The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1587 This Guy Makes Me Very Uncomfortable

In Xuanyuanlie's courtyard

An elder walked into the yard with a smile on his face and said, "Elder Elder... er, patriarch o"

Hearing the two characters of the patriarch, Xuanyuanlie couldn't help showing a proud smile on his face, how many years, he has worked hard for this position.

Now he finally realized his dream o

He finally stepped on Xuanyuanxiong,

In Xuanyuanlie's heart, this position should belong to him. If Xuanyuanxiong hadn't had a good daughter, how could it be Xuanyuanxiong's turn?

Xuanyuan Li'er...

I must never return to the Xuanyuan clan again!

She is Xuanyuanxiong's last trump card. If she suddenly comes back and breaks through the tower, then his position as the patriarch will definitely not be guaranteed.

Xuanyuan Lie said, "What's the matter?"

The Elder replied: "I just received a voice transmission from thousands of miles, Zhan Tiantu has already sent someone, let us entangle Long Fei o"

"it is good!"

Hearing this news, Xuanyuanlie's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he was very excited, and murmured, "As long as you hold the big tree of the Zhan family, you don't have to worry about anything else."

"Xuanyuanxiong, this time I will definitely trample you to death!"


Xuanyuanlie laughed proudly.


In Xuanyuanxiong's courtyard

He didn't understand Long Fei's choice, and he was still thinking about the way to send Long Fei out.

But o

Li Yuanba smiled and said: "Uncle Xuanyuan, the boss is here to propose a marriage, and secondly to know the location of the Jiuyou Zhan family."

Xuanyuanxiong asked suspiciously, "What do you want to know about the location of Jiuyou Zhanjia?"

Jiuyou Zhanjia is very secretive

extremely difficult to find o


The Xuanyuan family knew exactly where the Jiuyou Zhanjia was located.

Long Fei smiled lightly: "Two words, revenge!"

Xuanyuanxiong was stunned.

Long Fei said, "Uncle, don't worry!"

Xuanyuanxiong looked at Long Fei, his calm eyes calmed his inner tension, it was the light of a strong man.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Xuanyuan Xiong said: "Jiuyou Zhanjia is much more powerful than you think, and the nine elders are just a powerhouse that integrates the godhead."

"The real terrifying people of Jiuyou Zhanjia are not them, but the powerhouses who have condensed their godheads. They are the real terrifying existences."


"There is an inexhaustible and inexhaustible power of the Zhan family in the secret realm of the Nine Serenities. Your current strength is difficult to compete with." Xuanyuan Xiong knows more about the Zhan family than Long Fei.

Get to know Jiuyou secret realmo

The strength of the warriors is far from being as simple as nine Tai Elders.

Those old monsters are the real horror

Long Fei said: "No matter how powerful he is, I will trample him under my feet!"

The second-order change of the main artifact o

There are thousands of ancient spiritual tools on him, the ancestors of the Zhan family?

As long as you dare to send you to the west with a stick!

Long Fei is fearless!

Looking at Xuanyuanxiong, Long Fei changed the subject and said, "Uncle, how did the first-line sky in Xuanyuan Canyon form? I feel that there is a profound martial arts in it."

Xuanyuan Xiong stunned and said, "That was cut out by the ascension ancestor of our Xuanyuan family with a sword. Rumor has it that there is a Sword Techniqueo hidden in it."

"One move can kill a god Sword Techniqueo"

"But..." Xuanyuanxiong smiled bitterly and said, "None of us Xuanyuan people have been able to comprehend Sword Techniqueo since our ancestors ascended."

Long Fei secretly said in his heart: "It seems that even Xuanyuanxiong doesn't know that Yixiantian was not cut out by a sword, but by a Sword Qi."

Long Fei said: "Uncle, can you let us go to the first line of heaven again?"

Aoya looks at Long Fei

Her mind is full of the cliffs on both sides, which have been cut like a knife.

but o

She can't comprehend anything, just the cliffs on both sides, and the magnificent momentum, what can she comprehend?

Xuanyuan Xiong said: "Yes, although I am not the patriarch now, I still have this right!"

immediately o

Xuanyuanxiong walks out of the yard

Immediately stopped by two disciples, "Patriarch, you can't leave here o"

"What patriarch?"

"He is no longer the patriarch o"

"Xuanyuanxiong, you can't leave this yard..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

Xuanyuanxiong glared at him and slapped him on the ground with a slap, "Dare you speak to me in such a tone?"

"just you?"

"Can you stop me?"

Another disciple broke out in a cold sweat all his life

This is completely different from the previous Xuanyuanxiong.

Xuanyuanxiong ignored the disciple who was lying on the ground like a dead dog, and led Long Fei to the direction of Yixiantian.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry up and inform the patriarch that Xuanyuanxiong is going to escape!"


"Long Fei, the Heaven Poundering Sword is not firm, nor does it have a specific Sword Technique, it doesn't seem to have anything, only a thin line of heaven slashed out by this sword"

"It's too difficult to understand Sword Technique from it."

Xuanyuanxiong took Long Fei to the Yitiantian Canyon, looking at the cliffs on both sides, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart how the ancestor did it.

He had also realized it in the canyon, but...

For a full month, he was confused and had no clue at all.

Long Fei didn't speak, looked at the cliffs on both sides, and was startled again in his heart, "This Sword Qi is really awesome, Sword Qi is so powerful, then this move Sword Technique..."

"Killing God?"

"This move can really kill God"

Aoya looked at every place confidently, and the Sword intent in her mind was burning like o

Xuanyuanxiong looked at the direction of Yixiantian's exit, his heart tightened, and he said in a low voice, "Long Fei, there is only a little way to the exit now, if we do our best..."


"Xuanyuanxiong, I thought you would run away!"



There were several explosions at the mouth of the canyon, and bursts of golden light flashed, blocking the entire canyon, the golden light was dazzling, and it was impossible to open it.

"Xuanyuan Golden Light Array?"

Xuanyuanxiong's expression changed, and he shouted, "Xuanyuanlie, what do you want to do?"

"The Xuanyuan Golden Light Array can only be used at the most critical time. It is very important to the Xuanyuan Clan, you..."


Xuanyuanlie snorted coldly and said, "I am the patriarch now, I can do whatever I want, what qualifications do you have to take care of me?"


"Xuanyuanxiong, I advise you now, just be honest and go back, otherwise don't blame me for being rude o"

The war family asked him to entangle Long Fei, and if he could not let Long Fei leave, he would never let Long Fei leave.

His current backer is Zhan Jiao

This thing must be done!

Xuanyuanxiong's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said, "What if I don't go back?"


The disciples of the Golden Light Array were shocked in unison. The golden shields in their hands moved, and the glare of the golden light made it even more difficult to open, and even the brains were plunged into chaos.

brainwave interference

Xuanyuanlie sneered proudly and said, "You can try!"

Li Yuanba whispered: "Boss, do you want to do it? This guy makes me very uncomfortable!"

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