The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1439 Start Super Teleportation

The Snow Queen curled her body and trembled a little. She didn't know why she felt a kind of fear radiating from Long Fei's heart.

The image in my mind lingers

Rivers of blood, mountains of bones

Long Fei is covered in blood, standing on a high place and looking at the world, he is the king, and he is also Devilo

Looking at Long Fei's playful expression, the Snow Queen's heart was still in a panic, and she said, "You are Devil, you are Devilo"

Long Fei laughed and said, "Since I'm a Devil, I should do something that Devil likes to do."

Jump straight up!

Suddenly pressing on the Snow Queen, Long Fei said, "Aren't you cold and arrogant? Aren't you noble? Aren't you aloof and frosty?"

"I just want to conquer you!"

Long Fei became rough

To deal with such a cold queen, you have to be simple and rude

brutally rough o


two hours later

hearty o

The Snow Queen no longer has the slightest bit of cold air. Instead, she is replaced by Lian Lian, as if she has lost herself, unable to extricate herself.

Long Fei slapped her white buttocks with a slap, "What am I now? Devil, or hero?"

The Snow Queen looked at Long Fei and said with a serious face, "Not a Devil, nor a hero, you are my king."


Long Fei laughed wildly

The Snow Queen leaned against Long Fei's back with a gentle expression on her face.

women are like that

Once she has a relationship, she will change. She was originally cold, and the queen on the Frost Throne is now a sticky goblin.

He took his heart out, just for fear that Long Fei would not want him.

While the relationship was happening, the Snow Queen's mind was still in chaos. She didn't know what to choose, but... she made a choice at the last second.

No matter what Long Fei is

She chooses Long Fei!

The Devil who destroys the world or the hero who saves the world, no matter what he is, he is the king in her heart.

Why is this happening?

Maybe it's getting comfortable!

The Snow Queen leaned on Long Fei's back and said, "I saw the bones under your feet piled up into mountains, and the blood flowed into rivers. That scene was too terrifying."

"Why did you see this?" Long Fei felt strange in his heart.

The Snow Queen did not hide it, and said, "There is a secret room in the Ice and Snow City that has been passed down for many years. It is an archangel's staff."

"Archangel's Staff?"

"The tear of the goddess?" Long Fei immediately thought of the tear of the goddess. The tear of the goddess is one of the materials used to synthesize the staff of the archangel.

Is it...

Is this the mission clue?

immediately o

Long Fei immediately turned to look at the Snow Queen and said, "Can you show me?"

The Snow Queen hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay!"

The sss level task goddess's tears, the reward is rich o

and o

More importantly, Long Fei wanted to know what was the secret behind the Tears of the Goddess, and who was she?

The power that burst out in the tears of the goddess of Tianwu continent saved him several times, and the familiar feeling made him feel incomparably warm o

Is it the mother?

I am the reincarnation of Yuanlong, but Yuanlong has been swallowed up by him, and she is not a woman of Yuanlong.

Who would that be?

This problem has been plaguing Long Fei since the beginning of Tianwu Continent.

The quest clue that triggers the Tears of the Goddess in the Ice and Snow Plain must be solved.

The two major sss-level tasks in the Chaos World, Jojo's Heart of the Phoenix, this task has basically been completed, and now it's time to wait for Jojo's rebirth.

Is the quest of Tears of the Goddess also unlocked now?

half an hour later

The two went to the secret room o

Long Fei's heart tightened when he looked at the staff of the Archangel suspended on a certain formation, "The Staff of the Archangel is really similar."

The Snow Queen said, "Have you seen it?"

Long Fei shook his head and said, "I have never seen o in this world."


During game time he has seen many times o

Long Fei carefully took out the tears of the goddess, and then the two forces resonated, and the blue light illuminated the entire secret room.

The Snow Queen's face was pious, and she knelt directly on the ground.

Long Fei stood motionless, a picture appeared in his mind, and the familiar figure appeared in his mind again.

beautiful, moving, gentle, lovely

Let Long Fei feel the incomparably comfortable warm feeling o

last o

As soon as the screen turns, the Nine Heavens vortex rotates.

A 100-story tower descended from the sky, suppressing the figure.

Long Fei exclaimed, "No!"


The picture disappeared suddenly, and everything around returned to calm o

at the moment o

Long Fei was dripping with sweat and soaked all over, but for a moment, his mind was as if he had experienced an ancient war, and he swallowed heavily, "Hundred-story Pagoda o"

"Tongshen Tower?"

"Could it be... Is the ultimate mission target of the Tears of the Goddess also in the Heavenly Tower?"

"The father of this body left something for him in the Tongshentian Tower"

"My own father, Long Zhanting, also left something for him in the Tongshentian Tower"

"Now... even the phantom of the Tears of the Goddess points to the Heavenly Pagoda. What is hidden inside?" Long Fei frowned.

The Heavenly Pagoda is the most mysterious and powerful place in the Chaos World.

it is a divine organization o

An organization that specifically wants to send talented disciples to the battlefield of the gods

But it's only what Long Fei learned about o

But actually?

Is it really just an organization of God?

Or is it hiding something else?

For a while, Long Fei couldn't understand.


Now that he is more determined, he must enter the Tongshen Tianta, and he must penetrate the Tongshen Tower, otherwise all the doubts in his heart will not be solved.

"Wang, what's wrong with you?" the Snow Queen said slightly.

Long Fei recovered his expression o

The staff of the archangel also returned to calm, and the tears of the goddess also flew down from the staff of the angel and quietly fell on Longfei's palm.

Long Fei said lightly, "I'm fine."

"I want to get out of here and go back to the world I'm in"

The Snow Queen knew it for a long time, but she still felt a little uncomfortable, and said: "The secret realm exit of the Ice and Snow Plain has been destroyed, and I can't get out at all."

"Why don't you stay here with me, so..."

Long Fei said: "I have to go back!"

He has so much to do!

"What did you say?"

"The exit of the secret realm was destroyed?" Long Fei was shocked, his fists clenched tightly, and he said heavily: "Zhan Wushuang, you are so ruthless, how can you destroy the exit of the secret realm without sending a killer?"

"I have to go out, can you do anything?" Long Fei looked at the Snow Queen.

Zhan Wushuang doesn't want him to live

Then he must live

and o

The more Zhan Wushuang is targeting him, it means that something big must have happened outside.


The Snow Queen exhaled and said, "I have a way to get you out!"

in a few hours

The mountains of the gods, space warp o

Open a door to the void

Long Fei was the first to fly out of the gate of the void. With a thought, he looked directly at the beast city with his true eyes. Seeing the beast city being full of flames, the army of The Underworld was crushing strongly, his heart was full of anger, and his killing intent was fierce. "Super teleportation..."

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