The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1423 Are There Any Bosses?

Chapter 1423 Are there any bosses?

Just like the physical body, the natal artifact needs a certain amount of time to cultivate, and treat it as a part of the body.

Putting away the sky, Long Fei turned around and wanted to leave.

Just as he turned around, he saw a man standing in front of him.

A person whose appearance he has never seen before, and who he does not know at all!

But o

But there is a very familiar feeling, this feeling and special o

The old man smiled slightly and said, "Long Fei!"

Long Fei was taken aback and said, "Who are you?"

The old man's smile was full of excitement, and he said, "Ancestor Yanhuang!"

"Ancestor Yanhuang?"

Long Fei's eyes were shocked, and he looked at the old man in front of him with great excitement, "Are you really the ancestor of Yanhuang?"

It's not that I don't believe it, it's just too sudden o

Ancestor Yanhuang said with a smile: "You exploded me from the Taimiao of the Huoli Palace, your dragon slaying knife was made by me, and I helped you penetrate the Underworld..."

Saying one thing at a time

Everything was just like what happened yesterday, Long Fei looked even more excited when he saw the old man in front of him.

"Ancestor!!" Long Fei rushed forward and hugged Yan Huang's ancestor directly. Without his help in Tianwu Continent, Long Fei couldn't have gotten to where he is now.

I am very grateful o

the same o

Ancestor Yanhuang didn't have Long Fei, he couldn't recreate his body, and he couldn't stand in front of Long Fei. His heart was equally excited.

"OK OK!"

"It's okay to let go o"

"Long Fei, you kid, I don't do shit."

The two let go and laughed at the same time.

immediately o

Ancestor Yanhuang said: "My time is limited, you must remember everything I say below."

followed by o

Ancestor Yanhuang said something to Long Fei. When he heard this, Long Fei was extremely shocked and excited at the same time.

After half an hour o

Ancestor Yanhuang said solemnly: "You must break through the shackles of the Heavenly Pagoda, and break through the 100th floor to enter the battlefield of the ancient gods. That is your battlefield."

"I will do my best to prepare everything for you before this o"

"Long Fei, this opportunity must not be missed, absolutely not!"

finish o

Ancestor Yanhuang didn't stay too long. Just now, Long Fei refined the Yang God's natal artifact and angered the flame god of the main temple. Long Fei is now more and more dangerous.

Once he is still alive, it will be even more dangerous if the fate god knows

Watching the ancestor Yanhuang leave, Long Fei clenched his fists, "You have prepared everything for more than three years, and I will definitely not let you down."

The moment the ancestor Yanhuang returned to the Chaos Realm, he was preparing for Long Fei.

and o

Ancestor Yanhuang's energy is much more powerful than Long Fei imagined.


Long Fei returned to the clothes store with two breakfasts in his hand.

When she walked into the store, Nangong Yan immediately threw herself into Long Fei's arms and muttered, "I thought you left me and didn't want me anymore."

Long Fei said: "Fool, I just went out to buy breakfast."

"After breakfast, let's go back to the assessment department of the Heavenly Pagoda." Long Fei had already made up his mind. The things Yanhuang ancestor said were too exciting.

He has to give it his all!

Nangong Yan nodded lightly and said, "Um o"

soon o

Ye Jingyun ran in and said, "Young Master Long, are you all there?"

"Do you all know what happened in Qingtian City this morning? The Earth Yang Essence that our Ye family guarded quickly depleted, but... we also condensed nine Longyang Essences in an instant, which is too strange o" Ye Jingyun looked Looking at Long Fei, he said, "Young Master Long, could it have something to do with the fire lotus you picked up yesterday?"

Long Fei pretended to know nothing and said, "I don't know o"

"Young Master Ye, can you return to the Heavenly Pagoda?"

Ye Jingyun smiled bitterly and said, "The Ye family is in chaos right now. I want to stay for one more day to help my father stabilize the situation. After all...he is my father after all, and this is my home."

"Understood!" Long Fei understood Ye Jingyun very well, after all, this is his home, "In that case, we will go back first."

Ye Jingyun did not hold back and said, "Okay, Long Shao has a smooth journey."


half a day later

Tongshentian Pagoda Examination Department o

Long Fei returned to his residence, and Nangong Yan also returned to his own yard.

Long Fei's breath moved slightly, and he sensed that his mind was destroying the sky, and the spiritual source was surging, slowly nourishing, and the breath of The Underworld fire lotus in his body was also slowly nourishing his flesh.

Flesh and natal artifact are getting stronger little by little


back cliff o

Song Kuang knelt on the ground and said, "Sir, Long Fei is back."

Zhan Wushuang smiled coldly and said, "Understood, did your people detect anything?"

Song Kuang said: "He went to Qingtian City, and just felt the Ye family's coup d'etat, he helped out, but...the Ye family doesn't care about him."

"There is something very strange. The Longyang Essence that the Ye family guards is one drop that has been bred in ten thousand years, but this time, ten drops are suddenly bred within a day's time."

Zhan Wushuang raised his eyes slightly, "Longyang Jingyuan?"

Song Kuang said: "This is the foundation of the Ye family. It is rumored that this Longyang Jingyuan has the effect of resurrecting the dead, and it takes ten thousand years to give birth to a spiritual treasure."

Zhan Wushuang smiled and said, "I see, you can go down."

"As ordered!"

After Song Kuang left, Zhan Wushuang laughed coldly and said, "Long Fei, everything you have will disappear, this time I will make you doomed, you can't get up if you lie on the ground."


"Fight me?"

"Grab a woman from me, Long Fei, you are not qualified enough, understand?"

After Long Fei left for two days, Zhan Wushuang did not sit idle, but returned to Jiuyou Zhan's home.

And I figured out all the situation in the beast city.

He wants to uproot Long Fei's power in the Chaos Realm!


"Shhh, shhh..."

Long Fei is holding the pitch-black sword of destroying the sky and wielding it. He has not cultivated any Sword Technique in the Chaos Realm, but now he has learned from the most basic Sword Technique.

One move, one sword

One practice is one day and one night, without any rest o

Three days holiday ends o

the fourth day

All the disciples gathered in the martial arts arena o

A monk stood on the ring and said slightly: "The fourth round of assessment is about survivability, and you will be teleported to an extreme place."

"You must be united to face everything o"


"Additionally o"

A monk looked at another place and said, "There are a few transfer students in this assessment, and they will enter the extreme land with you."

At this time o

The four walked into the ring o

They are all dressed in fancy clothes, and the breath on the body is very special o

It may be nothing to others, but...Long Fei took a look and thought they were a little strange. Looking through the system, Long Fei was stunned.

bling o

And the golden light that flashes from everyone is exceptionally strong.


"Four-headed boss, what's the situation?"

It's a little urgent. I will update the four chapters in the morning, and I owe the next chapter. If I don't make it up in the evening, I will make it up tomorrow.

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