It's hard to judge Yu Youyou's mood now, but generally speaking, she is still happier.

However, this happiness didn't last long, and was interrupted by a sharp scream from the water ghost.

"Fuck, Ah Liu, stop it!"

There was a large shadow under the bent weeping willow, and the water ghost didn't have to be afraid of the sun's rays, and appeared directly on the water surface under the support of the water flow.

The body was wrapped in a strong power of the dead, and only a head like a fish or an eel was exposed, staring with scarlet eyes, and opening its mouth wide to bite the hanging willow branches.

But at the moment of biting, the willow branches moved without wind, and tightly wrapped around the water ghost like lightning.

At this time, the water ghost seemed to realize the danger and let out a shrill scream.

It was too fast. From the water ghost willing to take the bait to being tied up by the willow branches, Yu Youyou almost didn't react.

When the water ghost screamed, Yu Youyou hurriedly asked Xiao Zi to fly down to stop the water willow, but it was too late.


Xiao Zi hovered over the water willow, watching the water ghost crushed by the willow branches, and turned into a pure dead spirit force along the willow branches into the trunk, and sent a puzzled howl to Yu Youyou.

Do we still need to do it?

Yu Youyou was also dumbfounded, isn't this too fast?

This water willow is not tall, the main trunk is only about four meters, according to the judgment standard mentioned by Teacher Fei, it is just level three.

But the water ghost can condense a concrete head, which is also a sign of level three.

But the water ghost didn't even have the strength to fight back.

Yu Youyou recalled what Teacher Fei had told him at the beginning, that the water willow has a slight restraint on soul-type dead spirits and water creatures.

What the hell is called slight?

To be honest, he originally wanted to contract the water ghost. After all, there were two points he had considered before, and the water willow was not very useful to him.

But after what happened just now, he was shaken.

He had to be shaken. The water ghost was gone, and he would not meet the next one for a while.

"How about... I wait here for a while to see if there are any more hooks?"

Yu Youyou thought to herself, but was rejected immediately.

Watching the water willow use the willow branches to roll the magic crystal of the water ghost into a tree hole on top of her, and then waving the willow branches in the air as if facing a great enemy.

Obviously, Xiao Zi's trace was found, but unfortunately the primary water willow branches could only extend to more than ten meters at most, which was far from reaching Xiao Zi in the air.

But the cautious posture of the water willow also made it obvious that it was impossible to continue waiting for the water willow to fish here for a while.

"It's fate, it's fate."

Yu Youyou looked at the water willow with some entanglement, happy and helpless.

I am glad that I didn't have to contract a green turtle or a sawtooth crocodile in the end, but I am frustrated that it was Shui Liu who was ranked last in priority.

It is really strong, but its weakness is also obvious. Isn't it just a pure target?

Shui Liu can move, but the speed of a primary Shui Liu is not as fast as that of an ordinary human. It is absolutely right to say that it is a pure target.

Otherwise, it would not be so strong and rely on fishing to attract prey.

Not to mention Xiao Zi, even Da Qing can kill Shui Liu without damage from a distance.

So if I contract Shui Liu, there is basically no possibility for Shui Liu to fight alone for the time being. It can only exist to cooperate with Da Qing and Xiao Zi.

"Oh, forget it, just think of it as finding a personal bodyguard for myself."

In the battle of the summoner, the summoner must keep one or two summoned creatures to guard him.

Because the summoner has no additional self-defense ability without the summoned creatures.

If you play a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain, the summoner will be very dangerous.

So in the actual combat training course, Tang Ming also repeatedly emphasized that no matter how dangerous the situation is, you must keep a summoned creature around you for defense.

In fact, when he was in Mangshan, he let Daqing and Xiaozi enter the tomb together. According to the teaching standards, it was a wrong approach.

If there is an enemy hiding in the dark, he will be in danger.

So if you contract Shuiliu, it will probably be a personal bodyguard.

Thinking of this, Yu Youyou no longer hesitated and sent a message to Xiaozi and Daqing who were waiting at the edge through the contract.

"Do it!"



In an instant, accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder, there was also the sound of wind blades breaking through the air at high speed.

The blazing white lightning and the light blue rotating wind blades swept the Shuiliu all over the sky.

Suddenly, willow branches flew on the water surface, and the trunks appeared charred, and there were wounds like knife and axe cuts.

What surprised Yu Youyou was that after the trunk was broken, blood-red juice flowed out.

In less than a few seconds, the water willow was left with only a bare trunk, and a little fluorescent green covered the broken branches, and then began to grow again, and then was chopped off again.

Shui Liu tried to release water magic to block these attacks several times, but was stopped by the deterrence of lightning.

The power of thunder and lightning also has a huge restraining effect on plant creatures.


Xiao Zi seemed a little excited. Seeing that Shui Liu had no power to fight back, he suddenly pounced down and grabbed Shui Liu's trunk tightly with his thick claws.

The violent flapping of wings caused waves on the water surface. At this time, Da Qing also rushed out from the bushes beside him, lowered his head and howled like a wolf.

A gust of wind came instantly, and the wind spun and turned into a three or four meter high wind roll.

The center of the wind roll was Shui Liu. Because many parts of Shui Liu's trunk were charred or even caught fire due to the lightning, the sparks in the wind roll were getting bigger and bigger.

In addition, the tiny wind blades inside the wind roll itself continued, like a wood twister.

The flying wood chips were extremely easy to ignite, and soon turned into a fire tornado, and Shui Liu's struggle became increasingly weak.

Under the support of Xiao Zi's great strength and the wind roll, the roots of the water willow gradually peeled out of the soil and water.

Da Qing followed and applied a set of wind agility and wind speed to the water willow in a very tacit understanding.

Just like that, with a burst of broken soil splashing on the ground, the water willow was pulled out by Xiao Zi.


Xiao Zi quickly vibrated his wings. It was extremely difficult to catch the water willow that was four or five meters high with his strength, but with the help of the wind roll and two wind auxiliary magics, he actually did it.

As the water willow rose to about a hundred meters in the air, Xiao Zi suddenly loosened his grip.


Yu Youyou, who was watching Da Qing and Xiao Zi's tacit cooperation, jumped in his heart. At this height, don't smash it into pieces!


The trunk of the water willow suddenly fell on a shore, mud and rocks splashed, and a huge pit was smashed.

Yu Youyou quickly turned his view to see thick smoke in the pit.

Fortunately, plant life has no mouth and cannot speak, otherwise it would have screamed, "Who the hell did I offend?"

But fortunately, it is a plant-like magical creature, otherwise, he would not have been able to endure such a torture.

Yu Youyou asked Da Qing to summon a breeze to blow away the smoke and looked at the black tree trunk in the pit.

Fortunately, it did not turn into slag.

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