The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1140 Boss, Give Me A Blast!

Chapter 1140 Boss, give me a blast!

Body muscles soar

Bigger, greener, muscle piece by piece, pure thick burst of power like an explosion o

Two fists clench o


Void bang o

He picked up the butcher's stone axe on the ground, slammed it heavily, put it on his shoulder, snorted, stared at the strong man and said, "Isn't it self-sufficient?"

"monster o"

"This,,,, what the hell is this guy?"

"It's a monster!"

All the strong men in the yard were so frightened that their legs became weak. Long Fei's strength, skin, and the thick breath made it extremely uncomfortable to crush.

The strong man shuddered, swallowed dryly, and asked, "Sir, is this his power after awakening?"

The slave owner is also confused

He only knew that The Underworld gate was very powerful, and the young master of The Underworld was very powerful, but he didn't know what the power in Long Fei's body was. The big green man in front of him was too terrifying.

Terrible to death

The slave owner shook his head and said, "Block him for me!"

"Even if his power is awakened and changed again, he is only the Cultivation Base of the fifth rank of the Yellow Rank, and he is not as strong as that."

The voice has not fallen

Long Fei's voice disappeared, and a string of green phantoms rushed out.


He grabbed the strong man's throat, and instantly raised it in the air, staring at the slave owner with both eyes, and smiled slightly: "Isn't it strong enough to go there?"


One hit!

The strong man didn't even have room to resist, he was directly smashed to the ground, he was dizzy, with gold stars in his eyes, blood spurting from his mouth, and said with difficulty: "Sir, this, this, this is not strong. Where are you going?"

Don't wait for him to finish o


It's about smashing it down in mid-air again.



He slammed it down again and again, and the scene was a ferocious mess. Long Fei said slightly: "Do you remember what I said at the beginning? I said that I will kill you when I come out."

"What daddy says never counts"



After several heavy blows, the man couldn't bear the power of the Hulk at all, and let his Cultivation Base be much higher than Long Fei, but in front of the Hulk, he was a weak chicken.

No more arrogance!

The blood on the top of the head quickly bottomed out o

The system beeps a beep


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for killing the minions and getting 1900 experience points, 140 spiritual source points, and 10 energy points!"

was bombed

Extraordinarily refreshing

What if Cultivation Base is taller than him?

How about a lot of people?

Don't be shy, the end of dese is death


Long Fei was in a mess of excitement, and secretly said: "It's so cool, the power of the Hulk is so cool, hahaha... No wonder his destructive power is so ferocious."

"The upgraded version of the Berserk system is amazing!"

This is the attribute o after the berserk system has been upgraded

No need to know, once I used Long Fei, I was scared.

Hulk's explosion damage o

The turrets of the violent lottery are all things that Long Fei dared not even think about in Tianwu Continent, but now he entered the Chaos Realm and got it in just a few days.

This feeling can only be described in one word, cool!


"Chaos world? Daddy fucks you o"

"The main temple?"

"God, Nine Heavens?"

"Don't worry, daddy will meet you one by one!" Long Fei laughed excitedly, and the improvement of the Berserk system made Long Fei even more excited.

As long as there is this violent system, what about the main god?

Don't give him a chance, or you'll be screwed!

Long Fei's eyes sank, staring at the trembling slave owner beside him, coldly said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's not your turn yet, don't be too scared, my boss!"

finish o

Long Fei's voice was heavy, and he shouted: "Daddy let you go?"

Those minions were so scared by the scene just now that they wished they had more legs to run out, but... before they could run out, Long Fei drank o

followed by o

As soon as the green phantom moved, it grabbed a strong man and slammed violently.


broken neck

The system beep sounds o


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for killing the minions and getting 800 experience points, 50 spiritual source points, and 10 energy points o"



"Congratulations to player Long Fei for killing the minions and getting 800 experience points, 50 spiritual source points, and 10 energy points o"


One punch, one punch, one punch, one punch, one punch o

No way to live at all

Long Fei has no mercy for these people, and he has no idea how many slaves he has killed in his hands.

a time o

Experience Points in Cyclonus o

Spirit Source is recovering o

Berserk energy is quickly returning to full o


The last minion was killed, Long Fei turned his eyes, stared at the slave owner who was too frightened to move, and said with a smile, "Now it's your turn o"


The slave owner knelt directly on the ground and said, "Young sect master, don't kill me, I am also doing what I was ordered to do, please, spare my life."

He is now certain that the power of the young master of The Underworld is fully awakened.

The seal in his body has broken o

No one can resist now, once he returns to The Underworld gate, I'm afraid...

Long Fei didn't react to the three words "Sect Master", and he didn't think about the identity of this body. Anyway, he was him, he was Long Fei from Tianwu Continent.

Long Fei smiled and said, "Spare your life?"


"Didn't you always want me to die?"

"Spare your life, who will explode the equipment for me?"

Spare the boss's life?


Forgive the boss, it's still a shit, and the brain is still almost o

suddenly o

The system beeps a beep


"System prompt: The Invincible Hulk still has ten seconds to take effect!"

Long Fei froze in his heart, "I can't waste time o"

at this moment o

The slave owner saw that Long Fei had no intention of letting him go, his eyes were fierce, his body slammed, and he shouted, "If you don't forgive me, I won't make you feel better."

"That's right o"

"This is the style a boss should have." Long Fei grinned and sneered, the butcher's stone axe in his hand moved, and swept it fiercely.


Two forces collide together o

Long Fei slightly retreated a half step, and secretly said in his heart: "No, the less time, the weaker the power of the medicine!"

The slave owner was blasted away

Can't waste another second o

Long Fei put down the stone axe and rushed up with great strides.

He hugged the slave owner's waist, and his arms slammed hard, "Broken waist!"

The slave owner struggled quickly and roared vigorously!


When he hugged his arms hard, the slave owner's spine was broken, his body was paralyzed, and he fell from Long Fei's chest, and the blood on the top of his head quickly bottomed out.

also at this time

The power of the Hulk on Long Fei is rapidly weakening o


Long Fei grabbed the last bit of the Hulk's power and slammed it down with one punch.

Blood volume bottomed out

the slave owner is dead

Long Fei slumped to the ground and said excitedly, "Release violent energy!"

"bring it on!"

"Blast me!"


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