The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 916: Marry Princess Fusang, get 2 people and wealth

Queen Fusang didn't want to surrender, and was even more angry when she received Zhang Yu's cede of the two islands.

But how can you fight them?

The opponent's 70,000 troops would hang their entire Fusang soldiers and horses, how can they be beaten?

If you can't beat it, then surrender, but the other party's conditions are too high. If you accept it, then your own rule will be in crisis.

This queen Fusang was killed, she unified the many tribes, and she didn't know how many enemies she had made.

If she betrayed the country, that is, cede land and pay compensation, then these enemies will unite, then her rule will still be shaken.

Being shaken by Zhang Yu and being shaken by the Fusang people, there is not much difference between them.

So for Queen Fusang, if Zhang Yu's terms would cause her position to be shaken, then why would she do it?

Queen Fusang flatly refused Zhang Yu's request.

When the news came, Zhang Yu shook his head, but after thinking about it, he said to An Yuan: "Force her to agree, if we don't agree, we will do it ourselves."

Zhang Yu didn't know if the queen really didn't accept it or if he landed to pay back the money, he had to bargain with Zhang Yu.

But Zhang Yu didn't plan to go into it deeply. Anyway, he just wanted the other party to cede the land and pay compensation. If he didn't agree, he would fight.

An Yuan passed the news again, and received the news only three days later this time.

"Master, the Fusang Queen agreed on the whole, but her request was a bit strange." An Yuan came from outside and reported to Zhang Yu again.

"Oh, yes, what strange request can she have?" Zhang Yu asked.

"The first point is that we need to build 10,000 armors and weapons for their soldiers."

Zhang Yu also bought the standard equipment Fusang Queen, but later because the price was too expensive and the figure was not suitable, they didn't buy the equipment, but only bought the weapons.

In other words, most Fusang people are short. The weapons and equipment sold by Zhang Yu are not suitable at all, but there is no other place to buy them. Some are better than none, so they have been using them all the time.

"This condition can be agreed. Ten thousand weapons and equipment will not affect us much at all."

Even if they were equipped with 10,000 people, they would not be Zhang Yu's opponent, so Zhang Yu was not worried at all.

"The second point, this Queen Fusang wants you to marry her daughter." An Yuan looked at Zhang Yu with a smile but not a smile, as if, besides, the lord's name of your **** had passed to Fusang.

Zhang Yu was also stunned for a long time, and then said: "How old is this Queen Fusang, do you have a daughter?"

An Yuan said: "According to the intelligence, this Fusang queen has no daughters at all, but it doesn't matter. He has sent someone to find one and considers it a daughter."

For the two countries and relatives, it doesn't matter whether they are biological daughters or not, as long as the two sides treat them as real.

Zhang Yu shook his head helplessly and then said: "This Queen Fusang is really naive, can it restrain me?"

An Yuan said: "Lord, this Fusang queen must understand that there are no restrictions on you, but she still finds a daughter to marry you. I am afraid that she will use the lord's hand to consolidate her position."

Zhang Yu suddenly understood what An Yuan said. The queen was afraid of her overthrowing her, so she married Zhang Yu, so her opponent was afraid of Zhang Yu and naturally did not dare to do it casually.

In addition, she has 10,000 fully equipped soldiers, so no one dared to move her.

"What a shrewd queen, then promise her, she is so shrewd, she should know the fate of violating our agreement." Zhang Yu said.

Zhang Yu also wants Fusang to stabilize quickly, and then mines for him, so he can accept marrying an Oriental woman.

After the discussion, Zhang Yu and the others sent a formal messenger to negotiate with each other.

An Yuan sent several people to contact Queen Fusang.

After a few days of talks, the two sides negotiated.

The queen ceded the two islands to Zhang Yu, and at the same time gave up the ownership of the Ishimi Silver Mine.

Second, indemnify silver and gold worth 200 million copper coins.

Third, the annual tribute is 180 million copper equivalents of gold and silver.

Fourth, hibiscus can purchase grain at will at market prices.

Fifth, Zhang Yu and Fusang Queen became in-laws, and they were repaired forever.

No one will elaborate on what is fixed for eternity, but it must be written in the treaty.

The indemnity worth 200 million coppers reminded Zhang Yu that the later generations of the Qing Dynasty would pay 200 million silver. Counting the differences in the times, the 200 million coppers might not be worth less than 200 million silver.

After the two sides discussed, Zhang Yu withdrew the army back.

There are also some treaties that Fusang will inevitably transfer all the Fusang people on the ceded island.

After the discussion, Zhang Yu celebrated with a banquet in the camp. At this time, several generals also returned with the army.

"My lord, congratulations to my lord, we have both wealth and wealth." An Yuan first got up and said.

People Fusang sent the princess over, and they had to pay compensation, which was a lot of money.

"Well, the trip has been a good harvest, very good." Zhang Yu stood up and toasted everyone.

This time the income was indeed very good, and Zhang Yu basically achieved his goal when he hit it like this.

After celebrating, everyone was very happy.

After a few days, Fusang ceremoniously sent the "Princess" over.

And Zhang Yu here is just a simple ceremony, Zhang Yu according to China's custom to set Fusang's princess as a concubine.

Yes, Zhang Yu's other wives are very good to them, but for Fusang's princess, Zhang Yu specially emphasized that it was just a concubine he married.

Deliberately belittle Princess Fusang.

That night, Zhang Yu naturally wanted to be a bridal chamber.

"Hey, this Fusang princess is not ugly, like a certain Fusang star in later generations."

This Fusang princess was specially selected by the Fusang Queen. She was naturally a beautiful woman, but she was a little petite, but her chest was big, a bit of a childlike face that often appeared in later island countries.

Since someone sent a beautiful woman, it was a Fusang woman, Zhang Yu would naturally not be polite.

The two of them did something shameless in the big Zhang Yu had a feeling of conquering. It was not only the Fusang woman who was conquering, but the whole Fusang.

Zhang Yu wanted to conquer the entire land.

Now only a part of it is under control, and it won't take long for Zhang Yu to slowly erode this piece of land.

It has been more than three months since Zhang Yu's expedition this time, and he will continue to stay for more than ten days. After the entire Fusang matter has completely stabilized, he should also go back.

This time, the goal has been achieved, and Zhang Yu doesn't want to stay here.

In the next few days, in addition to paying attention to the progress of various things, Zhang Yu did not shameful things with Princess Fusang.

"If you can give birth to me a boy and a half girl, maybe the child can still sit in the position of the queen or the emperor, it will be more conducive to me to control the entire Fuso." Zhang Yu said while doing that.

With such hard work, he also wanted to replace Queen Fusang if he had the opportunity. Please use the latest domain name to read books on this site

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