The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1429 Special System, Ice And Snow Carnival Lottery

Chapter 1429 Special System, Ice and Snow Carnival Award

Resolute and decisive, there is no room for turning around!

It's just crazy, is there such a wife?

As soon as he came back, he had to go on an expedition before taking a rest. After so many years, wouldn't she be lonely, empty, and cold?

Or does she have another man?

Long Fei said, "Can't you give me some time to rest?"

"At least let me take a nap or something?"

The Snow Queen said: "The people of Ice and Snow City are still waiting for you to beg, those dead souls are still waiting for you to rescue, do you still want them to suffer more?"

So noble? Long Fei is a little embarrassed.

Ye Jingyun said: "Young Master Long, you are the king, how can you let a woman do the same thing? You must show the domineering of a man, at least sleep for one night before leaving."

Ye Jingyun laughed evilly


"I am the king here, who am I afraid of?"

Thinking of this, Long Fei became hard when he spoke, and said, "I know the suffering of the people in the city, but... I have my strategy. I will definitely exterminate the Western demons, but I have to make a good battle plan."

"So, I decided to go out again the day after tomorrow."

The Snow Queen was taken aback and said, "No way!"

Long Fei said directly: "It's okay if you can't. Are you the king, or am I the king? Since you call me the king, then my words are orders. Who dares to resist the king's orders?"

"There is something for me to stand up for!"

Nangong Yan reminded in a low voice: "Don't be too shy, your spiritual source has not recovered yet, make them anxious, be careful that we die here o"

A word to wake up the dreamer

The spiritual source of Nangong Yan and Ye Jingyun was restored, but Long Fei's did not. His spiritual source value did not come from Dantian, but from the spiritual source slot.

But o

If you pretend to be forceful, you have to pretend to be big, if you can't pretend, you have to hold on.

Long Fei's eyes were cruel, revealing the contempt of a king, and said, "Who? Who dares to disobey my order?"

It's all crushed

dare not make any sound

to know o

Each of these generals is super powerful. They can be regarded as NPCs in the game. The Cultivation Base is ridiculously high.

The strongest is the Snow Queen

She is even more incomparable

However, in terms of intelligence, Long Fei completely exploded them.

Seeing that they didn't speak, Long Fei felt slightly relieved, and said, "I finally came back, how can I fight without rest? Do you want me to die at the hands of those Devils?"

"Wang, we have never..." The Snow Queen said hurriedly.

Long Fei didn't wait for her to finish, and said directly: "Don't be wordy for me, are you expecting me to die outside as soon as possible? Do you know how powerful those Devils are?"

"As soon as I come back and ask me to go out, do you like being a widow very much?"

The Snow Queen couldn't turn her head around, looking at Long Fei's anxious face.

Long Fei didn't give her a chance to speak at all, and said directly: "What are you still doing here? Let me go and make a battle strategy tomorrow morning."


"Go and put the bath water for me." Long Fei stared at the Snow Queen and said heavily, without giving any face.

All you need is arrogance

majestic and mighty


The Snow Queen didn't move, neither did the civil servants and generals in the Great Hall.

"You don't obey orders, right?" Long Fei snorted loudly.

at this time o

The commander who brought Long Fei into the Great Hall said a few words beside the queen

The queen's face changed suddenly, her eyes became cold in an instant, she stared at Long Fei and said, "Are you the king of our ice and snow city?"

breath changes o

Suddenly the temperature of the entire Great Hall dropped suddenly o

Ye Jingyun immediately took a few steps closer to Long Fei, and said in a low voice, "Young Master Long, are you playing?"

Nangong Yan is also on guard

Long Fei pretended to be calm and said, "You dare to doubt me?"

The queen looked at Long Fei and said, "You can't even deal with a giant ice snake, how dare you say that you are the king of the ice and snow city?"

Long Fei shouted, "What can't I deal with? Did I make a move?"

The leader shook his head slightly.

Long Fei raised his voice and said, "I don't even bother to shoot. Such low-level Magical Beasts have no right to die in my hands. How dare you doubt me?"

The Snow Queen couldn't see through Long Fei, but... she said firmly: "Today you either prove yourself, or you go out to fight the Western demons."

prove yourself?

how to prove?

can't prove it at all

As for why she said she was the king, Long Fei couldn't explain it.

If he can't prove that there is only one end, die!

With no spiritual source at all, Long Fei is no match for these people at all.

immediately o

Long Fei said firmly: "I choose to go out, and I will use my strength to prove it to you, to everyone in the Ice and Snow City."


Long Fei drank heavily, showed an angry look, turned around and strode away from Great Hallo

Just when Long Fei took a few steps

The Snow Queen suddenly said: "Wait o"

Long Fei's palms were sweating coldly, and his heart sank, "Damn, it's going to kill people!"

He felt a powerful murderous aura in the gloomy atmosphere just now.

The demon god in the body clearly sensed o

He wants to get out of here early now, such a beautiful woman wants to go, but... it's beyond the reach of the whip!

The Snow Queen took out a ball of ice and snow with a move of her right hand, and said slightly: "This is the heart of ice and snow, use it to collect the souls of warriors in the city of ice and snow."

Long Fei exhaled slightly in his heart, and secretly said: "f*ck, scared to death daddy o"

right hand takes o

immediately o

The system beeps inexplicably


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting the Heart of Ice and Snow to trigger the super system!"


"What's the situation? Super system?"

Long Fei was a little stunned, a burst of cheerful music played in his mind, and the system prompt sounded again.


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for triggering the Ice and Snow Festival Award System!"

System: Snow Festival Award

Duration: Seven days

System description: Collect a ghost of an ice city warrior to get a chance to draw a lottery, and kill a fifth-level Devil to get a chance to draw a lottery.

also at the same time

The prizes of the Ice and Snow Festival also flashed in Long Fei's mind one by one.

"Main City Cannon?"

"Shake fruit?"

"Di Shitian Summoning Card?"

"The power of fire Qilin sanctification?"

"Tathagata Buddha's body protection magic?"

"Jade Emperor Great Emperor's power of 108,000 catastrophe?"

"Mysterious gift package?"

"What is this... what is this? Godhead?"

"It turns out... there is still a godhead?"

"Oh my God!"

"This is going to be released..." Long Fei swallowed hard, his eyes gleamed, he has no interest in the Snow Queen at all, and can't wait to turn over the group of demons immediately.

too fierce o


Long Fei swallowed heavily, his body was shaking with excitement, his whole body was extremely excited, he drank heavily, and said, "Let's go!!"

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