The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1428 My King, You Are Finally Back

Crazy downhill, and the further down you go, the bigger the o

after a period of darkness o

A dazzling white light is dazzling, making people unable to open o

Also at this moment

Arrows shot up one after another, "Swish swish..."

All with dazzling white halo o

The power on the arrow is ferocious o

Ye Jingyun shouted, "Young Master Long, be careful!"

Long Fei looked at the direction the arrows were flying, not for them.

Nangong Yan suddenly said: "The spiritual source in Dantian has recovered o"

Nangong Yan moved quickly and instantly blocked Long Fei's front. She was dressed in a strong suit, just like a super female bodyguard. The force on her hands suddenly moved to form a thick barrier.

"Ye Jingyun!"

Ye Jingyun also instantly noticed that the spiritual source in his body had recovered, grinned, and said, "Understood!"

The body rushed, flew out suddenly, grabbed the arrows that shot up, grabbed them one by one, and shouted, "Give it back to you!"

jerk o

All the arrows were thrown out by Ye Jingyun o


Dozens of arrows shot back the same way

Long Fei's heart tightened, it was too late to stop it.

There were several screams of pain from below, and only a deep voice sounded, "These people really don't know what to do, just kill them."

"Use the ice cannon!"

"Commander, we only have ten ice and snow cannons, any of which is extremely precious. If we use it now..."

"My word is an order, use the ice and snow cannon o"

A huge ice city with thousands of guards standing on the walls

Following the commander's order, a huge ice and snow cannon was pulled out and slammed in the direction of Long Fei.


A loud bang, shattering the void like o

Ye Jingyun's face froze, "Oops, the big guy is here!"

Nangong Yan said: "You come to protect Long Fei, I will block..."

Before she could finish speaking, Long Fei grabbed Nangong Yan and said, "They're not here to deal with us, they're here to help us."

Long Fei just finished saying o

The giant ice snake behind them was blown to pieces, and the entire ice layer was shaken, shaking down countless pieces of ice, and the giant ice snake was extremely ferocious.

Nangong Yan and Ye Jingyun couldn't deal with them at all.

If it wasn't for this shot, they would definitely die here o


Nangong Yan supported Long Fei and watched the guards on the ice city really lock them with bows and arrows.

Ye Jingyun immediately smiled and said: "Everyone, it was a misunderstanding just now, misunderstanding, everyone, don't be nervous, don't be nervous."

The leader on the city wall said slightly: "Put away all the ice bows."

turn o

The leader looked at Long Fei in the sky and said, "Our city master has a request."

"Is the city owner invited?"

Ye Jingyun looked at Long Fei and said, "Young Master Long, do you know the city owner here? No wonder you are looking for Ice and Snow City. It turns out that there are friends here."


"I was scared half to death" Ye Jingyun was relieved.

Nangong Yan also looked at Long Fei o

Long Fei shook his head and said, "This is my first time here."

Three people enter the ice and snow city o

Under the leadership of several guards, I walked to the palace, the tallest building in the city, and saw many people along the way. These people are very special, just like seeing Long Fei.

All with a smile and respect in their eyes o

Why is this?

Long Fei himself doesn't understand o

Entering the giant ice palace, there are two rows of elders standing in the ice palace, one is a general in full armor and armor, and the other is Wen Chengo, who is serving gorgeously.

The one on the Ice and Snow Throne is extremely beautiful, with a hot body and very little clothes on her body, but... her eyes are full of coldness and that kind of aloof king's breath.

Let people not dare to provoke any blasphemy o

Seeing Long Fei walking into the palace, the Snow Queen immediately stood up and said, "Welcome back, my king."

"what's the situation?"

Long Fei was immediately stunned.

Ye Jingyun also looked at Long Fei with a bewildered face, and said in a low voice, "Young Master Long, is she your woman? Damn me, you are too lucky, right?"

"This woman is too beautiful o"

Nangong Yan looked at Long Fei with a bit of jealousy and said, "I didn't expect you to be so popular in the Chaos World, there are so many women."


"pack you up at night"

Long Fei looked confused, shook his head, and said, "I don't know her at all."


The figure of the Snow Queen, the unconquerable and aloof expression makes the dragon have a strong desire to conquer, and such a woman can attract any man if she is not a queen.

Long Fei is a man

A very normal man, a man with strong physical needs o

Since everyone calls you the king, doesn't it make it obvious that she is her own woman?

Can such a woman be spared?

Almost stupid!


The Snow Queen and Ice Ashe in front of me are a bit like o

Long Fei did not refuse, and said directly: "I'm back!"

But there was another kind of dialogue in my heart, "Come back? Come back, I don't know where the hell is this o"

The Snow Queen is a little excited o

The civil servants and military generals on the Great Hall were also excited. Long Fei made them excited and let them see a glimmer of hope.

"Look, look at how excited they are, it's really like the return of the king, Long Shao, you're too awesome, right?" Ye Jingyun was envious to death.

The ice and snow maids on both sides of the Great Hall are extremely beautiful and charming.

This is the rhythm that kills people

Nangong Yan whispered: "You still say you don't know each other?"

The Snow Queen's face was equally excited, and she said, "Wang, we will finally wait until you return. In this case, the Western demons will no longer have a place to stand."

"and many more!"

Long Fei stopped immediately and said, "What did you say?"

"Can't the Western demons gain a foothold?"

"You don't want me to go out, do you?"

The situation is not right, Long Fei immediately called to stop o

He didn't come here to go on an expedition, but to find out about the tears of the goddess. If possible, he would have done the Snow Queen by the way.

That's what he wants to do

As for the expedition?

He didn't even think about it

The extreme survival test only lasts for three days, and he will leave here when the time is up.

At this time, Long Fei did not know that the exit of the secret realm in the Ice and Snow Plain had been blocked, and they could no longer get out.

The Snow Queen said: "Your return is to go on an expedition. This is what you should do as a king. Have you forgotten all about it?"

Everyone looked at Long Fei o

The feeling to Long Fei is that as long as Long Fei doesn't agree, they will pounce on him and tear him apart.

"That what..."

Long Fei said: "I just came back, and I was tired from the journey. Can I rest for a night before leaving?"

Dip some cheaply at night and then o

Learn about the tear of the goddess in one night o

But o

The Snow Queen did not give Long Fei any chance, and said directly: "No!"

"You have to go out now o"

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