However, this only eased the beasts’ offensive for a moment!

Even in less than a few seconds, the corpse wall was occupied again!

And Liug no longer has the physical strength to sustain the wolfization! The whole person turned into a human form, punched the beasts to the point, but only hit it to the core, and soon rushed up again with a grin.

Liug is still like this, and Smog and Tina are even more unbearable!

The two gradually began to have injuries on their bodies, and Tina looked even more shaky.

And at this time, there is still a full hour before dawn!

Reason tells Liug that the hope of winning in such a situation is almost zero! But Liug will not accept this judgment! Did you come to this world inexplicably just to be short-lived here?


A fierce tiger stepped on the back of many beasts and climbed up, and Liuge also discovered its existence, but his body was heavy at this time! There is simply no way to attack in time!

With a muffled snort, Liuge felt a pain in his right arm, and immediately saw the tiger that had boarded earlier biting his arm! With a sharp tooth, he immediately tore off a large piece of flesh and blood on Liuge’s right arm!

“Die!” The sharp pain provoked Liug’s anger! I don’t know where the strength came from, Liuge punched out, bringing a chilling fist wind! Directly smashed the head of the tiger!


But at this moment, Tina’s screams came, Liuge’s heart jumped, and he quickly turned around, and saw several fierce beasts hanging on Tina’s body! Struggling to bite Tina’s whole body!

Gritting his teeth, with the help of the pain in his arm, Liuge forced himself to ignore the exhaustion of his body, and the ability to run quickly activated, and in an instant appeared in front of Tina, his hands came out, and he directly blasted all the beasts on his body!

But Tina, who was rescued, was already seriously injured! The fear of pain and death, combined with exhaustion of physical exhaustion, made Tina pass out in one fell swoop!

Worse! Smogg’s movements are also getting slower! Constant beasts pounced on him and gave him a bite mark! Although Smog resisted desperately, it can be seen that Smog can no longer even protect himself!

“Damn..” Cursing secretly, Liuge picked Tina up, and did not care to admire the spring light leaking from the torn and shredded clothes all over her body, and quickly threw it under the corpse wall behind her.

Subsequently, Liug deliberately controlled the direction of his attack! Try your best to cover the bodies of the killed beasts on the bodies of the unconscious trainees…

“Smogg, get down!” Liug yelled at Smogg.

However, Smog didn’t hear about it, still fighting in front and fighting the beasts madly!

Seeing this, Liug immediately knew that Smog was fighting with instinct again, and at the moment he couldn’t help but smile bitterly, his mind moved, and his brain seemed to be stirred by a human stick! But he still barely showed his ability to run fast and quickly came to Smogg’s side! Kicked him down!

The beasts wanted to jump over Liuge in pursuit, and Liuge quickly stretched out his arms! The two black sills spread out along Liuge’s arms! Bind all the beasts to death! Then his body was constantly pressed behind him.

Although Liuge knew that doing so would put the freshmen in danger of suffocation! But at this moment, Liuge can no longer take care of so much, so that at least there is a chance to survive! But if they are allowed to be exposed, Liuge alone will not be able to stop the impact of the beasts, and once they let the beasts rush in, they have no hope of survival!

Under Liuge’s control, the corpses of the beasts pressed the freshmen underneath layer after layer! It’s always three meters high! Liuge’s body shook, his legs were soft, and he knelt down on the corpse mountain paved by the corpses of the beasts!

The beasts saw the opportunity! In the blink of an eye, Liuge was crushed to the ground! Crazy bite!

“me!” The bite of the beasts once again terrified Liug! A strong fear of death dominated Liug’s whole body! Huge energy burst out of nowhere! Black Sills Ability Launched! Countless huge black spears flew out, instantly piercing all the beasts around him to death!

But soon, more beasts pounced again! Liuge frantically unleashed the black spear, constantly strangling all the beasts that dared to pounce! A large amount of blood poured out from the mouth, nose, ears and even eyes due to the overload of the ability to use!

Soon, the double loss of physical strength and blood began to make Liuge confused! Facing a steady stream of beasts, Liuge bit his tongue! With the help of the fishy smell and pain in his mouth, he performed the last trick that was still conscious!

“Piece of iron!!!

Immediately, it was overwhelmed by endless beasts….

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