The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1172 One Trick To Solve

"The seventh round, the first battle!"

"Niu Dashan vs. Luo Yuno"

"Two Practitioners on stage o"

In the seventh round, if you win the game, you can enter the top ten, which means you can directly enter the Inner Sect.

This is a huge threshold o

extremely important o

Niu Dashan had several more wounds on his body, and he was very difficult along the way.

Because his Cultivation Base rank is only yellow third ranko

Among the Practitioners in the seventh round, his Cultivation Base is the lowest, and he is completely supported by one breath.

Niu Dashan's idea is very simple o

Rush into the Inner Sect, follow Long Fei, and help him resist all damage o

He knew very well in his heart that Long Fei would definitely be able to enter the top ten and become the inner discipline. If he wanted to follow Long Fei, he had to do his best.

"Big man, hurry up and die o"

Luo Yunyue went to the ring and looked at Niu Dashan, who was the third rank of Huang rank. His face was full of contempt and sneer.

"This kind of light and powerful big man is simply a waste o"

Niu Dashan stepped onto the ring step by step, folded his hands, and said, "Disciple Niu Dashan..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

Luo Yun suddenly shot, moved quickly, and kicked him fiercely.


Niu Dashan didn't have any preparations at all, and he didn't know that Luo Yun would suddenly attack, and his body was kicked on the ground, and he almost flew out of the ring.

"Vulnerable waste!"

Luo Yun sneered contemptuously, hooked his finger at Niu Dashan, and said, "Idiot, come on!"

Niu Dashan was also angry and said, "You attacked even before the referee called to start. Are you too despicable?"

Luo Yun smiled and said, "Your mother hasn't called to start yet."

"Scolding my mother?"

Niu Dashan was furious, his mother was the most Sacred in his heart!

no one can defile o

Luo Yun's mouth twitched, and he sneered: "What's wrong with scolding your mother? If your mother is here, I'll fuck her..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

"Om, hum..."

The steel-armored rhinoceros bloodline in Niu Dashan burst out with power, the thick steel-armor phantom was wrapped around the body like a real substance, and the body was like a mad bison rampaging up.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The pace is thundering, the rapid impact o

A full-scale explosion of bloodline power o

Luo Yun never put Niu Dashan to put in one's eyes from the very beginning. What if a third-rank yellow-ranked trash has Talent bloodline?

still a piece of trash

but o

At the moment when Niu Dashan's figure suddenly disappeared, his heart froze.

Before he could react, the huge body rolled down from the sky, "Boom!"

crushing like a mountain

Sitting on Luo Yun's belly, her fists were like rhino horns, and she slammed down hard, "Curse my mother, let you scold my mother, I will let you scold my mother..."

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Two fists hit hard

Almost never give Luo Yun the slightest chance o

When the first punch went down, Luo Yunhong's head cracked, dizzy, o

In the next few punches, he was knocked out and passed out.

Niu Dashan is not the talent bloodline o

but his power

He can absorb all the energy of a mysterious crystal and convert it into power.

the same o

He can also convert all the energy of the steel armored rhino's blood into power, he is so silly and silly.

He believes in power!

"Scolding my mother again o"

"Swear again!"

"You have to scold you again!"

The blasted flesh and blood were blurred, and finally the entire head was blasted out and flew outside the ring.

Luo Yun was directly bombed to death o this is not considered o

Niu Dashan also grabbed Luo Yun's feet in a frenzy, and did it again and again, just like Fatty's big move with the big iron ball in the ninety-seven fighting.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The whole scene is shocking

Everyone was stunned

Long Fei is the same

last o

The entire arena was blurred with blood and blood, Niu Dashan was covered in blood, looking at Luo Yun, who had only half of his body left, he said angrily, "Try another scolding."

It's all silent o

Fear in the eyes

This f*ck is the Cultivation Base of the yellow third rank?

This is simply a runaway bison o

Many people turned pale

Lie Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly, "Useless waste o"

Niu Dashan walked off the ring, stood beside Long Fei, looked at the sky, and muttered: "Mother, who dares to scold you again, I'll kill him!"

Long Fei glanced at Niu Dashan and said, "Sturdy!"

immediately o

The whole scene went viral

"My God, what kind of power is in him?"

"You can't scold his mother anymore, this is his taboo, he will go crazy, this guy is going to die if he goes crazy."

"too scary o"

"Is he still human?"


If the competition is based on strength, Niu Dashan is not Luo Yun's opponent.

but o

However, Luo Yun underestimated him and angered him again. In this way, a wild buffalo will go mad. The fighting ability of the mad buffalo is completely different. Don't give him a chance, otherwise you will definitely die.

Long Fei patted Niu Dashan on the shoulder and said, "Dashan, don't leave the next game, you have already entered the top ten o"

Long Fei could see from Luo Yun's eyes that the next few games were aimed at the two of them. If Niu Dashan can win one by luck, he will not be so lucky next time.

Niu Dashan did not speak

"In the next game, Long Fei will play against Li Yixiu, the two disciples, please play."

The sound fell o

Everyone is looking at Li Yixiu

"The Li family in Taiyuan City in the Eighteen Cities is the most outstanding genius among the younger generation, and the Talent bloodline is even more of a seven-star bloodline."

"Cultivation Base is a mysterious third ranko"

"It's a genius among geniuses"

"Seven-star bloodline, Xuan level third rank, only eighteen years old, this is rare."

"On the other hand, what is that guy called Long Fei, Talent's bloodline is zero, Cultivation Base is the first rank of Xuan-level, and even this Cultivation Base is estimated to have used many profound stones to pile up, and it is estimated that he will be defeated with one move."

"I think it's also o"

"With zero blood talent, there is definitely no future o"

"There is still a Practitioner with zero blood in Talent these days. Could it be that he is a slave?"


There was laughter all around

Li Yixiu walked to the ring in the midst of all the attention and looked at Long Fei on the other side, with coldly disdain on his face, and said, "Boy, hurry up, don't waste your time o"

"You're like..."

"One-shot solution!"

Li Yixiu said arrogantly

Everyone was even more enthusiastic, thinking that Li Yixiu would defeat Long Fei with one move.

Long Fei walked to the ring and said slightly: "Is it a move?"

"as you wish!"

Li Yixiu looked at Long Fei contemptuously, "Get out of here o"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Yixiu suddenly shot.


When his eyes bloomed, Long Fei disappeared.

Long Fei was going to shoot faster than him, but the picture his eyes saw showed that his brain was slow.


a loud noise o

Li Yixiu's body flew out of the ring, slammed heavily on the ground, bounced up, smashed down again, rolled out for hundreds of meters in a row, and just rolled to Lie Yan's feet.

beyond recognition o

The blood on the top of the head bottomed out...

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