The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 879: Angry fat man

In Feiyun Danfang, there was already a figure of Chaochao at this time.

The entrance of Danfang is where people enter and exit, and it is already very lively in the morning.

"Because Grandpa Fuyao is going to give a lecture with the senior who came, so there were a lot of people early today!"

Shi Xiaoshou looked at Danfang with a look of expectation and envy, and turned around to explain to Lin Tian: "Feiyun Danfang is the largest Danfang prescription for our Feiyun. Everyday it is overcrowded! It's a pity, but the Danfang is full. No one can take it! It seems that I am destined to wait for Shi Xiaoshou to make a move..."

Lin Tian regained his gaze and smiled in surprise: "Do you want the pill furnace inside?"

"Of course! Now my pill furnace can barely be used, but if the pill furnace can be better, I will definitely be able to refine a better pill!"

Shi Xiaoshou nodded solemnly, and said with a look of disappointment: "However, at my level, it is impossible to refine a high-level profound pill. I can only wait for it later!"

"Why wait, why don't you try it now? The alchemy method I taught you before is just ready to use. Maybe you can refine a high-level profound pill this time!"

Lin Tian glanced at Danfang and encouraged Shi Xiaoshou.

He also wanted to go in and see what qualities the so-called spiritual pill furnace was.

"Really? Then try it! It's more than two hours before Grandpa Fuyao will give a lecture!"

Shi Xiaoshou's eyes lit up and he was eager to try.

Fatty was fascinated by alchemy, he wanted to get a precious pill furnace of his own.

Now is an opportunity!

Subsequently, the two squeezed into the Danfang shop with the crowd.

In a corner of the Danfang shop, the potbellied shop owner has displayed a large emerald furnace on a table.


Around the table, there are already a group of people standing, many of them are ready to move.

"Everyone, if anyone can refine a high-level profound pill, this high-level pill furnace is his!"

The fat shop owner was walking with his big belly, his fat face was like Maitreya Buddha, and his face was always smiling. He looked at the people present: "The elixir for refining high-level profound pills is provided by this shop. Of course, if you are not sure, you must try carefully. After all, it is not good to waste too much elixir! Of course, no matter what quality pill you refine with this pill furnace, the pill will eventually belong to our store! If it can Refining a high-level profound pill, congratulations, the pill furnace is yours!"

"Boss Gu, do you take this seriously?"

Among the onlookers, some people were surprised.

It can be seen that it is the first time for the person who spoke to come to Feiyunfang City.

"Is this fellow Taoist coming to Feiyunju for the first time?"

Someone in the crowd screamed in surprise, and said with a smile: "This matter is famous in our Feiyunju, but unfortunately no one has been able to refine a high-level profound pill!"

"Haha... Then I will try!"

The person who spoke first was a young man. He stepped forward and, after getting permission from Boss Gu, began to practice alchemy.

Here, Boss Gu has prepared all the things for alchemy, and the pill furnace is made with the emerald pill furnace.


The young man's level of alchemy was limited, and he couldn't even complete the alchemy, so he could only stop talking.

The people around couldn't help but chuckle.

However, many people knew that there was no way to refine the pill, so they could only watch the pill furnace.

"Fatty, let me try!"

Shi Xiaoshou eagerly stepped forward, and at the same time he looked at Boss Gu and laughed: "Da Fat Gu...Ah, no, Boss Gu, can I try it?"

In private, many people call Boss Gu as Gu Dafang, and Shi Xiaoshou is no exception.

"You Shi Xiaopang, here again! I have touched the pill furnace in my shop how many times! The pill furnaces that weren't so smooth are all touched brilliantly for you!"

Seeing Shi Xiaoshou appear, Boss Gu couldn’t help but smile and curse: "Today, you don’t touch the pill furnace and you change to alchemy? I know you have always coveted my green shadow pill furnace, but if you are not sure, you should not try it. !"

"Hey, Boss Gu, I'm prepared for the fat man this time. I want to try it!"

Shi Xiaoshou looked at the Lvying Pill Furnace, his eyes lighted up, and he immediately patted Hun’s mouth, confidently saying: “If this time can be successful, can’t you, Boss Gu, have an extra high-level profound pill?

"Stone Fatty Alchemy? I'm going, you're kidding! He is famous for alchemy with weeds, and his talent is so bad that he would have been willing to accept him as a disciple!"

"That is, if he can refine the profound pill, I will eat the medicine **** on the spot!"

"Haha... This fat man has been rumoring that there is a problem with his brain, and it seems to be true! He thought he was Zhou Chencheng Zhou Shao! He was a genius disciple who sat down with Senior Fuyao, and now he can refine an intermediate profound pill !"

"That's right, just touch the pill furnace, do what you should do!"



At the Danfang shop, many people seemed to be familiar with Shi Xiaoshou, and they laughed at him when they heard that he was going to make alchemy.

Hear the words.

Shi Xiaoshou's face was blue and red, and his expression was full of disgust.

"Hmph, don't underestimate people, fat man, I will definitely be able to surpass that Zhou Chencheng in the future!"

Shi Xiaoshou said coldly, glaring at the people around him.


As soon as Shi Xiaoshou's words fell, there was a burst of laughter in the Danfang shop, and many people couldn't help laughing.

Even Boss Gu couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

More than Zhou Chencheng?

What a joke!

Zhou Chencheng, that is a famous alchemy genius in Feiyun City!

When he was only thirteen years old, he was accepted as a disciple by Fu Yao San.


Only four years have passed.

Zhou Chencheng has already become an intermediate profound alchemist!

And it is said that Zhou Chencheng's alchemy level has improved recently, and he can only refine a high-level profound pill, that is, he is only one step away from a high-level profound pill master!

In Feiyun City, there are many alchemy geniuses, but no one can compare to Zhou Chencheng.

Even the other disciples of Fuyao Sanren were surpassed by Zhou Chencheng.

Now, the famous fat man in Feiyun City wanted to surpass Zhou Chencheng. Isn't this laughable?

"Fatty man, do you know how big the gap between you and Zhou Shao is? You are fatter than Zhou Shao's hair!"

At this time someone in the crowd laughed.

"Just... let him bring Zhou Shao's shoes, Zhou Shao thinks his hands are dirty..."

Someone spoke in agreement.

Because of his anger, Shi Xiaoshou's fat face was full of redness, and he immediately shouted angrily: "What is he Zhou Chencheng? My fat guy must step on him. Then I think you dare not look down upon others!"

"Hey, you want to step on Ben Shao?"

Suddenly, a cold sneer came from Danfang's door, and a young man in a Chinese suit walked in with several people.

Seeing the boy appeared, Shi Xiaoshou's face suddenly solidified, revealing a look of fear.

"Young Master Zhou is here, let me see how you fat man step on it!"

When everyone saw the boy appear, their eyes couldn't help but they all showed the appearance of watching a play.

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