nie. He said he was looking for Grandpa Fuyao!"

Speaking of this, Shi Xiaoshou looked at Lin Tian and said, "Lin Bei, this is my grandma!"


Lin Tian nodded slightly, saying hello.

"Good guy!"

The old woman couldn't see Lin Tian's cultivation level, she was secretly surprised, and at the same time smiled kindly: "Are you looking for the old man Fuyao? He went to Feiyunfeng a long time ago, so you just go with Xiaoshou. Eat some steamed buns on the way!"

"Thanks a lot!"

Lin Tian nodded and turned back again.

Before leaving, Lin Tian couldn't help but swept the mountains behind the village with his spiritual sense. Sure enough, many medicinal materials were planted there, including common Chinese herbal medicines and some elixir.


They couldn't sense the existence of the soul-raising grass.

"Where is this old man's soul-raising grass planted? Or is it only seeds?"

Lin Tianxin had some doubts.

But I didn't think too much, I knew it when I saw Fuyao.

"Hey, let's go to the city to eat some meat buns from Lin Jifang!"

Shi Xiaoshou led the way, turning around to wink at Lin Tian and said, "Tell you, that Lin Ji's meat buns are thin and fleshy. The surface of the buns is tender and smooth, and it's good when you hold it in your hand, and it smells delicious. Yes! Some people say that the steamed buns are as white and tender as the two peaks of Mrs. Lin Ji's meat steamed buns. They are ecstasy!"

Lin Tian couldn't help being speechless after listening to the fat man's words, and looking at the other person's drooling slobber.

Although Feiyun City is a small city, it is also quite lively. In the early morning, you can see all kinds of cries, and family fireworks are floating in the air.

Some monks even set up a stall on the side of the bluestone street early, selling all kinds of things.

Lin Tian followed the fat man through the streets of the city. At the intersection, he stopped in front of a shop called Lin Ji Roubaozi.

"Wow haha... we are the first to come!"

Shi Xiaoshou excitedly pulled Lin Tian and ran away, his eyes gleaming, "Lin Bei, look, that's the lady boss of Lin Ji Rou Baozi! Isn't it pretty..."

Lin Tian followed the steamed buns shop and saw a woman holding a black hair behind the steamed buns in the shop, busy making buns.

The woman is indeed beautiful, with a mature charm and enchantment all over her body.

But it was just an ordinary woman.

Because Lin Tian couldn't sense the slightest fluctuation of breath in the woman.

"Sister Lin, give me four fat buns!"

Shi Xiaoshou rushed to the shop with enthusiasm, staring at Mrs. Lin Ji with scorching eyes, patted Hun’s mouth and shouted, but the fat man waved his hand again and shouted: "No... come ten! My buddy and I Five for one person!"

Then Shi Xiaoshou rummaged around his body, fumbled for a few crumpled money and handed them over.

The currency in circulation here is actually the same as the outside world.

" little fat guy, your mouth is still so sweet!"

The proprietress Lin Ji smiled, and then filled Shi Xiaoshou with a bag of ten buns.

Leaving Lin Ji Rou Baozi.

Shi Xiaoshou's mouth puffed up all the way.

"No wonder you are so fat, you can really eat!"

Lin Tian looked at Shi Xiaoshou wishing to swallow all the meat buns in his hand, he couldn't help shaking his head.

The fat man bought him five buns, but Lin Tian didn't eat them. Instead, they put them in a storage bag.

"What's going on in Feiyun City? There are so many lonely and disabled people here!"

Following Shi Xiaoshou through Feiyun City, Lin Tian found that many households had many lonely old men and disabled people sitting in front of the door basking in the sun.

Four or five households are fine, but the whole street, at least no less than 20 households are like this.

"Um... don't mention it, back then, it was said that monsters appeared on the Hundred Thousand Dashan Mountain, specializing in eating people! Immortal Ridge near Feiyun City also appeared. These young people went out hunting, many people were eaten, and some People have broken hands and feet... But then I heard that the monster was killed by the real person Zhong Xiangdi of Feiyunfeng, but it was calm for a while!"

Shi Xiaoshou nibbled on the meat buns, and said vaguely: "But recently, children have started to disappear. Maybe it's a monster again! You don't know, Fatty, I have always wanted to go to the mountains to pick herbs. , It’s a pity that my grandmother didn’t give it to me, so I told you what to do if you feed it to the monster! Forget it, this kind of thing can only be solved by real person Zhong Xiangdi..."


Lin Tian was surprised when he heard what the fat man said.

The monster beast that appeared in the hundred thousand mountains, the most powerful one he had ever seen was only Tier 3. With so many missing, Feiyunju should be able to solve it.

However, Lin Tian was too lazy to think, and followed the fat man through Feiyun City and came to Feiyun Peak.

Under the mountain, there is a big market, where many monks who set up stalls and buy things are gathered, and there are also rows of shops. The scale is larger than Feiyun City, and they are all related to cultivators. thing.

"Hey, this is our Feiyunju Chaos Market, and it is also the most famous market in the Yelang Cultivation Domain! It even attracted a lot of casual practitioners from the southwest!"

Shi Xiaoshou walked in front and introduced Lin Tian, ​​but when he walked to a shop in the city, the fat man stopped abruptly, his eyes lighted up, and he pointed to the shop in excitement and said: "Lin Bei, look, it's flying Yundanfang! It is the biggest pill shop here. It sells all kinds of elixir, herbs and pill furnaces, etc.! The pill furnace inside is good, every time I come over, I will go in and check it out! Especially one of them is a pill. The furnace has spirituality. The owner of the shop has announced before that, except for Grandpa Fuyao, as long as he can refine high-level profound pills, he will give out the furnace for free! Of course, the purpose of this shop owner is nothing more than It’s just to make my own shop sign! So I will work harder in the future to refine the high-level profound pill as soon as possible, then I can truly have my own pill furnace..."

A spiritual pill furnace?

Lin Tian was surprised, and looked up, not far away from the door of a shop, with four large characters engraved on the plaque-Feiyun Danfang.

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