To control all exports of Fusang means to close the country.

This retreat and lock-up of the country is different from that of Man Qing himself. Fusang is passive and locked up by Zhang Yu.

If the Fusang people were not allowed to go out to sea, they would honestly mine for him on the island.

Zhang Yu's strategy of locking the country was evil, and the Fusang people had no hope at all.

Zhang Yu immediately wrote to China, asking Youzhou, Qingzhou, and Jiangdong to figure out how to solve them.

Qingzhou has stabilized and there will not be too many refugees. The three states do not have them. You can recruit from other places, but at this time all the princes are paying more attention to it, and it is impossible to recruit refugees on a large scale.

Zhang Yu can't manage that much now, so he will take care of the immediate things first.

In the camp, Zhang Yu kept receiving intelligence.

Now Zhang Yu has no interest in how many people he has killed after receiving the army, and how many troops he has destroyed.

What if they wipe out all their troops.

What can't be, still can't effectively control the entire Fusang.

What Zhang Yu wanted was to control them, not to make them afraid.

"Master, I have information." An Yuan came from outside with a slightly excited expression.

This is definitely not a battle report, because An Yuan knows that Zhang Yu has just taken a casual look at the battle report these days, too lazy to read it.

Zhang Yu took the intelligence and looked.

"Queen Fusang, please come down and be our vassal country?" Zhang Yu said after reading the information.

"It belongs to the country." Zhang Yu muttered, and began to think about the gains and losses.

Becoming a vassal is naturally beneficial, and the whole Fusang can be calmed down.

As long as it can be controlled, it is also a good thing.

At least the control of barbarians can be achieved, and then there will be no need to raise so many troops.

"Lord, if the Fusang Queen becomes our vassal, it will be beneficial for us to give us more time." An Yuan suggested.

Zhang Yu naturally understood that now they could not control the entire Fusang, but as long as they controlled the Fusang Queen, then they could indirectly control the entire Fusang.

This is a good way.

As long as Zhang Yu can accept it, it can be resolved.

Whether Zhang Yu can accept it depends on whether it can bring him enough benefits.

There are definitely benefits. Fusang can immediately stop unnecessary conquests and let the entire Fusang provide him with resources.

What Zhang Yu considered was how to control the Fusang Queen and his men. If they lose control, they will evolve into even greater disasters. This is what Zhang Yu didn't want to see.

What Zhang Yu wanted to see was Queen Fusang surrendering and buying time for herself.

"An Yuan, is there any safe way to control the Fusang Queen? Can they be controlled by the top?" Zhang Yu asked.

An Yuan thought for a while but couldn't think of any good way.

Zhang Yu asked again: "If we kill the queen and then support a queen to support the sang, is this feasible?"

An Yuan immediately shook his head and said, "Master, this Queen Fusang will never be replaced in the short term. Only he can govern the various states. If there is no Queen Fusang, the whole Fusang will fall into a state of disintegration. Even if we can control some areas, I can't control the entire Fusang area."

A falling apart Fusang is not in Zhang Yu's interests. Zhang Yu wants a complete Fusang, and then let the people of Fusang mine and provide other resources for him.

If a Fusang is falling apart, there will be constant wars, and Zhang Yu will have a headache to solve the various problems left by the wars.

Zhang Yu thought for a while and said, "Send someone to test the bottom line of Fusang Queen, and we are also studying how to control Fusang."

There was no way for the time being, Zhang Yu asked people to find a way.

Three or four days later, Zhang Yu received information again. The information was Zhang Yu's people who analyzed the situation of Queen Fusang in detail.

Queen Fusang is very ambitious and a smart person who knows the current situation.

If he does not surrender, even if Zhang Yu cannot control the entire Fusang, then he will kill the royal family, and then slowly swallow the entire Fusang, but the process is slower.

"This queen is a wise man, she seems to be a lord who is unwilling to be controlled." Zhang Yu said.

From the intelligence analysis, this Fusang queen is only willing to become Zhang Yu's vassal state, and pays a large amount of tribute every year, but the other conditions are unwilling to relax.

In this way, Queen Fusang is still the Queen of Fusang, just becoming Zhang Yu's vassal state.

Queen Fusang also has his cleverness. In today's situation, if he does not surrender, he will definitely be wiped out.

And if he surrenders, then she still has a chance, this big man is in such a divided situation, if Zhang Yu fails to fight for supremacy, then she may still have a chance to regain everything she has.

Queen Fusang has her own considerations, and Zhang Yu is also considering countermeasures.

Zhang Yu was thinking in the big tent alone, if he wanted to swallow Fusang, it would not work in a short time, but Zhang Yu would definitely not let Fusang get better.

"Then dismember the hibiscus and cut it once in a few years. There is not much meat for me to cut the hibiscus. In the end, the whole hibiscus will definitely become a part of China, not a country."

Zhang Yu considered for a day, and then made a decision.

After the decision, Zhang Yu called An Yuan.

"Farewell to the lord." An Yuan saw that Zhang Yu's face had no tangled expression, but instead had a firmness.

"The king has decided to make Fuso our vassal country and accept the surrender of the Queen Fuso. However, this king has several conditions. One is to cede the land. I want the islands of Hokkaido and Shikoku to move the people away. Fusang people are not allowed to enter these lands."

"The second condition is how much gold and silver should be given to us each year. This value will be calculated later. The third condition is the signing of a treaty."

Zhang Yu is stubborn about signing a treaty.

Later generations signed so many unequal treaties, and now Zhang Yu wants to come back early.

Ceding two islands, plus the former Kyushu Island, Zhang Yu has already ceded one-third of Fusang's territory.

Zhang Yu added: "If Queen Fusang disagrees, we will kill her and help some people to come up. Even the divided Fusang can't stay with them for a long time."

Zhang Yu wanted to produce as soon as possible and turn the invasion into profit as soon as possible, so he acted decisively.

An Yuan took the order and went to to find someone to communicate.

The news was passed to Queen Fusang, who was also quite helpless.

At this moment they had been running away, Zhang Yu's army chased them and beat them.

If it hadn't been for his surrender before, Zhang Yu ordered that the attack on them should be suspended. At this time, he might have been destroyed.

Although Zhang Yu's army has stopped attacking Queen Fusang and the others, it has never stopped attacking other armies.

The Fusang Million Army is a joke in front of them.

Most of the millions of troops have no weapons, let alone armor.

In the face of absolute strength, it is like paper.

Especially the cavalry, when they rushed into the battle, the formation could scare Fusang's army into a faint.

(End of this chapter)

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