For plant-based magical creatures like the water willow, the consciousness core and magic crystal are usually hidden deep in the trunk.

As long as the trunk is not completely destroyed, it is difficult to die completely.

Even in the current state of the water willow, as long as it is not moved, it will grow new buds again after a while.

"There shouldn't be any problem, right?"

Yu Youyou was a little unsure. In theory, in this state, if it were placed on other creatures, even if they were not dead, their consciousness would have been scattered.

There was no way to resist the contract, but he was a little unsure about plant-based magical creatures.

Including Teacher Fei, he also told him that when contracting plants, you must repeatedly confirm their status before contracting.

Fortunately, the restraint of the thunder system on plants is obvious, and the power of thunder and lightning will also greatly suppress the consciousness of plant-based life.

Following Yu Youyou's call, Xiao Zi immediately flew down, with arcs of electricity wrapped between his claws, tightly grasping the trunk of the water willow.

"Huh, hold on, I'm coming."

Even if it was not the first time, Yu Youyou was still a little nervous.

As the spiritual power surged, 108 magic energies were slowly connected, turning into a more complex summoning contract, appearing from the air, and then heading towards Shui Liu.

Xiao Zi and Da Qing were also staring at this charred piece of wood, perhaps it would soon be their new partner.

"Nice, it worked!"

Feeling the new contract connection, Yu Youyou said excitedly.

I didn't expect it to be so smooth. The third contract, it can be said that apart from the time spent looking for it in the front, it didn't take much effort in the back.

Shui Liu was beaten unequally, and it took less than three minutes to become what it is now.

This is the benefit of being strong.

Yu Youyou looked at Da Qing and Xiao Zi, and understood the reason very well, especially Xiao Zi, the power of thunder and lightning is simply invincible, plus the advantage of being a bird, even if it encounters some intermediate creatures, it has the strength to fight.

"Let's go, let's go back."

Feeling a sense of rejection, Yu Youyou hurriedly exited the summoning world and wanted to see the changes in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Since there was no time to open up a new summoning space, Yu Youyou had to leave Shui Liu here first.

No one would care about such a rotten piece of wood.

As Da Qing and Xiao Zi were put away, the perspective began to change, and soon Yu Youyou saw the gray sea of ​​consciousness.

And between the red and blue, there was a dazzling golden color.

Yu Youyou was immediately excited. Sure enough, there was a third halo.

Yu Youyou quickly controlled his mental power to explore the golden halo. The golden halo flickered slightly, and four figures appeared above the halo.

Hmm? Four?

Yu Youyou was stunned, looking at the fourth figure besides Da Qing, Xiao Zi, and Shui Liu.

It was a figure that he was very familiar with, and it was himself.

Damn, what's going on? I became my own summoned creature?

Yu Youyou was a little confused, and couldn't figure it out. What does this mean?

After a period of fruitless thinking, he decided to experiment.

As his mental power continued to surge, he saw a bright golden halo appear on the four figures. Under Yu Youyou's careful manipulation, he moved the halo under his body.

Yu Youyou quickly withdrew from the sea of ​​consciousness and looked at his feet. Sure enough, a bright golden halo was spinning dazzlingly.

"Ah? This?"

Yu Youyou's expression froze, and his brain was a little out of order.

What on earth is going on?

Yu Youyou's throat rolled, and his starry eyes were stunned. This change was really beyond his expectations.

Why is he among the figures? What is the effect of this halo?

Yu Youyou felt a little headache, this thing didn't even have a hint.

He could at least barely guess some of the red and blue haloes, but he really couldn't remember what the corresponding function of this golden one was.

Yu Youyou frowned, and thoughts flashed through his mind quickly.

"I don't feel anything special from my body, I wonder if it's different for summoned creatures?"

Yu Youyou quickly thought of a way to transfer the halo to Da Qing or Xiao Zi to see if there are any special discoveries.

For example, the red halo last time was triggered accidentally.

Yu Youyou did not hesitate, and quickly manipulated the mental power to trigger the golden halo again.

But something unexpected happened to him.

The figure on the halo no longer appeared as a bright golden halo, but a light golden halo.

Yu Youyou was stunned again, and then manipulated the light golden halo to Da Qing's feet.

A change happened.

Da Qing, who was in the summoning space, turned into a stream of light under the flash of golden light and disappeared into the light.In his figure on the ring.

"This, this is!"

Yu Youyou was shocked, feeling the powerful force that suddenly filled his body, and the breeze that could be clearly felt.

That was not a breeze, it was the wind element!

"Merge! The function of the golden halo is to merge!"

His mind was racing, and this effect made Yu Youyou instantly think of a possibility.

"Incredible, really incredible!"

Yu Youyou murmured softly, looked down at his hands, clenched his fists, and the powerful force contained in them made him a little dazed.

If judged by his previous physical fitness, the power at this moment is at least several times that.

"Is this the power of Daqing! What about magic?"

With this thought, as if a blessing came to his mind, Yu Youyou's mind flashed a series of inexplicable information.

The agility of the wind!

A thought flashed through his mind, and the gentle breeze appeared and turned into a substantial airflow around his body. He could intuitively feel that his body was much lighter.

Success, it actually succeeded!

Yu Youyou's eyes were filled with excitement and shock. He really didn't expect that one day this kind of magic would be released from his hands!

Damn, this is awesome!

At this moment, he suddenly realized the difference between the two auras. The bright gold should be the main body, and the light gold is the fusion.

"Then can the light gold aura be applied to Daqing and Xiaozi at the same time?"

Yu Youyou's heart suddenly jumped, and he suddenly thought of one thing, that is, the red and blue auras can be applied to Daqing and Xiaozi at the same time.

If the light gold aura as a fusion can also be like this, doesn't it mean... Yu Youyou swallowed hard, and quickly manipulated his mental power to continue to touch the golden aura.

Soon, as Xiaozi turned into a golden stream of light and sank into his aura figure.

In the bedroom, Yu Youyou lowered his eyes and excitedly watched the arc in his hand jump, as well as the terrifying physical strength.

He felt that he could beat him to death with one punch now!

Not only that!

As the thought came to him, Yu Youyou felt the wind around him change.

An unimaginable sense of relief came over him, and he looked down at his feet gradually rising from the floor.

Behind him, a wing made of wind and thunder formed.

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