The sea breeze blows slightly, bringing a hint of coolness….

I don’t know how long it took for the freshmen to finally react…

They, it seems, were pitted.

“How did you do it! Can he be considered an instructor like that? So it left us on this desert island, with nothing to eat and nothing to drink! This is simply murder! Brynblin collapsed directly on the beach, and it was difficult to accept that Zefa dared to do this.

In this way, isn’t his personal safety insurmountable? Could it be that in a military school, there is still a danger to life?

The other freshmen were more or less dazed, on an island, and they didn’t know what to do next.

Only Liuge, secretly happy in his heart.

Originally, he was worried about how to find an opportunity to steal Hune’s rusty fruit ability and Tina’s threshold fruit ability, but now Zefa suddenly played such a trick, it was simply sleepy and sent pillows! It is conceivable that in the next three days, Liuge has the opportunity to achieve his goals.

Thinking so, Liuge smiled lightly, and walked in the direction of the forest without looking back.

“Hey, Liug, what are you doing?” Smogg saw Liug’s movements and asked in a deep voice.

“Should I ask you that? Are you going to be in a daze until dark? Instructor Zefa said that there are many beasts on this island, all of which haunt at night. Turning back and sneering, Liuge waved his hand and reminded: “I hope you can live tonight with this group of weak chickens.” ”

“What did you say?!” Tina and the others, who were suddenly insulted, glared angrily at Liug.

“Liug, don’t be too arrogant! A person is dangerous. Smogg’s face was also not good-looking, but the young man was still a little warm-hearted, and still persuaded.

“I don’t know if you’ve heard a word ..” Liug’s departing footsteps suddenly stopped.

“What?” Smog asked subconsciously.

“I’m not afraid of opponents like gods, I’m afraid of teammates like pigs, haha..” After laughing, Liuge did not stay any longer, the ability to run fast was activated, and a few breaths of time disappeared into the jungle!

On the coast, a group of freshmen looked stunned in the direction where Liug had disappeared, and a humiliated anger filled their chests.

In Liug’s words, they are teammates like pigs!

How can this be endured? You must know that they are the best of a million freshmen in the Navy Military Academy! Again one of the eight selected from the elite naval military academy! Its talent, strength, and potential are far beyond ordinary people! Everyone’s heart is full of pride!

However, Liug called them pigs!

“It’s so arrogant! If he wants to find death, let him go, and when he suffers and some beg for mercy, Smogg, we can’t do nothing anymore, first build a stronghold to cover the wind, and then scout the surrounding terrain. Tina said angrily, but always kept a little sane, understanding that now was not the time to compare with Liug, on the contrary, this strange island was more dangerous.

“That’s it.” Smogg nodded and began looking for shelter.


Above naval warships…

“Zefa! Why did you bastard pull the newborn to Beast Island again?! They are the elite of the future Navy! How can you die on meaningless training! ”

In front of Zefa, a telephone bug glared angrily, cursing at Zefa, and his saliva splashed…

“Sengoku, when do I need you to teach my students? How can a person who does not experience hardships deserve to be called an elite! And they will not be dangerous, among the freshmen of this session, but there are several good seedlings, with them, self-preservation should be no problem. ”

Zefa dug his ears with his little finger and said with a look of indifference.

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