The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1171 The Good Show Has Just Begun

"he came!"

"he came!"

"Anu, did you see that? He's really here." Yang Yu smiled as happy as a child. Looking at Long Fei in the crowd, she couldn't tell how happy she was, and said, "I just Knowing he would come, he promised me that he would come back o"

"Senior brother, you don't know him yet, do you?"

"His name is Long Fei, his identity... is a Practitioner in Hongcheng, he is amazing o"

"You didn't see that scene, isn't there a crisis in our Yuan Dynasty? He might be able to resist the crisis." Yang Yu was completely intoxicated with his own joy.

I didn't see Lie Yan's cold and murderous eyes at all, "I really came to die!"

Anu's eyes are also startled, and his heart is anxious.

Yang Yu jumped up, waved at Longfei, and said, "I'm here, I'm here..."

talking room o

Yang Yu was about to run out. When she took the first step, Lie Yan grabbed her and said in a deep voice, "Little Junior Sister, you can't go over there."

Yang Yu was puzzled and asked, "Senior brother, he is the one who rescued me from Hongcheng."

Anu also said: "Miss, you can't go see them o"

Lie Yan couldn't help it and said, "How noble is your identity? What kind of low status are they? You are from two worlds, I don't allow you to go there."

Yang Yu looked at Lie Yang in surprise, then looked at Anu again, and asked, "Anu, did you say their identities?"

Lie Yan coldly said: "It's just two slaves, you can tell from their lowly expressions at a glance, do I want Anu to say anything?"

Yang Yu glared at Anu, then said: "Senior brother, what happened to the slave? A slave can become a strong man. The Furious Great Emperor was not born as a slave, he also became the peak powerhouse of the Chaos World."

Lie Yan said: "How many Furious Great Emperors are there in the Chaos World? How many slaves are there? Not every slave can become a Furious Great Emperor."

Yang Yu said: "I invited him, I must go there."

Lie Yan's eyes sank, and he said, "I said no, but I can't!"

immediately o

Lie Yan coldly said: "After today, you will never see him again."

The killing intent in his eyes did not hide o

burst out naked

Yang Yu was startled and said, "Senior brother, you can't do this, you can't... He is my friend, he can bring hope to Yuan Yangzong, he..."

Lie Yan snorted and said, "Anu, bring the little sister back to the Inner Sect, she is not allowed to step out of the hospital door without my order Half stepo"

Yang Yu struggled and said, "Lie Yan, why do you control me? My father can't control me. Who are you? No one can stop what this lady is doing."

far away

Niu Dashan pointed at Lie Yang and said suddenly, "Boss, look, it's those four people."

"Who are those two women?"

"What are they doing?"

Long Fei looked over

Lie Yan's eyes also looked at the past o

The two are 100 meters apart, but their eyes meet each other.

Killing intent burst!

"Damn, last time I spared you a dog's life and didn't know how to cherish it, but you dare to come to Yuanyang Sect, this time I will let you die at my feet" Lie Yan said in a deep voice.

The more Yang Yu struggled beside him, the more raging his inner anger became.

Yang Yu shouted loudly: "Long Fei, run quickly, leave here quickly, hurry up..."

Niu Dashan pricked up his ears and murmured, "Boss, that woman seems to be calling your name, how could she know your name?"

"She seems to be telling you to run away"

"Escape?" "Is this woman crazy? We are the disciples of Yuanyang Sect now. How can we escape? Who dares to touch us?" Niu Dashan said with a domineering face.

Looking at Long Fei's icy eyes, Niu Dashan suddenly woke up and said, "Wouldn't it be the four people who were on the hillside last time?"

"grandma boobs"

"You come again this time!"

Niu Dashan is very grumpy

The anger in his heart also began to surge.

At this time o

Yang Yu gradually disappeared o

Gale asked in a low voice, "Senior brother, do you want to inform Outer Sect?"

Lie Yang said: "What are you reporting, as long as they expose their slave status, they will be disqualified, so why bother?"

Lie Yan said: "Hongcheng has been messed up by him, and he can't escape his involvement in this matter."

Any problem can make Long Fei stop here o

It can make him lose the qualification to continue the assessment, let alone become a disciple of Yuanyang Sect.

Lie Yan coldly smiled and said: "He likes to play, so let's play with him well, it depends on who has played, and ... you can't hit a person when he is at a low point, if that doesn't work, you have to When he is standing on a high place, and then slap him down with a savage crit, let him fall to the bottom again, this is cool and effective!"

"Dog slave, I'll see how high you can climb!"


Outer Sect selection, except for the fierce flames, they are here o

Yang Wannu is also here o

Several Inner Sect Elders are here o

But o

They are all in the dark, their purpose is different from Yang Wannu, they are searching for the breath of Zhu Tianquan Flying Sword o


One more thing they don't know o

Ren Tianjian sent a team of his imperial guards down the mountain to guard all the exits of Yuanyangzong...

He will never let anyone leave Yuanyangzong easily.

for that thing

For the sake of Yuan Yangzong, he will behead himself even more!


Ten minutes of rest is over

An elder stepped onto the stage and said, "You are now the Outer Sect disciples of Yuanyang Sect. If you want to get higher rewards and become an inner disciple, then come out with all your strength."

"Remember, it's all strength!"

"Ranking battle, start!"

The sound fell o

Cheers in the square

Niu Dashan clenched his fists and said, "Boss, I'm so excited."

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "Be careful with everything. Once you encounter an unmatched opponent, you just give up and admit defeat, understand? There is nothing more important than life in this world."

Niu Dashan was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "I understand o"

Ranked battle begins o

Dozens of arenas at the same time o

The winner advances to o

"Long Fei vs. Ma Tiancheng o"

two minutes later o

"Long Feisheng, enter the next round!"

"Niu Dashan wins, enter the next round o"

After three consecutive rounds, Long Fei easily won the game.

far away

Lie Yan smiled coldly, "Boy, see how high you can climb, hehe..."

this time o

Lie Yang came up and said, "Senior brother, I will explain everything you said. As long as you meet Long Fei and Niu Dashan, it will make their life worse than death."

Lie Yan smiled proudly, "Boy, this is my territory, daddy can kill you how he wants to kill you!"

"The good show has just begun, enjoy it slowly!"

third chapter,

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