The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1424 The Spiritual Source Is Exhausted, And The Killer Strikes!

Weird clothes, very special o

And one by one has an indifferent expression, like...

Long Fei can't help but think of the undead puppets in the undead army at The Underworld gate, with almost the same expression.

But o

No matter what he is, one thing Long Fei can be sure of is that these guys are boss-level monsters, all from his experience.

"Survival test lasts three days o"

"After three days, you will be automatically teleported back. Within three days, you will face all kinds of powerful difficulties. Remember, you must persevere."

A monk reminded o

The secret realm portal opens o

Many disciples entered the secret realm one by one, and the four transfer students were the first to enter the secret realm, and they disappeared as soon as they entered.

"Young Master Long, let's be together o"

Ye Jingyun came up and said excitedly, "I'll bring one more thing this time."

Long Fei asked, "What?"

Ye Jingyun handed a Longyang Essence Pearl to Long Fei and said, "This is my thank you on behalf of the Ye family. Thank you Long Shao for saving this time, otherwise the Ye family would no longer exist in this world."

Actually o

This is Ye Jingyun own Longyang Jingyuan o

The Ye family did not plan to give Long Fei any compensation.

Long Fei is not a fool, he naturally knows that he wants to refuse, but Ye Jingyun's eyes are very hot, pretending to know nothing, and said: "Then thank you o"

Ye Jingyun immediately became happy and said, "Hahaha... that's right o"

If he doesn't accept it, he can't get over it.

After all, what the Ye family said, if it were him, he would also be uncomfortable.

Long Fei put away the essence of Longyang, and secretly said in his heart: "There is still a large wave of meteorite mines. When the time comes, I will build you a natal artifact and add it at that time."

"Let's go in o" Nangong Yan reminded o

The three of Long Fei walked into secret realmo together


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for coming to the Ice and Snow Plain!"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for triggering the hidden mission, looking for the city of ice and snow o"

When Long Fei entered the secret realm, he immediately felt a sense of familiarity. Everything here was like the plane he had experienced in Tianwu Continent.

The examination place of God Emperor Academy o

Snow secret realm!

very similar, very similar to o

and o

At this time, the Goddess' Tears thought that a red light flashed, and Long Fei's heart secretly moved, "Have you come to the right place? Is there a secret about the Goddess's Tears?"

"'s so cold o"

"The spiritual source in my Dantian is constantly wretched, Dantian will soon be exhausted, what the hell is this place?" Ye Jingyun rubbed his hands together, drinking the white air.

Nangong Yan also said: "My spiritual source is also falling o"

Not only the two of them, but the disciples who entered the ice and snow plain are all the same, and the rich spiritual source in Dantian is madly lost.

Long Fei is the same

Although his spiritual source is not in Dantian, his spiritual source value has dropped madly.

A Practitioner has no spiritual source value, he is equivalent to a magician without magic, and is basically a waste.

The source of inspiration is the source that inspires all power.

no spiritual source

Nothing at all!

This place can be said to be a dead place!


"Unparalleled Young Master, they have entered the ice and snow plain o"

Zhan Wushuang showed a smug smile on his face, and said, "In three days, you will have no bones left, hahaha... Play with me? I can play you to death with the touch of a finger."

"Give The Underworld Doorman o"

"This time, I want to make the eight Vajra of Beast City and all the forces of Long Fei disappear from this world forever overnight."

"in addition!"

"Let my second uncle participate in this operation o"

Zhan Wushuang quickly said o

Zhan Wushuang is very clear about the principle of cutting grass to eradicate the roots. He now regrets killing Long Fei and giving him a chance to rise.

Long Fei's growth rate is too fast, if he doesn't stop it, once Xuanyuan Li'er finds out that he is still alive, everything he does will be in vain.

Xuanyuan Li'er must not be able to hear the news that Long Fei is still alive

She must be able to get through the 100-story Tongshen Tower, and she must enter the battlefield of the ancient gods!

because o

There is a power in her that can help him soar to the sky.

This kind of power has only one chance. If he fails, he will forever lose the shortcut to becoming a god!


"Long Fei, just disappear from this world forever" Zhan Wushuang Yin coldly laughed wildly.

at this moment o

The Underworld doors are pouring out o

undead puppet army

The blood evil elders of The Underworld gate are all super strong on the Earth Emperor Ranking, Human Sovereign Ranking, and even the powerful ones on the Emperor Ranking. In addition, there are also peak powerhouses that are hidden from the world by the Jiuyou Zhan Family. o

Either don't make a move, and once you make a move, you will never give the opponent a chance to turn over!


ice and snow plain

After three hours, only one third of Long Fei's spiritual source remains.

And the spiritual source of Nangong Yan and others has long been exhausted.

"Extreme Survival?"

"Is this going to kill us?"

"We're all going to die here o"

"Everyone think of a way."

The crowd moves very slowly, and everyone is extremely frustrated, here they are like trash!

"What about Long Shao?"

"We won't be able to last for three days if we go on like this," Ye Jingyun said.

Long Fei exchanged his points for two Spirit Sources and said, "If you take the next one, it will take a while."

Long Fei's heart is also secretly anxious.

If it goes on like this, it will definitely not work, and his spiritual source will also be exhausted.

and o

The four bosses didn't show up from the beginning to the end. It's very simple. They are waiting for the moment when Long Fei's spiritual source is exhausted.

If they can come in, they must be fully prepared.

They will never make a move until the last minute!


"We must find a way to replenish the spiritual source." Long Fei's heart sank, and his method of replenishing the spiritual source was very simple. Killing monsters, and then taking drugs.

The Lingyuan Pill requires millions of points. I just exchanged two points, and the points are running out.

Except for some special items, all the items in his Interspatial Ring were swallowed up by the swallowing rat, and there was nothing else to exchange for points.

"and many more!"

Long Fei was overjoyed and secretly said, "I have unlimited teleportation capabilities."

"I left a real eye in the beast city, just send it over there." Long Fei's thoughts moved, and what made him strange was that he couldn't sense the existence of the real eye at all.


"System prompt: special secret realm cannot use the teleport function o"

"System prompt: Special secret realm cannot observe the outside world map o"


"Is this going to kill my rhythm?"

Long Fei also wanted to use the power of super teleportation to travel back and forth, but was restricted!

"I have to get rid of the crisis first!" Long Fei's heart moved secretly, and then he also made a trembling expression, "The spiritual source is exhausted."

"What should I do?"

Ye Jingyun said: "You only used up now, I have already used up o"

Long Fei's acting skills are at the level of movie kings


This time even if he has the acting skills of the Oscar winner, it is useless, those four people will not come out at all.

Another few hours passed

The system beeps a beep


"System prompt: Spiritual source value is exhausted!"

There is no spiritual source at all, and Long Fei can't release even the slightest Cultivation Technique. At this moment, the four people in the distance stood there quietly.

They seem to see through everything about Long Fei

The spiritual source was exhausted, they appeared o

These four people... very unusual!

The fifth chapter is delivered today, thank you for your support!

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