The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1079 The Separation Is Just For The Next Meeting

It all happened so suddenly

completely out of control

When the quest tone ended, an hourglass countdown appeared in Long Fei's mind.

"I go!"

Long Fei roared, "Everyone is attacking the portal, hurry, hurry up!"

Li Yuanba was stunned for a moment, he didn't even think about it at all, the divine power in his fists exploded, he rushed directly to the teleportation gate, and punched it up.

Tianling also did the same

Lin Yousheng was more sober, and said, "Boss, we blasted the portal, how do we go back?"

A word to wake up Long Fei

"I rely on!"

"Yes, if the portal of teleportation is broken, how will we go back?" Long Fei murmured in his heart, this is a very important question.

The system just said that he has the control of the portal, but can it be released?

didn't make it clear


More crucially, Li Yuanba's punch went down, and the Portal of Teleportation did not shake in any way, not even the slightest damage was dealt.

The same is true for Tianling's attacks.

Long Fei shouted and said, "Beimon, come on!"


Beamon roared and slapped it down with a palm.

His power is extremely powerful, even the strongest power Long Fei has ever seen.


The portal is unmoved, there is no change o

Beamon was a little dissatisfied, and he hugged his fists and bombarded it from the sky, "Boom!"

The portal is still the same, not moving

Long Fei was stunned, pulled out the dragon slaying knife and slashed it down, "Om!"


Deal 100,000 damage

also at the same time

There was a long string of HP hanging on the top of the portal, Long Fei counted it, his eyes turned white, "I'll go to your sister, 10 billion HP, are you trying to kill me? "

and o

Long Fei wanted to compare Li Yuanba with the knife just now, Beamon and the others were not as powerful at all, but he caused damage, but Beamon and the others didn't do any damage at all.

That is to say o

Only Long Fei can break this portal

No one else can!

This is the system setting o

Long Fei greeted the eighteenth generation of the ancestors of the system in his heart, and without saying a word, he attacked frantically, using all his strength to suckle.

"Crazy Dragon Slayer!"


"Dark Dragon God Slash!"


"Juggernaut Eighty-One Swords!"


"Super Saiyan Mode, Transform o"

"Buddha Palm!"


Long Fei's life-threatening attack, he didn't even have a chance to speak, 10 billion HP, three minutes, this is absolutely impossible.

But he doesn't want to be trapped here o

he's going out

Gotta get out!

"Demacian justice, boom!"

The big sword slashed down, the halo on the teleportation gate twisted a little, and some fluctuations began to appear.

Long Fei was also nervous, "If I don't succeed, the portal will definitely be damaged. Can the four Vajra get out?"

"Ten thousand steps back and say o"

"If I succeed, what if the portal can't be released? Can they go back?"


"This shitty mission is simply forcing daddy to death." Long Fei was upset and shouted at Li Yuanba, "Yuanba, the four of you go in."

"Dragon Demon, the four of you open the way"

"Earth Devil, troll, thunder devil, after the three of you are in bed, go back the way we just came in, you must go out, understand?"

Li Yuanba immediately asked, "Boss, what about you?"

Long Fei grinned and said: "Don't worry, when did your boss have an accident? You are waiting for me there. If I don't come out within three days, you will go to Nantianyu first, and I will be there as soon as possible. "

"This is an order!"

"Hurry up!"

Time is life, Long Fei is now racing against death

Li Yuanba gritted his teeth. There must be a reason for Long Fei to do this. He dived into the portal and shouted, "Boss, we are waiting for you."

"Beamon o"

"you follow them too"

Long Fei looked at the incomparably huge Beamon, this guy Long Fei really liked o

Beamon shook his head and said, "Boss, I'm by your side, so I won't go there."

Actually o

He himself knows very well that he can no longer enter the turbulent flow of time and space, and he can no longer leave the chaos world.

this time o

His heart was struggling and a little painful, because he and Long Fei were about to separate o

He didn't show the pain in his heart, but looked at Long Fei with a silly smile and said, "Boss, come on, come on, boss."

Inadvertently, his eyes were a little wet.

Long Fei didn't know these o

"Beamon, be obedient, hurry up and go out with them" Long Fei said again.

Beamon still shook his head and said, "Boss, I'm right here o"

At this time o

Ancestor Yanhuang couldn't help but said: "Long Fei, the Behemoth Behemoth can only choose one plane in his life, and he follows you to the Chaos Realm, which means that he will never be able to get out of the Chaos Realm."

"he can't get out"

"He knew it himself, that's why he chose to stay o"

Behemoths belong to the turbulent space of time and space. Once you choose a plane, you cannot change it in your life.

Long Fei helped him, and he chose to repay Long Fei without hesitation, and followed him into the Chaos Realm. This year has been his happiest day for tens of thousands of years.

Long Fei felt severe pain in his heart and said, "Ancestor, why didn't you tell me? Why?"

Ancestor Yanhuang did not speak.

He knew very well why he didn't say o

According to Long Fei's character, once this is made clear, Long Fei will never bring Beamon into the Ziguang secret realm. If he and the Four Great Vajra come in, they will be crushed in an instant.

The ancestors do not regret own choice o

Even if he knew he would be blamed by Long Fei, he didn't regret it

If he knew this, Long Fei would release Beamon and let him return to the turbulent flow of time and space.


Long Fei is the first person who can subdue this super beast.

Ancestor Yanhuang was really shocked o

He couldn't let Long Fei lose such a super helper in vain

Long Fei looked at the behemoth Beamon, and looked at his wet eyes, Long Fei's heart was unspeakably uncomfortable.

Beamon was also moved inwardly, looking at Long Fei Hanhan and smilingly said: "Daddy said that separation is short-lived, it is to prepare for the next meeting o"

"Boss, we will meet again o"

"I am waiting for you in Chaos World"

Beamon doesn't want to burden Long Fei too much o

Seeing it, Long Fei is now in a dilemma.

one side is brother o

On the other side is the family

Long Fei has never been so entangled

I really don't want to lose Beamon o

Looking at Beamon's firm eyes, Long Fei clenched his fists and said, "Beamon, wait for me, I will definitely come to Chaos World to find you!"

"Be sure to wait for me!!"

finish o

Long Fei's fists exploded, and he let out a deep roar, "Tenth level unparalleled!"

"Super Saiyan o"

"Ten million punches!"

The fists are bombarding wildly, constantly bombarding, bombarding, and bombarding o

in the last second moment o


The portal shattered, Long Fei fell into the endless darkness, watching Beamon get further and further away, Long Fei shouted, "Wait for me!!"

The system at this moment o


Chapter Four,

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