The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1461 I'm Not Happy To See You Now

"it is good!"

"Then let you know how good I am"

The voice fell o

Zhao Kong was so frightened that his face was extremely pale, he knelt directly in front of Long Fei, and said, "I was wrong, I was wrong, Long Fei, I was wrong, I don't dare anymore o"

"Please spare my life!"

Instantly scared to death

Zhao Kong has no temper at all, what kind of temper can he have in the face of the Demonic Beasts?

To say this Heavenly Beast King... that is really incomparable!

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "Wrong? What's the use of telling me?"


Long Fei lowered his body and said softly, "Now you know what's wrong? It's too late!"

finish o

Long Fei stepped back a little half stepo

At this moment, the Beast King made a sudden move and roared heavily at Zhao Kong, roaring like a lion's roar, "Woo hoo hoo..."




The void explodes, and the thunder is overwhelming.

Zhao Kong's eyes bulged out, and they burst directly. Blood spurted out of his eardrums. His heart, internal organs, and all parts of his body were bursting.

totally unstoppable

This power...

slammed o

Long Fei's heart skipped a beat when he saw it. If it was aimed at him, he might not be able to resist it either, "Strongly bursting the watch, hahaha..."

very excited o

He is now very much looking forward to absorbing the power of the Beastmaster of the Heavens and bringing out the power of the contract magical powers. What is the feeling of that demigod Realm?

Long Fei really wants to experience it firsthand

Demigod power!


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for killing Zhao Kong to gain 39,000 experience points, 3,400 Lingyuan points, and 10 energy points"

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting the ancient spirit tool Spirit King Whip"

Immediately absorbed by the golden hoop rod

The energy is filled to the 61st floor!

At the same time, Long Fei looked at Zhao Kong's tragic death, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "I didn't do this, and it has nothing to do with me. You all see it clearly?"

Long Fei made an expression of "I'm innocent"

However o

Everyone knows that this Tongtian Beastmaster is Long Fei's pet.

But everyone dared not speak

Who is Zhao Kong?

Assessor, kill it if you say it, and it is completely crushed, crushed until it explodes.

Who dares to be angry?

at this time o

The sky sank, and several figures fell down. Looking at the huge Tongtian Beastmaster, one of the old men's face sank and said, "Why did the Tongtian Beastmaster appear here? Isn't it supposed to be guarded at the Split Soul Pass?"

Cai Tiannan's eyes were angry, but he didn't care so much. He shouted loudly, "Long Fei, do you dare to do something to Elder?"

"court death!"

With a rage, a powerful coercion attacked Long Fei heavily.

Long Fei stood motionless, but smiled coldly.

At the moment when the coercion rolled towards Long Fei, the Tongtian Beast King raised it slightly for two days, and slapped his palm sharply, "Boom!"

It's as simple as shooting out a soap bubble, crushing all the coercion released by Cai Tiannan in an instant, and at this moment...

Cai Tiannan receives a powerful backlasho

spit out blood


Long Fei was excited, "The demigod Realm is mighty."

When it comes to that kind of Realm, the slightest gap between the realm will be turned upside down. The gap between a peak powerhouse like Cai Tiannan and a demigod Realm is 108,000 miles, an insurmountable existence.

Cai Tiannan's eyes were angry, and he shouted loudly, "Beast, you dare to do something to me?"

Tongtian Beastmaster glanced at him lightly, and said with disdain: "Little brat, what happened to you? How old are you?"

Don't put Cai Tiannan to put in one's eyeso

It's so fierce, so windy!

Heavenly Pagoda II Elder, the existence of the peak powerhouse o

But... so what?

In front of a demigod powerhouse, he is a fart!

Humans, Demonic Beasts, all are the same, as long as you are strong enough, you can crush everything, and the same is true for the Beastmaster of the Heavens, I know this very well o

Actually surrendering to Long Fei, he will try his best to keep Long Fei.

and o

He saw a lot of things that excited him from Long Fei, and he would be very clear with him. It was much more comfortable than when he was guarding at the Split Soul Pass.

Cai Tiannan was crushed by Tongtian Beast King and was speechless.

His Cultivation Base is simply not enough to watch o

"Okay, okay, okay, if you dare to be powerless to me, then you never want to return to the Heavenly Pagoda, you..." Cai Tiannan said angrily.

Tongtian Beast King said with contempt, "Daddy doesn't want to go back."

"and many more!"

"Don't don't, don't do this o"

The other elders became nervous.

Split Soul Pass is a very important place in Tongshen Tianta, it must be guarded by strong people, and no one wants to go to that kind of place, only Tongtian Beast King can go.

"I have something to discuss o"

"Don't get angry"

"I just want to know who brought the Beastmaster to the secret realm? If the tower owner knows about this..." An elder looked at Cai Tiannan.

Cai Tiannan's face also sank, but he was not afraid, and said coldly, "What are you looking at me for? If I have an assessment officer, how would I know who brought the Beastmaster to the secret realm?"

"How to deal with Long Fei o now"

"Killing Elders, ignoring the rules of the Heavenly Pagoda, this kind of person should be killed." Cai Tiannan's goal is Long Fei, as long as Long Fei is killed, everything will be easy.

Long Fei smiled and said, "Second Elder, I don't like hearing your words. What do you mean by killing the Elder? Did I kill you? Are you blind?"

Tongtian Beast King said: "I killed him. I don't think he is happy, so I want to kill him. The surname is Cai, what do you want?"

"Do you want to kill me?"

"Tell you, don't make me upset, or you will die worse than him, believe it or not?"

No Faceo at all

When did Cai Tiannan live like this?

Even the tower owner of the tower of the gods wouldn't dare to speak to him like this. He was so despised by a Demonic Beasts, and he was full of anger in his heart.


Can't explode!

He is not at all an opponent of Tongtian Beastmaster!


"How unreasonable!" Cai Tiannan's eyes sank, and he said, "He called you the boss, which means that everything he did was instructed by you, Long Fei, what quibble do you have?"

Cai Tiannan is like a mad dog, he won't let go if he bites Long Fei

If he can't get the Tongtian Beastmaster, can he still control Long Fei?

This time is to put Longfei to death!

Even the Heavenly Beastmaster has been subdued, this kid will really turn the world upside down if this goes on.

Long Fei grinned and sneered, "Bite your daddy and don't let go, right?"

turn o

Long Fei glanced at Tongtian Beastmaster.

Tongtian Beastmaster stared coldly at Cai Tiannan, and said, "I think you're a little uncomfortable now!"

The sound fell o

Quiet in the audience

Instantly crush the audience!

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