The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1136 Violent Lottery

too much stuff

how to choose?

Long Fei is very difficult, because every series is full of temptation o

Yubao, the energy source of the main artifact o

Prehistoric Treasures, Tai Chi Diagram, Eastern Emperor Bell, Refining Demon Pot, Ten Second Rank Golden Lotus...

Heaven Court Secret Treasure, Kowloon True Qi, the power of all calamities, its wild beast o

Game series, League of Legends, King of Glory, Overwatch, Legend of Blood, Magical Beasts, Westward Journey, dnf, cf...

Anime series, One Piece, Naruto, Fairy Tail, Bleach, Seven Dragon Pearl, Steel Beasts...

Wayman series, X-Men, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Thor, The Incredible Hulk…


What makes Long Fei most curious is the universe unknown series o

Universe unknown should be future technology, and it may be alien technology. What could this be?

Long Fei can't figure it out either

But o

Now he needs the most fighting power!

He needs a strong force to ensure his own safety. In this chaotic world, where cannibalism is vividly displayed, the first thing Long Fei has to do is to survive.

"What to choose?"

"Game, anime, Yubao, or myth..." At this moment, Long Fei had a phobia of choice, "Damn, just close your eyes and click on one."

Long Fei really doesn't know how to choose o

He wants to choose everything, but he can only choose one

immediately o

I closed my eyes, moved my mind, and clicked at will.


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for choosing the Weiman series!"

The system beep sounds o

Long Fei's heart tensed, "Wyman series, those superheroes in United States movies, who will be mad?"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for triggering the first-level violent energy value and obtaining the Invincible Hulk energy!"

in an instant o

A syringe appeared in Long Fei's mind

Note as green liquid o

Item: The Incredible Hulk

Times: 03

Description: Once the player uses it, he can transform into the Invincible Hulk, and use 100% of the Hulk's power, defense, and display.


"Invincible Hulk, that green monster in big pants, hehe..." Long Fei became excited, looking gentle and gentle among superheroes, he was still a doctor, but once he became mad, he was unstoppable and destructive. Existence of high burst watch o

Also at the same time o

Long Fei listened carefully to the system prompt, and muttered to himself, "First-level violent energy value?"

"Could it be that the energy value can still be accumulated and upgraded?"

"System prompt: Berserk energy value can be increased, and the higher the level, the greater the quantity of things that come out of the first-level Berserk!"

"System prompt: second-level violent energy value is 1000 points o"


Long Fei laughed in his heart, "This will be fun, after I hunt down tens of thousands of Demonic Beasts, what can I get out of madness when I upgrade to the highest level?"


The system upgrade is to take, the burst of violent energy value is to burst out of another world, and now only Long Fei thinks, it may burst out.


Really can explode a Sailor Moon out o


Long Fei exclaimed excitedly

also at this time

A violent cheer erupted in the Colosseum

"'s too strong o"

"Two strokes took Wang Tai to a second. What Cultivation Technique did he use just now? Those two kicks are simply invincible. This slave is amazing."

"Hahaha... Hongcheng's little genius was instantly killed."

"How much is this slave, I bought it for 10,000 taels"

"I'll pay 100,000 taels"


They didn't panic because Long Fei killed Wang Tai, and they didn't ridicule or despise Long Fei. They were more excited and cheered. They didn't care who died.

All they want to see is violence

They worship the strong

This is Chaos World

A simple, rough world o

They are excited and cheering, but the people of the Wang family are extremely angry.

He roared heavily, "Dog thing, you are courting death!"


in this moment o

A gate was suddenly opened o

The audience is silent

The Samsung Sirius, who had killed eight people in a row just now, came out of the dark passage. In the darkness, its eyes glowed green, staring gloomily at Long Fei.

staring at own prey o

"Samsung Sirius!"

"Hahaha... these are fun o"

"Samsung Sirius vs Slave o"

"The strength of the three-star Sirius is comparable to the realm at the top of the sixth rank. What kind of Cultivation Base is this slave?"

"It's definitely unstoppable!"

"Tear him up"


The audience is boiling

All stand and stare at the center of the field

The three-star Sirius has never been defeated since it came to this Colosseum. It eats people for a living. In just one month, the number of people who have died at its hands has reached 100.

brutal o

The sharp fangs gleamed coldly, and the moment he walked out, he roared into the sky, "Ouch..."

It was like saying to Long Fei, "This is my territory, I am the king!"

just o

When the three-star Sirius roared, Long Fei rushed up quickly, the corner of his mouth grinned, and said, "Daddy doesn't care which Star Sirius you are, daddy just wants to kill o"

"It's all about experience and energy points!"

Compared to Tianwu Continent o

Long Fei needs more energy, killing 10 points, killing Demonic Beasts 1 point, he can't let anything go o

and o

Right now he really needs experience points o

"He disappeared!"

A voice came from the audience, and Long Fei disappeared.

next second o

In front of Samsung Sirius, "Fengshen Legs!"


A heavy kick came out of Sirius's throat.


The sound of a bone crack sounded, and the Samsung Sky Wolf trembled, backed up again and again, and screamed in pain, but he couldn't get it out.

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched lightly and said, "I'll give daddy more trouble!"

Waiting for Samsung Sirius to stand firm o

Long Fei's speed changed again, "Fengshen legs!"


An extremely sharp move rushed out again o


Samsung Sirius' head swept down with one leg o


skull burst o

Samsung Tianlang knelt down heavily, and knelt down in front of Long Fei, Long Fei coldly smiled: "Do you still dare to be arrogant?"

Samsung Sirius' eyes are full of anger o

Never been so angry

However o

Long Fei would never give him any chance. The moment Samsung Sirius knelt on the ground, he moved his fists and put Vajra gloves on his fists.

Aiming at the cracked skull of Sirius, he slammed it down heavily.

"Vajra punch!"

"Blast me!!"


The blood volume bottomed out, and the Samsung Sirius turned over, spouting blood, and fell to the ground, dead!


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for killing Samsung Sirius to get 1000 experience points, 100 spiritual source points, and 1 energy value o"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for upgrading to the fifth rank of yellow level!"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting a special reward for leveling up, and a furious lottery!"


"Ferocious lottery?"

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