The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1440 Save Us!

Rush out of the void and see what's happening within the real eye o

Long Fei saw... the corpses were all over the place, and the army of The Underworld was madly slaughtering the people.

Seeing the Big Eight Vajra struggling to support o

he is angry

He entered the Tongshentian Pagoda assessment for the sake of the beast city's shelter, but what was the result?

still the same

Still don't bully, since that's the case...

Then turn it all over!

At this moment, Long Fei inserted another real eye, and at the same time thought, "Super teleportation!!"

lol Summoner skill teleportation!

start up!

Long Fei's body disappeared in place in a short moment.

Ye Jingyun and Nangong Yan rushed out of the gate of the void and saw Long Fei suddenly disappear, both of them were shocked.

Immediately afterward, the other disciples rushed out of the gate of the void, froze, but they felt that Dantian's spiritual source was slowly recovering.

"Thank you Long Shao!"

"Thank you!"

"Let's go back to the assessment and make up. Since we're out, we should have a grade."

"Let's go back quickly"

"Yes, yes, go back quickly o"

Ye Jingyun immediately snorted and said, "Young Master Long hasn't come back yet. What are you going to do when you go back? Everyone is waiting for him here. If you want to go back, go back together."

Everyone is stunned

Many people muttered: "What does it have to do with us if he doesn't come back?"

"That is, he doesn't want to continue the assessment and wants us to give up?"

"If I go back late and cancel the qualification for the assessment, who will be responsible for this responsibility, and can he bear it?"

"Don't talk about it, after all, we were saved by Long Shao"

"Everyone just wait o"

Those people were crushed. If there was no Long Fei in the ice and snow plain, they would definitely be trapped inside and would never be able to get out.

At the last moment, Long Fei appeared, slashed Shattering Void with a force, opened a void door, and escaped.

Everyone sat on the ground and slowly recovered o

Nangong Yan looked at the sky and murmured, "Long Fei, where have you been?"



"They'll be dead right away, kill me!"

"Young Master has an order, kill all of them without leaving any one behind," an Elder from The Underworld said heavily, watching the eight Vajra on the battlefield in front of him struggling to support him and couldn't help sneering, "The eight Vajra are really unusual, their strength is special, If it weren't for them, this beast city would have been a dead city with blood and blood."


"so what?"

"No matter how strong they are, there are only eight people, and no matter how strong their Cultivation Base is, they are only the Cultivation Base of the strong people on the Earth Emperor List. They can't change the sky at all, hahaha..."

Eight Vajra are very strong o

Not their strength, but their will to fight, the spirit of never yielding

absolutely not cowardly

Just tough!

This allowed the army of The Underworld to resist several attacks. Coupled with the desperate resistance of the Kunlun sect and the orc warriors, a small beast city was not captured for six days and six nights.

But o's the last minute o

One of the walls of the Beast City has collapsed, and the city has been broken.

The eight Vajra spiritual sources were exhausted, the warriors of the beast city were dying, and the disciples of the Kunlun sect also fell to the ground half-dead. They did their best.

I really can't stand it

"Are we going to die?"

Guirou looked at Yang Yu with a pale face, and said, "Sister Yang Yu, are we going to die? I miss my husband so much."

For six days and six nights, she kept creating puppet soldiers.

Her Dantian is in a state of shrinking due to constant overdraft consumption, which is extremely uncomfortable. Yang Yu shook her head and said, "No, no, we will all live well."

She doesn't believe what she said, can she still live?

It's impossible to be alive in this situation

There are only eight Vajra left in the entire beast city who are struggling to resist, but... they can only use their own bodies to carry them now. The people from The Underworld gate start a despicable wheel battle, and it is only a matter of time before they are consumed to death.

No one can save them o

"Long Fei, where are you?" Yang Yu also whispered softly, and her heart was calling for Long Fei. At this time, she really wanted to see Long Fei again.

"Where are you?"

"Long Fei, come back, come back and save us o"

Yang Yu's heart is torn apart


A powerful force was crushed heavily, a palm smashed out, and Aoya was knocked out and fell to the ground.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and his face was extremely pale.

The figure of the strong man moved, and at the moment when Aoya fell, he stepped on it fiercely.



Li Yuanba's body moved, and a little golden light appeared on his body. Aoya is the sword power Vajra of the Eight Vajra, but... in Li Yuanba's mind, he is the elder sister-in-law.

Seeing that Aoya was blown away, he blocked it instantly, his fists were like hammers, and he slammed out.


"Your opponent is me o"

At the moment when Li Yuanba rushed out, another strong man attacked, and the long sword in his hand was like a nail and stabbed out.

Sword Qi Ruhongo


There was an extra blood hole in Li Yuanba's chest, the long sword pierced it, and the blood gushed wildly.

Li Yuanba didn't seem to feel it. When his fists exploded, he blasted the strong man out and stood in front of Aoya, his feet heavy for a while.

"Boom! Boom!"

Violently inserted into the ground, glaring at Vajra, he said solemnly: "Come on!"

thunder roar

Blood all over the body, dozens of wounds on the body

The current Li Yuanba seems to have climbed up from a pool of blood, ferocious and terrifying.

At the same time o

His life is also rapidly declining o

Aoya got up from the ground with difficulty, looked at the sky and said, "Long Fei, where are you? Come back, come back and save us o"

Her heart is about to collapse

Seeing her brothers being seriously injured and struggling to support her, her heart aches.

Really can't take it anymore!


Lin Yousheng was blasted out and smashed a building into ruins. He fell into the ruins and looked at the sky with despair in his eyes, and muttered: "Boss, come back soon!"


Another Vajra was blown away and fell to the ground o


Luohan was blown away and fell to the ground. He wanted to get up, but was trampled under the feet by the strongmen of The Underworld gate, and he couldn't get up at all.

Eight extreme Vajra o

They really can't take it anymore


"Eight Vajra?"

"The eight big shits are almost the same, hahaha..." A strong man stepped forward and instantly fell over the beast city. Seeing the eight people being crushed, he couldn't help laughing.

"Are you more arrogant?"

"Why are they turning into dead dogs now?"

"Hahaha... against my The Underworld gate, you are not qualified o"

That Elder is very proud

immediately o

As soon as the laughter fell, he said coldly: "Kill me, not a single one!"

Li Yuanba clenched his fists tightly, his strong heart also collapsed, and he shouted suddenly, "Boss!!"

in the sky

A Daoist shadow falls from the sky...

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