Time passes minute by minute…

It didn’t take long for night to fall.

The island shrouded in darkness gradually began to sound insects, and if you listened carefully, you could even hear some heavy gasping sounds.

Liuger stood at the top of a large tree on the island, watching the situation of the entire island.

I saw that as night fell, the whole island seemed to ‘live’ because of this! The woods and grass began to shake densely, apparently something interspersed in them.

Moreover, the number is very large!

“Are the islands in One Piece so weird?” Cursing secretly, Liuge still hasn’t figured out where they are hiding during the day, and such a huge group of beasts has appeared so abruptly, and he can’t understand the principle at all!

But Liug didn’t have time to complain about the unscientific nature of the island, only to see the grass surging with the woods! A huge black panther with a body size of five meters flashed away! With the appearance of this huge black panther, countless roars of fierce beasts resounded in the entire forest in an instant!

Many fierce beasts will no longer hide their figures in the dense forest! They all stood on the bare open space and soaked up the moonlight to their heart’s content.

Through the moonlight, Liuge found that these beasts were all pure black! Whether it’s a jackal or


Or bobcats, or some occasional snakes and insects, regardless of the species, are always pure black!

“Well?” Just as Liuge was looking at the strangeness of the many beasts, suddenly, a flash of fire burned from the side of the cliff!

In an instant, all the beasts that were absorbing the moonlight turned their gazes to the direction of the firelight, and then howled in unison and went straight to the firelight!

“This bunch of idiots ..” Liuge was speechless, he didn’t understand the situation, and he dared to rashly raise a fire to expose his position, really when the flame could drive out the beast?

Perhaps they also found that the situation was wrong, the fire only burned for less than ten seconds, and it was artificially extinguished, but at this time it was obviously too late to remedy, some excited beast roars obviously already represented that the owner of these sounds had found strangers, and a large number of beasts groped in the direction of the beast roar, as if participating in a game…

No way, Liuge’s theft ability is only useful for living people, once a person dies, not only the memory and bloodline of the whole body will disappear rapidly, but even the fruit ability will come out of the body and turn into a new devil fruit in a certain corner of the world! If you want to get their abilities, Liug can only protect the safety of the other party.

At least until he gets the ability, Liuge can’t let them have accidents.

And even if you can’t get the ability, with Liuge’s character, it’s difficult to watch the other party being killed by the beast.

Sighing, Liuge jumped and began to run in the direction where the beasts gathered.


Under the cliff wall…

“Didn’t I say you can’t make a fire?!” Smog forced his anger, stared at Brynn Brin with a lewd face, and asked coldly.

“I… Didn’t I still want to warm everyone up? Brynblin also knew he had run into trouble, but was reluctant to admit his mistake in front of Smogg.

“Yes, Smogg, don’t blame Bryn Brin, after all, he is here to warm us.” Claudius also hurriedly came out to ease the atmosphere.

Seeing this, others also excused Brynblin, not realizing the seriousness of the matter.

Seeing this, Smog couldn’t help but exhale deeply, and an extremely suffocating feeling spread over his body.

He suddenly understood why Liug was reluctant to follow the team…

“With Liug’s strength, the safety of acting alone is definitely higher than carrying this group of fools!” Smogg thought.

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