The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1454 Demigod Demonic Beasts

Seek o in wealth insurance.

Evil is born from courage!

Everyone has greed. If anyone can get the head of the Tongshen Beast, the first one to go out will definitely cause a sensation, and even directly obtain the qualification to enter the Tongshentian Tower.

It was because of this round of assessment that Zhan Wushuang caught the attention of the senior elder of the Heavenly Pagoda.

Breaking the record of Zhan Wushuang, how awesome is this?

Who doesn't want it?

Don't you want to be superior to others when you come to this Heavenly Pagoda?

Everyone here is a peerless genius, and they are unwilling to give in to others.

Faced with the head of the Tongtian Beast, no one would miss this great opportunity. Long Fei was seriously injured, Ye Jingyun was in a coma, and Nangong Yan was extremely weak.

At this time, they don't have to be afraid at all

With an order, two groups of people quickly rushed towards Long Fei.

Long Fei clenched his fists, killing his heart, "I will endure being bullied by the Elder, but you... also bully the daddy?"

"I can't stand it!"


In an instant, Long Fei's body changed, "Enchanted!"


It directly turned into the body of a demon god, and the power of a demon god burst out, forming a thunderous crush, and the demon god nine robbery sword moved, and even cut it out.




The ghost is like a ghost, and the swords of the nine robbery are slashed in a row.

Long Fei's deity is indeed seriously injured


The body of the demon god is another body, and it is not restricted by the deity at all, and once the body of the demon god comes out... it is a frenzy, a frenzy!



In just three seconds, the entire valley became quiet, there was no sound at all, and the needles could be heard.

Long Fei's voice exploded and he roared up to the sky, "Let's come again!"

Crazy venting!

Really upset!

Nangong Yan looked at Long Fei's body of a demon god and was shocked... "Has he fallen into a demon? Is there still a demon hidden in his body?"


With a thought, Long Fei changed back to the deity, looked at Nangong Yan's face in astonishment, and said, "You take him out first, I still have things to do."

"Take the heads of these two heavenly beasts out."

This secret realm is too dangerous o

and o

It will be even more dangerous to follow him. Since the first round of assessment, someone has been targeting Long Fei everywhere. Just as those disciples said, he is the Lonely Sky Demon, and whoever follows him will be unlucky.

Nangong Yan wants to refuse o

Long Fei ordered: "Obey!"

Nangong Yan gritted her teeth, nodded, and said, "Be careful yourself!"


half an hour later


The door of the secret realm suddenly twisted, and Nangong Yan helped Ye Jingyun out of the secret realmo

The surrounding gods were stunned for a moment.

An envoy immediately said: "The time has not yet come, you are not allowed to come out, you..."

Twenty-four hours, it is impossible to get out on the way, there is only one way to get out in the middle, use the mark of the head of the beast to open the secret realm gate.

Nangong Yan didn't say much, just took the heads of the two Tongtian beasts out of the Interspatial Ring, and said coldly, "Is it enough?"

The expressions of all the gods in the martial arts field changed.

"Tongtian beast? This, this, this is impossible, it's only three hours, it's impossible to have such a fast speed o"

don't believe o

However, the heads of the two huge Tongtian beasts in the ring are still dripping with blood, and the blood is still hot. It is obvious that they have just been hunted, and it cannot be cheating.

have to believe o

Nangong Yan smiled contemptuously: "What is this?"

"Zhan Wushuang is very powerful?"

"He doesn't even have the qualifications to carry Long Fei's shoes!"

Nangong Yan also suppressed a fire in his heart, and he held injustice for Long Fei.

Zhan Wushuang is very powerful?

Ten hours to complete the task of hunting the Tongtian beast?

It only took Long Fei two hours, and he was still hunting two heads. Can Zhan Wushuang compare?

Those gods were speechless in amazement

An envoy quickly ran out o

Zhao Kong was in the real room to study the Sword Technique that Cai Tiannan had just rewarded. He was excited when a divine envoy suddenly ran in. His expression changed immediately, his eyes turned savage, and he shouted, "Looking for death!"

The divine envoy's face sank, and he said, "Sir, yes, someone broke through the secret realm."

Zhao Kong moved his eyes, his pupils shrank rapidly, and asked, "Who?"

For some reason, the figure of Long Fei suddenly appeared in my mind,

The envoy replied, "It's Nangong Yan and Ye Jingyun."

Zhao Kong was relieved and said, "Long Fei didn't come out?"

He doesn't care about others, he only cares about Long Fei, this time his arrangement can be said to be watertight, just for Long Fei

The messenger replied, "No, but Nangong Yan said something strange."

"What?" The big stone fell in Zhao Kong's heart, and he didn't worry about anything, as long as Long Fei didn't come out, he was fine.

The envoy replied: "She said that Zhan Wushuang is not even qualified to carry Long Fei's shoes? I feel that the two Tongtian beasts were killed by Long Fei."

Zhao Kong's face darkened, and he immediately said, "Follow me to see o"

go to the martial arts arena

Zhao Kong carefully checked the two Heaven-penetrating beasts, then looked at Nangong Yan and Ye Jingyun, and said slightly, "Are these Demonic Beasts that you hunted by yourself?"

His expression is calm

very calm o

Because the two heaven-reaching beasts are the lowest-level heaven-reaching beasts, the one he arranged is the heaven-reaching beast king, and its strength is several times stronger than this low-level heaven-reaching beast.

Nangong Yan said: "Is it important that I hunted it myself? Anyway, I brought it out!"


Zhao Kong snorted coldly and said, "The results of the two of you are tentative, and I will report to the Elder before making a decision."

Zhan Wushuang is a precious knot in the hearts of the elders. If his grades are broken, many people will be unhappy, so...he will never let people break Zhan Wushuang's record o

Nangong Yan didn't know what Zhao Kong was thinking.


o in secret realm

Long Fei gallops like flying

he needs experience o

He needs all kinds of powerful Demonic Beasts attacks to temper his body, he needs to get stronger!

The reason why he didn't lead the Tongtian Beast's head out was because it was a super dungeon!



Long Fei walked into the depths of the forest

suddenly o

Sleeping Beauty stretched and said, "It's so comfortable to sleep in."

"Hee hee... Master, do you miss me?"

Long Fei was about to speak

Sleeping Beauty's expression changed slightly, "Where is this? Huh... It's strange that there are Demonic Beasts here, Demonic Beasts of the demigod Realm?"


"It's so close to you!"

"Also, it falls into a state of rage in an instant, does it have any grudge against you?" Sleeping Beauty said curiously.

"The Demonic Beasts of the demigod Realm?"

"Instant rage?" Long Fei muttered, his thoughts moved, he couldn't sense the existence of the Demonic Beasts at all, that is to say...

This guy is more powerful than expected, o

completely beyond his sensing range o

Long Fei's expression changed and he said, "How close is it to me?"

Sleeping Beauty stopped for half a second and said, "Well, it's right behind you!"

Long Fei turned around... Taking a slight look, the sunlight above his head was blocked, and a huge black shadow enveloped him, with a golden light in the depths of his eyes.

There is a faint breath of godhead all over the body...

Demigod Demonic Beasts!

Super boss!

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