The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1588 God Killing Sword Technique

Li Yuanba is upset o

When he's upset, he wants to do it

Long Fei shook his head slightly.

He stepped forward, smiled lightly, and said, "The Zhan family should mean that you won't let us go out, right?"

Xuanyuanlie gave Long Fei a look of contempt, his face was in pain, and the two slaps hated him firmly in his heart. When the strong Zhan family arrives, he will definitely repay it tenfold. He sneered: "Not bad! "

"Since you know, then you go back to me o"

Li Yuanba couldn't listen anymore, so he snorted and said, "You motherfucker try to talk to my boss again in this tone, and see if I can kill you!"

A breath of breath

The powerful pure power was released, the giant spirit coffin on his back shook, his eyes were angry, and he stared at Xuanyuanlie.

A strong sense of oppression strikes!

Xuanyuanlie's heart froze slightly, and his body trembled slightly.

Li Yuanba's aura is extremely sturdy

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "Don't scare people."

"Patriarch Xuanyuan, right?"

"I just want to take a look at the scenery here and enjoy the beautiful scenery of your Xuanyuan people, right? I promise I won't go out of this line of heaven and I won't leave the Xuanyuan mansion Half stepo" Long Fei said lightly.

Let him go, he won't go out

He will be here waiting for the Zhan family o

just o

He is very interested in this sword, and wants to know what kind of sword move is behind this sword.

Xuanyuanlie looked at Long Fei, and then at the Eight Vajra, thinking about it, if he really wants to fight, even if he doesn't lose, he will pay the price.

He also used the Xuanyuan Golden Light Array to scare Xuanyuan Xiong. If he used it, it would definitely attract condemnation from the Elder Pavilion.

immediately o

Xuanyuan Lie said: "How do I know if what you said is true?"

Long Fei looked at Li Yuanba, Xuanyuanxiong and the others said, "Uncle, Yuanba, go back first."

"Oya stay o"

Li Yuanba immediately became worried and said, "Boss..."

The other Vajra were also worried about Long Fei.

Long Fei smiled and said, "Who can take me?"

"Where are you waiting for me, uncle?"


Xuanyuan Xiong let out a sigh of relief, trying to persuade Long Fei to give up, how could Long Fei be able to comprehend the Sword Intent that Xuanyuan people have been unable to comprehend for millions of years?

and o

This Sword Intent itself was created by the Xuanyuan people, and even foreigners could not comprehend it.

But o

In the end, he still didn't say it.

Xuanyuanlie watched Xuanyuanxiong and the seven Vajra leave, and looked at Long Fei and said slightly: "Long Fei, you'd better be honest, you can't get out here."

Long Fei smiled and didn't respond.

Not long after, Xuanyuanlie also withdrew with the golden light array.

The world suddenly becomes quiet

Long Fei looked at Aoya and said, "Have you realized anything?"

Aoya shook his head and said, "No, it's too deep, it's beyond my comprehension."

Long Fei held her hand and said gently, "Don't worry, take your time, we have time o"

Aoya looked at Long Fei and felt the warmth brought by Long Fei's hand in the palm of her hand. Her face was full of happiness.

turn o

Aoya sits at Lotus Position, the Sword intent on her body surges, and a sword spirit surges into the void, like a path of spiritual bodies falling on every corner of the sky.

The summary of Sword intent absorbed by Sword Spirit poured into my mind o

This is a unique cultivation method belonging to the sword power Vajra!

Long Fei stopped and walked back and forth in the canyon, looking into the distance from time to time, and looking back from time to time, he calculated the distance of this Sword Qi in his mind.


"What are the two of them doing in the canyon?" Xuanyuanlie asked.

"don't know o"

"But they look like they are in cultivationo"

Xuanyuan Yue suddenly thought of something, and said, "Patriarch, when I brought them into the valley, I told a legend about the Heaven-Pottering Sword. Wouldn't the two of them want the true meaning of another Heaven-breaking Sword?"

momentarily quiet

After three seconds...


"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone laughed o

Xuanyuanlie laughed and said, "Comprehend the true meaning of Potianyijian? Hahaha... Just rely on them? It's so funny o"

"None of us Xuanyuan Clan have understood the true meaning of this Heaven-shattering Sword for millions of years, and they both want to understand?"

"Don't look at what you are o"

"Potian Yijian is just a legend of the Xuanyuan Clan. I suspect that there is no such Sword Technique at all. The two of them are comprehending Sword Technique? It's really going to make people laugh."

down millions of years o

Even the Xuanyuan people had to doubt the existence of Potian Yijian.

because o

No one has ever been able to comprehend the Sword Technique of the Heaven-shattering Sword. The true meaning has come out, and even a little bit of Sword intent can't be comprehended. Two foreigners?

even more impossible

After laughing for a long time, Xuanyuanlie said slightly: "I don't care what he understands, in short, I can't let him out."

"It takes three days for the Zhan family to get here. Before the strong Zhan family come, you must be optimistic about them." Xuanyuan Lie said heavily, Long Fei is now his trump card to hold the Zhan family tightly.

It was he who stomped Xuanyuanxiong to death.

Jedi can't let go easily

Everyone shouted in unison: "Follow your orders!"


Under the Star, Long Fei looked up at the sky o

A straight line is like a Galaxy Cluster o

I've never seen the sky like this before, it's very special, a strange feeling hits my heart o

Aoya gently leaned on Long Fei's shoulder and held Long Fei's arm. Her heart was like a dream, she had never been so relaxed.

Two people snuggled together quietly, no one said a word o

at the moment o

Long Fei was thinking about Qiao Qiao, thinking about Leopard Girl, thinking about Liu Luoxi, thinking about Qianqian, thinking about Long Zu, thinking about those brothers in the Long family...

Level 10, Martial Ancestor is a little bit closer

This is a hurdle, and it must be broken through with a god-level Realm.

Long Fei secretly said in his heart: "Wait for me, I will definitely bring you to this world as soon as possible."

suddenly o

A shooting star passed by...

Swipe from one end of a line of sky to the other end o

Long Fei's eyes suddenly moved.

Aoya also seemed to sense something, and the two looked at each other.


"Sword intent..."

moment o

The two entered a space where a Sword intent was located at the same time...

Long Fei flipped his right hand, and the Great Sword of Destruction landed in his hand.

followed by o

Dancing step by step, the fire light flickers, Sword intent surrounds the body like brilliance one after another.

It's a very different feeling

This is a Sword intent feeling that Long Fei has never experienced.

It's like it's above everything, it's like a God's perspective o


Three days will soon pass o

in the evening o

The five members of the Zhan family came to the outside of Yuntian Valley, and a white-haired old man moved his eyes lightly, his eyes flashed brightly, and smiled slightly: "Xuanyuan Mansion o"

"It's been a long time!"

immediately o

The white-haired old man asked, "Are you ready for the dowry?"

"Let's get Wushuang's marriage done. As for Long Fei...I want to play slowly!"

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