The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1078 Sss-Level Tasks

Chapter 1078 sss-level task

Play the game, the backpack is easy to fill o

but o

Interspatial Ring is different o

The Lingkong Ring in Long Fei's hands is even more different. It has a storage space the size of a villa, why can't it be put down?

He never thought about when the Interspatial Ring was full, because it was impossible o

But now...

Lingkong ring is about to explode

There were so many that he couldn't even put a hair in it. Long Fei could only summon the three demons and the four dragons as slaves. They were also covered with o's.

Jingle, it's all o

It's already exploded like this

Over the past year, it has been the most dashing period of time that Long Fei has ever seen.

Just a little bit depressed

It's just that I don't know what's going to happen, and I won't know everything until I return to Tianwu Continent.


"dinner's ready!"

Long Fei banged the gong

Hearing this voice, Beamon moved his eyes and ran back in a hurry, holding a huge large basin, drooling, and squatting there very well-behaved.

"This giant roasted elephant leg is yours, keep up the good work o"

"These are your o's"

"Eat, eat!"

Long Fei is like a super big nurse

The troll approached cautiously and said, "Boss, what about ours?"

Long Fei sneered and said: "You guys still have the face to eat, let you carry some boxes here and there, I'm so disappointed o"

"but o"

"Who are you? Are you Earth Devil or Thunder Devil?"

The troll has mysterious boxes all over his body, he can't even see his entire face, and he doesn't even know who it is.

too many boxes

The troll looked bitter and said, "Boss, I'm the old devil of gravity."

Long Fei said: "There is also a barbecue here, you can divide it into seven."

Li Yuanba was eating the barbecue, came up and asked, "Boss, we have been away from Tianwu Continent for more than a year, when are we going back?"

Lin Yousheng said: "I want to go back too"

Tianling said: "What are you going to do when you go back? How good is it to be here?"

Luohan said: "What a hammer, our Cultivation Base is limited by the laws of planes, no matter how we cultivate, we will not be able to break through. We have wool for it."

"I also want to go back, and I'm afraid that something will happen to Nantianyu after we have been away for so long."

These Long Fei have thought about o

But o

Long Fei believed that as long as he did not appear, Nantianyu would be safe.

Gu Tongtian is the one they want, and Nantianyu is the only one who can threaten Long Fei, so they will not be in any danger.

However, this is only Long Fei's guess.

Actually o

Long Fei is very worried about those brothers in Nantian Domain and Immortal Domain

According to the agreement, they will go to Nantianyu in two months.

Long Fei said slightly: "When Beamon has cleaned up this valley, we will leave here."

Beamon is crazy to eat, an elephant's leg was eaten up in less than half a minute, and even the bones were bitten off.

Long Fei said: "There is still o here"

Beamon immediately laughed. He was very dependent on Long Fei. In the past tens of thousands of years, he has never been so happy as he is now.

After eating, it's another round of chasing o

very strange o

None of these Celestial Clan disciples ran out of the valley. Long Fei couldn't understand this.

Why do you have to die in this valley?

no reason

It was obviously slaughtered, why didn't you escape from the valley?

Ancestor Yanhuang suddenly said, "Because they can't escape."


Long Fei was taken aback and said, "Why can't you escape?"

Ancestor Yanhuang said: "I don't know the specifics, but I can be sure that they can't escape. This is not the real Chaos Realm."

"This should be a special secret realm in Chaos World"

Long Fei was shocked and said, "Ancestor, you mean, they got the portal into the secret realm?"

Ancestor Yanhuang said: "This is a clever method, a method that will never be discovered."

Long Fei said, "Then why didn't they leave the secret realm?"

Ancestor Yanhuang said: "It is estimated that you will kill the people who can open the secret realm. They don't know how to open the secret realm at all. They can only hide in the middle of the valley."

as he said

The only person who can open the secret realm is the purple-robed man.

When you come up, you will be killed in seconds.

No one can open the secret realm, they can only hide in this valley

this time o

It is the lineage of the Celestial Clan. They discovered the Portal of Teleportation and the secret treasure of the Dragon Clan. They wanted to control Tianting through the Gate of Teleportation, but...

I didn't expect it to happen like this

Totally unexpected o

Long Fei asked again: "Ancestor, Yuanba and the others once came here and obtained the power of evolution, where can they evolve? Why didn't I find out?"

He turned out that Chaos Realm is not to explode the artifact o

It's for a stronger power, capable of crushing Feixian Realm's power, but...he hasn't seen anything yet.

The power of evolution?


Tian Ting is a generation of evolutionary people. The reason why he was able to break through the Eighth Rank of Fei Xian is also because of the power of evolution.

Where is this power?

Ancestor Yanhuang said with a slight smile, "The Four Vajra plus all the evolutionists of the Tian Family probably don't have as much evolutionary power as you alone."

"Huh?" Long Fei didn't understand, he didn't feel the existence of any evolutionary power at all.

Ancestor Yanhuang said: "In those black boxes of yours?"

"Long Fei, although I don't know how you made breakthroughs, if you gain powerful power, but every time you kill, kill Demonic Beasts, there will be something more in your Interspatial Ring. I guess this is your deepest secret o"

"You sure have what you want in these black boxes o"

Ancestor Yanhuang said lightly o

He has been in Long Fei's body for ** years, even if he is a fool, he understands that Long Fei has special powers.

He didn't want to know what kind of power it was

because o

What Long Fei wanted to say, he had already said it.

Regarding the existence of the system, Long Fei will never penetrate half a word o

Long Fei smiled and said, "Hahaha... Ancestor, do you want to open these boxes as soon as possible?"

Ancestor Yanhuang said, "I think more than you, and I'll have a good meal too."

immediately o

The two laughed at the same time


twenty days later

The last disciple in the valley was slapped by Beamon

also at the same time

in this moment o

The system beeps a beep


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for clearing the Ziguang secret realm for gaining 100,000 experience points, 10,000 Xianli points, and 10,000 points for special rewards o"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for triggering the portal mission o"

Mission: Break the portal o

Level: sss level

Time: three minutes

Reward: Level 1, gain control of the portal o


"Whether to accept?"

Without waiting for Long Fei to refuse, the system simply defaulted, "Accept!"


"The mission fails, and the player is forever trapped in the purple light secret realm"

"The task starts o after three seconds"

"3, 2, 1..."


third chapter,

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