The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1135 The Upgraded Version Of The Ferocity Is Awesome

"First round!"

"Three-star Sirius, against eight yellow-rank third-rank slaves o"

The sound fell o

A flash of iron gates open o


A wolf twice the size of an adult male lion rushed out, with a halo under his feet, the hair on his body stood up like steel needles, and his body was even bigger.

The moment he rushed to the center of the Colosseum, he let out a roar!


As if to vent, here he is Wang O

another place o

Eight yellow third rank Practitioners were pushed out o

Their faces were pale, and they dared not look directly at the Samsung Sirius in the center of the field.

at the moment they were pushed out o

Samsung Tianlang's eyes sank, staring at the eight people, saliva dripping from his mouth, and his front paws were slightly scratched. At this moment, his body rushed.


"come, come o"

"How long will it take this time, I bet it will never take more than a minute o"

"I bet thirty seconds o"

"This three-star Sirius has not been fed for seven days, and these eight people will be eaten by him in an instant."

"Hahaha...that's cool enough o"

"eat them, eat them o"


The eight people didn't dare to resist at all, and when they saw the Samsung Sirius pounce on them, they ran away immediately.


The door is blocked and they have no way out



The head of a Practitioner was bitten off in an instant, and blood burst out. Sirius bit the head into pieces, making a crackling sound, and then swallowed the whole body.

turn o

Change in speed, turn in an instant

With a swoosh, he patted another Practitioner on the ground and bit it down.


Seeing the blood shooting, there was cheering on the field, the more bloody, the more excited they were o

Here, the law of cannibalism is even more vivid.

No one will sympathize with the weak o

In less than 30 seconds, the eight Practitioners were eaten by the three-star Sirius one by one, and the blood made it even more ferocious, and finally the iron gate opened.

Samsung Sirius is neither in a hurry nor slow, walking slowly back into the cage like a king

There was cheers on the field


The next few games are the same

Slave vs Demonic Beastso

The slaves were completely defeated, all the slaves who appeared were torn apart by the Demonic Beasts, and no one survived o

Every time the audience on the stage is boiling


"The next match is between our Hongcheng Palace, Wang Tai Young Master, against a slave o"

The voice fell o

There was an immediate discussion on the field o

"Who is so unlucky to actually meet Wang Tai, this slave is dead."

"This slave has been downed with blood and mold for eight lifetimes."

"Hahaha... Wang Tai is a little genius in Hongcheng, and he is also a nominal disciple of Yuanyang Sect. If he goes to battle, then this slave will definitely die."


Hongcheng Palace, one of the powerful forces

Wang Tai is a little genius in Hongcheng

Last time in the underground fighting arena, the three punches did not kill Long Fei, which made him very unhappy.

Today he wants to ko Long Fei with his right fist, and then he will challenge those Demonic Beasts to prove it to the Elder Yuan Yangzong in the audience.

Come out of the Wangtai channel o

Facing a proud smile o

another one out

Long Fei was pushed out by a wall, and walked slowly to the Colosseum, looking at the surrounding corpses, bones, and blood, with a slight hook at the corner of his mouth, he said slightly: "This is the world I like. o”


The more brutal, the more Long Fei likes o

he is wolf

Born to kill o

The moment he stood in the center of the field, he raised his eyes slightly, looked at the sky, showed an excited look, and smiled slightly: "Chaos World, hello!"

this time o

Wang Tai walked up, armored all over, and a pair of gloves were unusually eye-catching. He stared at Long Fei and sneered: "God, last time I counted your fate, this time I will kill you with one punch."

With a smug look on his face

He is a noble in Hongcheng

He was born superior

Long Fei stared at Wang Tai, and said coldly: "I said, I will remember your o"

Wang Tai snorted with two fists, and said, "I will make you remember me forever. When I go to Lord King Yama, I will say that it was killed by daddy."

"Boom, boom!"

The roar of two forces burst out

The roar of the Vajra punch o

"Vajra punch!"

"The Wang family's third rank Cultivation Technique, Vajra Boxing"

"And Wang Tai still has Vajra gloves on his hands, so this kid will be instantly killed with one punch."

"Seckill, spike, just kill!"

The two fists were as brave as Vajra, hitting Long Fei's chest hard, unstoppable.

and o

The Cultivation Base of the sixth rank on Wang Tai broke out. With this punch, he was bound to be ashamed, and he was bound to kill Long Fei in seconds. "If I don't kill you in seconds, I will lose."


"Tremble under my Vajra punch o"

arrogant o


Long Fei sneered: "Is Vajra boxing very good?"

"The third rank Cultivation Technique is awesome?"

"The third rank Cultivation Technique in Chaos World is very good?"

"Then try daddy's nine-grade god-level Cultivation Technique!"

The voice fell o

Long Fei's foot is windy, suddenly he will move, and his steps move, "Shu!"

The figure turns into a god wind

The right leg turned into a whip and swept it down fiercely.

third rank Cultivation Technique?

What about the ninth-grade god-level Cultivation Technique?

The gap is too big

In the auditorium, Yang Yu suddenly stood up, staring at Long Fei with both eyes, her mind tightened, and she couldn't help saying, "So fast!"


Sweep on top of Wang Tai's head

A force burst out


Wang Tai's body couldn't bear it, and he knelt heavily on the ground, his kneecap shattered and blood poured out.


Screaming like a pig

In mid-air, Long Fei's body was frozen there, his right leg swept out, his body turned over, his left leg swept across, and kicked heavily on Wang Tai's neck.


force ejection o

His body flew straight out, and he kept flipping somersaults under control. At the last loud noise, Wang Tai's head slammed into the wall, and half of his body hung outside.

The life value above his head bottomed out instantly

Gorgeous spike!

simple, rude

Two strokes ko, the whole picture Long Feishuai is slag, and the power of Fengshen's legs explodes!

What is cruelty?

this is o

All the people didn't react, is this what the fuck is done by people?

All froze in place, their minds are numb

The entire Colosseum was silent, only the blood on Wang Tai's body was heard dripping down.

The system beep sounds o

With a thought, Long Fei released the Berserk Energy without hesitation, "This is the first person I killed in the Chaos Realm, so naturally I have to release Berserk"

"Give me a blast!"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for killing Wang Tai for gaining 890 experience points, 50 Lingyuan points, and 10 energy points"

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for obtaining Vajra Boxing. Is it cultivation?"

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting Vajra gloves"

The system prompt sound suddenly stopped here o

Long Fei immediately wondered: "Damn, this is the fucking madness? I'm mad at your uncle, mad at your grandma o"

at this time o

The system beep sounded again o


"The player releases the violent energy value and obtains special items. Please select the Treasures of the Domain, the Treasures of the Wilderness, the Secret Treasures of Heaven Court, the Game Series, the Anime Series, the Weiman Series, the Myth Series, the Mecha Series, and the Universe Unknown Series!"

"please choose!"

Long Fei was stunned, "Damn, this is the upgraded version of the Berserk system? Can you choose it yourself? My God, daddy is going to make a big deal, hahaha..."

"I want to choose..."

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