The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1592 Li Yuanba's Spike

The voice fell o

Li Yuanba took a step forward, grinned naively and said, "My giant axe has long been hungry and thirsty!"

"Who are you?"

The giant axe that Li Yuanba carried on his shoulder fell, and he held a finger in his hand, and the person he pointed at was Zhan Xin.

Pretty domineering o

He doesn't care so much, and he never fears anything

As if the word fear didn't exist in his mind, from the day he followed Long Fei, he didn't know what fear was o

At this time o

A warrior elder came out, lean and lean, like a mouse, forming a strong contrast with Li Yuanba.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he smiled grimly: "I'm coming!"

Li Yuanba looked at him and said, "Let's start!"


Everyone backed away and quickly made a way o

The lean Elder's eyes froze for a moment, then suddenly disappeared.



Even the breath and the sound of footsteps disappeared, as if they had disappeared out of thin air. This kind of magical power, Cultivation Technique, is by no means ordinary.

Li Yuanba stood motionless, no matter if you disappeared, disappeared, or burrowed into the void, what you did had only one purpose.

sneak attack!

As long as you seize the opportunity at that moment and smash it with an axe, you will be KO!


With a muffled sound, a knife stabbed o


Li Yuanba's shoulder immediately cut a long hole, and blood gushed wildly.

And he didn't have time to react.

When he reacted, the lean man disappeared again o


"Isn't it a good call just now? You don't even have a chance to backhand now?"

"It's quite big, but it's also a waste."

Many people laughed

at this moment o


Another knife, Li Yuanba still can't react, it's too fast o

But o

He got more serious

The power stripes on the body are released one by one to form a unique Realm generalo

A sneer sounded in the void, saying: "I'm going to play you slowly, hahaha..."

The whole sky is coldly laughter o

Several elders of the war family also laughed, "I'm really going to be slowly played to death."

"play crash o"

"Blood abuse o"


While speaking, several knives came out again, both from the front and from the side. Li Yuanba's reaction was half a beat slower several times, but his speed was a little higher than before.

It's just that it still can't match the speed of a lean man.

If you cut it down with a knife, it will disappear immediately, without a trace, you can't grasp his movement trajectory, then there is no way to take him.




After a few minutes, Li Yuanba was not injured except where the coffin was on his back. There were wounds all over his body, and the blood was dripping like a bloody man.

and o

Li Yuanba never made a move.

No backhand?

The other Vajra can't help but worry o

Luohan asked, "Yuanba, can you still..."

Before he could ask, Li Yuanba replied, "No problem!"

"He's completely a target like this, and he can't keep up with the speed at all. What should I do? If this continues, he will definitely be killed by one knife at a time." Lin Yousheng said worriedly.

Li Yuanba is very strong, they all know o

but o

Speed ​​is his weakness o

The skinny man seems to see through his weakness, completely playing him with applause, you have no way at all o

If it were them...

They have no way

If you want to be faster than a lean man, they can't either.

Aoya looked at the blood on Li Yuanba's body and said, "Do you want to give up, he really won't be able to go on like this!"

Zhan Xin smiled coldly and said, "Give up? It seems that you haven't given up in the competition, right? This competition is endless, hahaha..."

There was also a gloomy laughter in the void, saying: "Don't worry, it won't take long, he will be free o"


Seven Vajra's face sank

Xuanyuanxiong's face also became ugly.

But o

The elders of the Xuanyuan clan, but the disciples had excited smiles on their faces. If Li Yuanba lost, it meant that they had an extra layer of protection.

The warriors won't touch them o

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

The Xuanyuan disciples shouted loudly.

The lean man's gloomy voice sounded again, coldly saying: "It is said that the eight Vajra of you are very special, each person's cultivation power is different, and you are the pure power of cultivation, the head of the eight Vajra, I just want to say, pure What's the use of power? You're just a piece of shit o"

The voice fell o

A knife strikes o

The target of this knife is Li Yuanba's throat directly.

He's going to slash

Li Yuanba was still standing in the same place, motionless, as if he could not capture the movement of the lean man as before.

However o

at this time o

With him at the center, a unique power has slowly emerged Realmo

The streaks of power moved with him, and in this tiny Realm...he was the king!

The moment when the skinny man's knife appeared o

Li Yuanba's eyes suddenly opened angrily, like an angry Buddha, and a bright light flashed in his eyes. At the same time, the giant spirit coffin on his back shook and fell.


The golden corpse rushed out and instantly merged into Li Yuanba's body.

Right hand grab o


Wearing the Shattering Void as if it were empty, Li Yuanba let out a roar and said heavily, "Give me death!!"


Void Crack o

The mighty force directly crushes everything o

A body was pulled out of the void by him, that was the lean man.


As soon as the power of the giant gods exploded, Li Yuanba's right arm turned golden, and an incomparable power burst out, pure physical power.

The natural power is fully displayed at this moment o

Grab the lean man and slam it on the ground



The ground was sunken and cracked, and the entire Xuanyuan Mansion trembled violently.


The lean man spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, and his internal organs were shaken to rot.

It's just such a smash

This kind of power is simply... unbearable for him?



The lean man drank in his heart, and then turned his eyes into a fierce one, and said, "I'm going to kill you..."

The voice has not fallen

His eyes suddenly sank, "Where's the person?"

Li Yuanba's figure disappeared o

It was the same as when he disappeared before, but this time, he couldn't see Li Yuanba's movement at all and couldn't keep up.

"Three heads and six arms!"

"Giant Spirit God Slash!!"

Li Yuanba fell to the sky

body with three heads and six arms

and! !

The whole body is golden, extremely domineering!

slash down o

The lean man's body is torn apart... Instant kill! !

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