Early morning…

When Zefa landed on Beast Island, he was immediately stunned by the tragic scene in front of him!

The five-meter-tall corpse mountain emits an indescribable stench that permeates the entire island! At the very peak of the Endless Corpse Mountain, a thin figure stood on top of the Corpse Mountain with a block of iron! Around him, countless huge black spears crossed the line, and countless beast corpses spread out for tens of meters!

“Hurry up and save people!”

Gasping for air, Zefa himself couldn’t understand how so many beasts could appear on this beast island, knowing that things might be beyond his expectations, and quickly ordered his subordinates at the moment.


The soldiers quickly stabilized their shocked hearts and rushed forward.



This was the first sensation of Liuge’s consciousness restored.

Then, immediately after, there was an unbearable tingling pain in the brain! Subsequently, the sensation of the whole body began to recover…

Well, it hurts.

The whole body seemed to be protesting, but this was proof that Liug was alive.

Slowly open your eyes, and into the eye, there is a piece of white, and an infusion bottle…

Looking around, Liug found that in addition to him, there were six hospital beds around him, on which lay Smogg, Tina, Hune, Claudic, Ruth, Charlinger and others.

They were wearing oxygen inhalers and infusions.

But fortunately, they are not life-threatening.

“Are you awake?” Just as Liuge was looking at the surrounding environment, a young girl in a nurse’s suit, about twenty years old, walked in with a smile: “You are the first to wake up.” ”

“Yes: Is it? Liu Gemunan responded, and his eyes wandered…


Five days later…

After Liug had largely recovered from his injuries, he received a new naval uniform and left the ward.

In these five days, Liuge summed up the experience of three days on Beast Island and greatly improved his strength to a higher level! How strong Liuger is now, he himself cannot measure.

After all, this world’s perception of power is not too obvious, and unlike kendo, at least there is a realm of chopping steel and sword qi to give Liu Ge an estimate.

He only knew that now his powerful punch could at least hit nearly ten tons of strength! Hundreds of times more than a normal person!

Of course, the most terrifying thing to improve is physical strength!

Three days of desperate pressing, pressing and suppressing, has long increased Liuge’s physical strength to a terrifying level! On Beast Island, there is no clear understanding only because the physical strength is not restored, but now that there is enough time, after the physical strength is fully restored, the physical strength that is abundant enough to make Liuge’s spirit explode is simply like a dazzling mai!

In addition, the improvement of spiritual power and physical strength is also very obvious, especially the improvement of spirit, which directly drove Liu Ge through the most crucial level of kendo— chopping steel!

Once he was focused, he could clearly hear the sounds of the matter around him! Sense almost all the flaws around you! As soon as a blow is issued, it is immediately like destroying and decaying! Burst out unimaginably lethality!

Chopping steel is not only acting on kendo, bare hands against the enemy can also achieve the effect of increasing lethality through the flaws heard, but some material flaws are extremely small, and can only be attacked with a knife.

The improvement of physical fitness has also led to the strength of Liuge’s iron block, and at the same time, in many tears, Liuge has also made progress from Zefa’s iron block and comprehended his own iron block – King Kong!

It was by this move that Liu Ge insisted on it for a full twenty minutes under the attack of the beasts! Held out until dawn!

King Kong’s defensive power far exceeds that of iron, and although it cannot be moved when it is cast, it has advantages that iron cannot match in some places.

In this way, although the three-day special training of Beast Island is very dangerous, the benefits brought by this make Liuge feel worthwhile!

He didn’t know that this training should not be so difficult, but that the number of beasts on Beast Island was too terrifying, even beyond Zefa’s expectations, to become so dangerous.

And because of Brimprin’s disappearance, Zefa was severely reprimanded by the Warring States and almost stepped down….

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