The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1460 Is Domineering

"you sure?"

Long Fei looked at Zhao Kong and asked playfully

The time when Long Fei came out was just at the closed node of secret realm, that is to say, Long Fei was most likely sent back automatically because of the 24-hour time limit of secret realm.

to know o

In order to protect the appraised disciples, once the time is exceeded, they will be sent back.

At this time, it is very likely that it was teleported by the secret realm, rather than hunted and killed by the Tongtian beast.


More importantly, Tongtian Beastmaster will never let Long Fei come out alive!

The violent vibration and roar just now, the secret realm couldn't bear it, he didn't believe that Long Fei could bear it!

Combining all kinds of Zhao Kong with a cold smile, he said, "I'm very sure, Long Fei, you can't come up with it, right?"

Long Fei said: "Why don't you bet something? You don't need to bet anything, just bet your life, dare you?"

Zhao Kong's face sank, and he shouted: "Long Fei, I'm the assessment officer. You have to do whatever I ask you to do. If you dare to make trouble without reason, be careful, I will make you lose the qualification for the assessment."

Long Fei smiled and said, "If you dare, don't beep!"

very tough o

Feng Tian snorted and said, "Elder, bet with him, he must have been sent back by the secret realm."

"that is!"

"Otherwise, why did it happen to come out on the node?"

"It must be so"

Many people said aloud

Long Fei swept his eyes and said, "Do you also want to gamble your life?"


Feng Tian sneered and said, "Long Fei, do you think your life is worth much? Betting on the lives of us with your own life, you really look down on yourself, who do you think you are? Excuse me! "

Long Fei glanced at Feng Tian and said, "To be honest, I really despise your fate."

look around o

Too lazy to talk to Feng Tian and the others, these assessment disciples Long Fei didn't have a To put in one's eyes, staring at Zhao Kong and said, "Assessor, dare you?"

Gamble your life?

At the beginning, there was also an Elder who gambled his life with Long Fei.

But o

he is dead

Zhao Kong looked at Long Fei's calm face, his heart trembled slightly, he shouted, and said, "Long Fei, I now order you to hand over the Tongtian Beast, otherwise, you will be sentenced to 0 points for this assessment, and 0 points for three times. points, just wait and get out of the assessment department.”

Zhao Kong doesn't want to take risks


Long Fei sneered and said, "It's really boring."

"Since you want to see..."

"Then watch me carefully!"

With a move in his heart, he said solemnly: "Tongtian Beastmaster, how are you recovering?"

Tongtian Beast King replied slightly: "It's half recovered now, what's the boss's explanation?"

Long Fei said, "I don't like Zhao Kong very much."

The IQ of Tongtian Beastmaster is amazing, and he immediately said: "Understood o"

turn o

Long Fei grinned and said, "Look carefully!"

"Tongtian Beastmaster, give it to me!"


A roar, an explosion in the void, turned to the shadow in the sky Shrouding the Heavens, covering the entire martial arts arena, everyone was shocked.

look up o

"What is that shadow?"

"What is that?"

"getting closer o"

" the head Demonic Beastso"

"This breath... the breath of the Heavenly Beast o"

"Aren't all Tongtian beasts in the secret realm? How did they escape?"



At this moment, the appraisers on the martial arts field hugged their heads and scurried. They were very clear about the power of the Heaven-reaching Beast. If they sat down, if they were pressed, they would instantly turn into a puddle of meat, and it was impossible for them to die.

The surrounding gods were also shocked, and they all ran.

Long Fei smiled, looked at Zhao Kong and said, "Elder, do you see clearly?"

Zhao Kong also looked up at the sky. He didn't hide because he was with Long Fei. If he was crushed into flesh, Long Fei wouldn't be able to escape.

so he is not worried o

However... when he sensed the incomparably domineering aura in the sky, his face changed suddenly, and he said solemnly: "The Beast King?"

He knows this breath very well

It was under his arrangement that the Beastmaster of Tongtian was in the secret realm, and it was he who made the Beastmaster of Tongtian furious with the breath of Long Fei. It can be said that he was very familiar with the Beastmaster of the Heavens.

At this time, his heart trembled slightly, his lips trembled, and said: "No, no, impossible, absolutely impossible..."


in an instant o

Tongtian Beast King sat down with a butt, and the huge ring was directly smashed in half, the buildings on the martial arts field collapsed instantly, the whole ground cracked, and the huge roaring sound continued to spread in the void, like a hundred thousand Stupid thunder crazy crit general o

"what sound?"

"Such a strong voice?"

"It's the voice from the assessment department."

"Come and see what happened o"

It is even connected to the Shentian Tower, and it is conceivable how violent it is.

Beastmaster, Demigod Demonic Beastso

The prototype of the godhead has been condensed in his sea of ​​consciousness. It can be seen that its power, how fierce its breath, and its incomparable existence, have caused all Demonic Beasts with millions of kilometers to crawl to the ground and dare not make any sound.

This is rolling o

That's tough o

Those who ran far away on the martial arts field were stunned, looking at this huge and incomparably large beast king, each one of them seemed to have seen a ghost.

"This, this, how did this come out?"

"Is this brought out by Long Fei?"


so shocking

How is it possible to bring the Beastmaster out of the secret realm?

unless captured o

Conquering the Demonic Beasts?

Impossible things, Arabian Nights!

Zhao Kong's face turned pale, his body trembled, and he struggled to speak. He said, "Long, Long Fei, this,, this,, is this what you brought out?"

Long Fei said: "Can't you?"

Zhao Kong said solemnly, "I asked you to hunt Heaven-reaching Beasts, your achievements..."

Long Fei said: "I am hunting, but you didn't say that I am hunting in the secret realm. I can hunt outside as well, and..."

Long Fei looked at Tongtian Beastmaster and reminded Zhao Kong: "He doesn't like you very much."

Being stared at by Demonic Beasts is bad, very bad o

Long Fei has been pissing for ten hours in the secret realm. He has experienced the feeling firsthand. If he can't bear it, his heart will burst.

Tongtian Beastmaster has been staring at Zhao Kong.

contemptuous eyes o

Zhao Kong didn't dare to look up or look directly. His body was shaking more and more. He regretted it now.

at this time o

Tongtian Beast King said coldly: "I heard that you made my boss very uncomfortable?"


Zhao Konggan swallowed his saliva, shivered, and said, "Who is your boss, yes, who is he?"

Tongtian Beastmaster's pupils shrank, the pressure on his body intensified, and his voice was furious, saying: "Pretend to be confused with me?"

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