The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1139 Hulk, Come Out For Me!

Hongcheng chaos

Twenty Demonic Beasts kill a piece of theatergoers

There are still a small number of people killed by them, most of them are trampled to death because of squeezing.


"My lord, this is the twenty-third Demonic Beasts, and the last one." Eight full-body armored guards came up with a Demonic Beasts.

A middle-aged man frowned and looked extremely unhappy.

He is the Lord of Hongcheng

He is also a former disciple of Yuanyang Sect.

Shen Tianhe!

The Colosseum is his biggest industry and most important source of income o

It took him fifteen years to get to this point, but after doing this, the Colosseum has basically been scrapped. What makes him even more uncomfortable is that after this incident, the people, families, and nobles in Hongcheng They will all be dissatisfied with him. If Yuan Yangzong knows about this, he will question his management ability.

Right up and down, he can't explain o

"What about the slave?"

Shen Tianhe's eyes squinted

A guard said: "The slave took advantage of the chaos to get into the crowd, and it will be difficult to find it for a while now, and I don't know if he has left the city..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

Shen Tianhe slapped him down and shouted, "Useless waste, I can't find anyone!"

"Pass my order down o"

"Search the whole city for me, be sure to find him, I'll hang his head on the Colosseum" Shen Tianhe was extremely angry and hated Long Fei penetrates the boneo


another place o

Yang Yu frowned, "What exactly is that building? Why does it release an energy cannon?"

"What exactly is it?"

"Anu, do you know?"

Anu said: "Elder, you have asked me one hundred and eighty times, I really don't know, I have never seen that kind of thing before"

Yang Yu said: "Do you think it will be an outbreak of blood talent?"

Anu shook his head and said, "There are many kinds of bloodline talents, but is there any construction bloodline talent? I've never heard of it."


"Now is not the time to think about this, the day for the selection of the disciples of the Yuan Dynasty is coming soon, we have to hurry back, if the elder finds us going down the mountain privately, we will be punished o"

This time they went down the mountain secretly o

Going down the mountain privately is triggering the sect rules o

Yang Yu didn't care what Anu said and said, "Where do you think he will hide?"

Anu grinned and said: "I don't know where it is hidden, but I know that Shen Tianhe, the city master of Hongcheng, will not let him go, and will definitely search and kill him in the whole city."

Yang Yu was taken aback and said, "Then I want to stay o"

Anu froze for a moment, looked at Yang Yu and said, "Miss, you are crazy."

Anu realized that he had made a mistake, and immediately changed his words: "Long, Elder, we have no time. If the elder finds out, we will be miserable."

Yang Yu murmured and said, "I've decided o"

Anu got excited and said, "Have you decided to return to Yuanyang Sect?"

"Do not!"

Yang Yu got excited and said, "I have decided that that slave is the disciple I am looking for, and I will bring him to Yuanyang Sect to participate in this disciple selection."


"It's a great decision!"

Yang Yu happily walked out.

Anu froze in place, speechless.


"Find it for me!"

"Go all out to find it!"

"If you dig three feet in the ground, you will find him for me."

Wang Shanhe was full of anger, looking at his son's body, he was even more angry, "I want that kid to be buried with my son!"


Many people are looking for Long Fei o

Many people hate Long Feizhi penetrates the boneo

night o

Long Fei stood in front of the dark and somewhat broken gate.

With a butcher's stone axe on his shoulders, the corners of his mouth raised, with a sneer, he muttered, "I said, daddy will definitely come back o"

he didn't go out of town

I didn't even think about running away

He has been looking for a way, looking for the iron prison where Niu Dashan is being held, and on his way to the Colosseum he made a mark all the way, because he was coming back o

he once said o

Must kill the strong man

Be sure to explode the first boss of Chaos World!

There is a boss to kill, how can you not come back?

and o

He still has a mission


The strong man walked into the slave owner's room and whispered: "Sir, I have already sent the news, I believe they will know it soon."

The slave owner nodded slightly

The strong man said again: "Sir, you don't have to worry, now Shen Tianhe and the Wang family are searching for that kid in the whole city, as long as they are caught, they will surely die."

The slave owner said slightly: "I hope so, if we are to blame for this matter, we may not be able to save our lives."

Long Fei's identity is very special

Special enough to make them afraid o

Now Long Fei has escaped their control. If he really escapes from Ascension, if he returns to The Underworld gate, then the consequences...

not what they can afford o

at this time o


The yard gate was kicked and flew out o


The strong man's eyebrows trembled, "Who dares to come here to be wild?"

"Your ancestor, me!"

The sound is familiar o

The slave owner tightened his eyes, grinned and sneered, "I've delivered it to the door myself!"

also at this time

A dozen strong men rushed out of the yard

One of them was the one who punched Long Fei last time. He was the first to recognize Long Feilai, sneered, and said, "009, it's your trash slave..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

Long Fei suddenly moved


The butcher's stone axe in his hand swept out, directly beheading his head, "Yes, it's your ancestor me!"

"Get out of here for daddy"

"My dear boss!"

Long Fei laughed excitedly.

this time o

The strong man and the slave owner walked out of the room o

The slave owner stared at Long Fei o

Long Fei was also looking at him, just like Demonic Beasts looking at their prey, drooling, then Long Fei counted the strong men in the yard again, and muttered: "Yes, the violent energy value can be fully accumulated once. "

The slave owner looked at Long Fei with a sneer and said, "I didn't expect you to bring it to the door yourself."

Long Fei smiled and said, "If I don't kill you, how can I leave in peace?"

The strong man smiled playfully: "Boy, do you think you can kill Wang Tai, Samsung Tianlang, and butcher, so you can be presumptuous here?"


"You're overthinking yourselves, understand?"

at this time o

Long Fei has no spiritual source

His spiritual source can only be replenished by killing, killing monsters, and Medicine Pill o

and o

Although the turret was taken back into the body by him, it was still unable to release the energy cannon without the spiritual source, and nothing could be done without the spiritual source.

But...there is one thing that can be done!

Long Fei looked at the strong man with a sneer, and took out a syringe.

Inject the green liquid into the own arm, just inject one third of the liquid, and it will not be able to inject any more.

then o

Long Fei's genes began to mutate violently

Long Fei coldly said with a smile, "Isn't it self-sufficient?"

"Then let's see who's over the top!"

"Hulk, come out for me!!"

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