The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1453 Steal My Things? Are You Fit Too?


Red hair, black cloak, and a knife in his hand fell o


Domineering exposed o

A ripple visible to the naked eye bounced out, and those Demonic Beasts were all stunned for half a second.

Also at this moment

A demonic laughter sounded, "Hahaha, ahhahaha..."

Miss Fortune's ultimate move is released, a burst of crackling bullets, causing countless critical damage o


A large number of characters on the summoning card appear, and they quickly counterattack.

Ye Jingyun was dumbfounded, "Are these all aliens?"

"They're all so weird, look at their hair, eyes, and... Gu Dong, that woman with a musket, wow... I've never seen such a sexy woman before, it's amazing..." Ye Jing Yunlian swallows saliva

Miss Fortune's boobs, that stubby butt, can kill any man in seconds

Long Fei knocked down and woke Ye Jingyun: "Don't think too much, she is mine!"

I really want to do something with her


Only five minutes a day!

Five minutes, five minutes!

what can you do?

really too short

For this, the resentment in Long Fei's heart is too deep.

But o

The system is the system, even if your resentment is too deep, it cannot change for you.




The system beeps sound continuously, and a Demonic Beasts is worth millions of experience points. After a few minutes, o


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for leveling up, the current level is the seventh-level!"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei Devourer's bloodline upgrade, the current level is twenty ninth-level!"


The moment of upgrade

A warm current poured into the heart, the whole body was hot, and the power was surging o

Very cool!

"Upgrading is cool, it's the seventh-level Chenjie!" Long Fei grinned excitedly, "It's still a third-level away from reaching the Great Perfection Realm."

After Chenjie, there is no higher level o

just have some list o

The three major lists of heaven, earth and people

But o

There are only 300 people in these three major lists, and it should not be a problem for Long Fei's Cultivation Base to be in the sky.


Long Fei's exhaustion was swept away, his neck swayed and his joints cracked. After the upgrade, his HP and Lingyuan all recovered.

Looking at the Demonic Beasts around, he grinned, "Now it's my turn again!"

Heaven Court, the person on the summoning card in The Underworld will disappear instantly and enter the cooldown time.

Long Fei stood up, the Mietian in his hand dragged the ground, the flames splashed all the way, and once again rushed into the Demonic Beasts group, shouting, "Kill!!"

"Light Speed ​​Sword Techniqueo"

The figure is like electricity, sweeping wildly!

"The valley ahead!"

"I have sensed the breath of the Tongtian beast o"

"Definitely right ahead!"

"Hahaha... If I kill Tongtian Beast, then I will surpass Zhan Wushuang and become the first person in history, haha..."

"Are you dreaming?"

"The Tongtian beasts are much more powerful than you think, and their IQ is higher than that of humans, so you still want to kill them?"

Several teams approached the valley where Longfei was located.

It's less than two hours after entering the secret realm. If anyone can kill the Tongtian beast, it will really become the first person in history.

Zhan Wushuang took ten hours!

If you kill it in two hours, it's too scary.


"Light Speed ​​One Sword o" "Explode!"

Several wounds on Long Fei's body were deep to the bone, and blood was all over his body. The power of the Yang God's natal artifact erupted from the Sword of Destruction, killing him with a single sword.

Break through the heart of a Heavenly Beast o


Tongtian Beast's huge body fell to the ground with a bang.

also at the same time

The other Tongtian beast hugged with both fists, giving Long Fei no time to slam it down heavily.

Ye Jingyun carried it up hard, "Ah..."


Ye Jingyun's body sank and fell from mid-air. This heaven-penetrating beast was more ferocious and stronger. Ye Jingyun's Cultivation Base couldn't bear it at all, and was directly knocked out.

Long Fei drew out the Heaven Extinguishing Sword and stared at the Heaven-reaching Beast with a strong killing intent in his eyes, "Move my brother, Daddy will kill you!"


With a flip of the left hand, the Jinglian demon fire moves.

Rising lotus

Jump into the air and cover it with one palm!


Booming on the top of Tongtian Beast, that Tongtian Beast let out a scream, his arms swept away, Long Fei leaped and landed in mid-air again, holding Heavenly Destruction Sword in both hands, condescendingly, a sword slashed out, "Destroying Heaven. ,cut!!"

Sword Qi extends a hundred miles

The fire is soaring, burning the void madly

A force of smashing the sky and destroying the earth poured in, and slashed down along the top of the Tongtian Beast's head.

unparalleled power


Tongtian beast's body is divided into two

The system also beeps instantly.


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for killing Tongtian Beast to gain 15,000,000 experience points, 500,000 spiritual source points, and 1 energy point o"

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting the blood of the sky"

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting the Heavenly Devil core"

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting a perfect blow. Sword Technique releases cultivation?"


system burst

Long Fei fell to the ground from mid-air, gasping for breath, the entire valley was full of Demonic Beasts corpses, and finally all Demonic Beasts were eliminated.

"Hu, hu, hu..." Long Fei panted like a cow and murmured: "This Heavenly Beast is not ordinary strong, if it weren't for Heaven Court, the powerhouses on the cards in The Underworld consume most of the blood. , I'm really not an opponent o"

Nangong Yan also said weakly, "How are you, Long Fei?"

Long Fei shook his head and said, "I'm fine, go and see Ye Jingyun first."

Ye Jingyun helped Long Fei to withstand a blow, and when that punch came down, Long Fei was probably dead by now.

at this time o

A wave of people appeared in the valley

Looking at the heads of the two heavenly beasts, their eyes were filled with greedy gleams.

Long Fei stood up immediately, and the corner of his mouth twitched coldly!

Nangong Yan also realized that the atmosphere of danger around him was getting stronger and stronger.

The head of the Tongtian Beast, I got it in just two hours. This speed is amazing. Whoever can get it can become the first person in the Tongshen Tiantao.

The temptation is too great

Long Fei said coldly: "I just want to say, if you want to grab my things, first check whether your own weight is enough?"

"I will only give you one chance!"

Grab the fruit of victory?

Long Fei will never be soft-hearted

and o

Being bullied by the elders of the Heavenly Pagoda, all kinds of unfair targets, Long Fei had a fire in his stomach, and now even these appraisers are going to bully him?


At this time... a disciple came out with a sneer on his face and said, "Long Fei, what can you do when you look like this?"

"Brothers, there is only one chance. Whoever can grab the head of the Tongtian Beast will be the first person in the Tongshen Tianta!"


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