The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1593 Insidious

strong smash o

One move is enough!

Zhan Jia Elder's body was torn apart and shot out. The scene was bloody and horrific. It was even more tragic than five horses.

Li Yuanba's burly body with three heads and six arms

Gold water poured out of the skin o

The domineering o

It can be said that the whole person is handsome and scum


The audience was shocked, and Li Yuanba was shocked and speechless, so the elder Zhan family was killed like this? This is too incredible, right?

I can't react at all.

"This... this, this, how is this possible?"


"Isn't it being crushed all the time? Why did it suddenly become like this?"

too soon o

One grab, one slash, and it's over in an instant!

It's so fast that people can't react!

The eyes of the three elders of the Zhan family sank, their eyes spitting fire, exuding a strong killing intent, staring at Li Yuanba.

Li Yuanba smiled naively and said domineeringly: "I don't agree? If you don't agree, you can come again!"

arrogant mess o

Li Yuanba has this kind of personality. He is not afraid of the sky or the earth. No matter what Cultivation Base you are, daddy is still not afraid. Not to mention a god-level powerhouse, even if the main god stands in front of him, he is still arrogant and mad.

"court death!"

When a warrior elder was angry, he wanted to rush out in an instant.

But o

But he was stopped by Zhan Xin, smiled coldly, and said, "Don't worry o"

Xuanyuanxiong said slightly: "In the first battle, Li Yuanba won!"

Li Yuanba stood there and did not leave in a hurry, but stared at the elders of the war family and said, "Who is upset, who is the daddy?"

"Too presumptuous!" Another Elder couldn't listen anymore.

Zhan Xin smiled coldly, dismissed it, and said, "Let's go to the next game o"

"It's boring!"

Li Yuanba returned to his original appearance, and the golden corpse was instantly detached from him and entered into the coffin, holding the giant spirit axe on his shoulders, and strode back.

"Big man, fierce!"


"Too sturdy!"

"The head of Vajra is really extraordinary, hahaha..."

Seven Vajra laughed o

Li Yuanba also smiled naively, excitedly o

Luohan walked to Li Yuanba's side and took out several healing pills, saying, "Hurry up and take it, don't hold on."

Even if dozens of knives are slashed on the body, no matter how strong the defense is, the bloodshed alone is unbearable for ordinary people. Li Yuanba has been holding on, and he has completely released his own power Realm.

In this Realm he is like a lurking cheetah, always waiting for an opportunity o

If the lean man is more calm, Li Yuanba is no match at all.

Li Yuanba scratched his head, took the Medicine Pill and swallowed it. He also gave away his body slightly, and said in a low voice, "I have nothing to do."

"Sister-in-law, you must be careful next time you play, these people's strength is extraordinary." Li Yuanba couldn't help but worry.

Chen Tianfei stepped forward and said, "Sister-in-law, why don't you let me fight, my skin is thick and resistant to resistance."

Aoya's identity is special o

She is the sword power Vajra of the Eight Vajra, but also the woman of Long Fei o

is their sister-in-law

Aoya smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I will win this battle!"

immediately o

Aoya went up o

this time o

An Elder from the Zhan family came out, and the moment he stepped into the field, the coercion on him attacked Aoya like an overwhelming force.

"The competition begins!"


As soon as the voice fell, the aura of the elder Zhan family changed again, and the god-level power was released, and the whole body appeared brightly. With a flip of the right hand, a long sword attacked Aoya

Combined with powerful coercion, Aoya will be crushed directly.

"not good!"

Xuanyuanxiong's brows sank, "God-level coercion combined with Zhan Family's unique Sword Technique, this time..."

The Vajra are also frowning.

The coercion and crushing of the body, the Sword Technique passes through, and if it cooperates well, it is the existence of a sword that kills instantly.

Aoya's body trembled slightly, "Buzz..."

A sword spirit rang out in the void, forming a powerful sword spirit formation. At the moment when the Elder Zhanjia moved, all the sword spirits also moved.


A series of harsh sword sounds resounded o

Elder Zhan's expression changed slightly, "Sword Spirit Formation?"

"It looks like you've been to the Cloud Palace?"


"Do you know who destroyed Yungong? By me!" Elder Zhan sneered, Aoya cultivation's sword sect ruins were destroyed by him.

annihilated by one person

so o

He is very familiar with this sword spirit sword formation, and he knew it almost when Aoya released it.

Aoya's face darkened slightly, the long sword in her hand was clenched for a point, and there was a fierce killing intent in her eyes. She had been in the Cloud Palace.

She got the True Inheritance of the Sword Spirit Sword Formation

Since it was destroyed by the Zhan family, it is even more impossible to let him go.


Sword Spirit formation suddenly changed

between lightning

Aoya thought of those Sword Techniques that Long Fei taught her, and she moved, "Essential steps o"



The body is like a phantom, constantly flashing in the void, swaying left and right, and can't see where is the real thing, where is the prosthesis, and at this moment o

At the same time, the hundreds of sword spirits controlled by Aoya also became indeterminate.

It's like a hundred people besieging the warrior Elder in an instant.

"What a sharp Sword Technique o"

Xuanyuanxiong was secretly shocked. He had never seen the Sword Technique displayed by Aoya, and it was the first time he had seen someone who could control hundreds of sword spirits.

Sword power Vajra is extraordinary!

Aoya's understanding of the sword has reached a super high Realm.

Even the Xuanyuan clan of the sword family had to admire them.

"Sister-in-law has made great progress."

"What a great Sword Technique!"

Eight Vajra couldn't help but be surprised.

Zhan Xin was also surprised, "It's rare to be able to fuse the sword spirit and the deity to this level,'s useless at all."

"In my eyes, it's pediatrics o"

forefinger snap o


A golden light flashed out from the sword, forming a qi sword.


pass through o

in an instant o

Aoya's body sank, his chest was penetrated by a force, blood shot out, and his body flew upside down, spewing a mouthful of blood.

also at this time

That warrior strongman made consecutive moves o


In all directions, Sword intent is crushing it strongly.

"Boom, boom, boom..."


Li Yuanba roared, "Fatty!"

Chen Tianfei had already rushed out, with a layer of phantom superimposed on his body as thick as steel armor, and he rushed forward to block all the power.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

crazy surge o

Chen Tianfei's divine armor defense, steel armor is also constantly cracking, but Chen Tianfei stubbornly blocks all damage.


Chen Tianfei also spit out a mouthful of blood.

His body also flew out o

"Bang, bang!"

Aoya also flew out and collided with a distance of dozens of meters. His face was extremely pale. The warrior elder made a volley and hovered above Aoya's head, revealing a sinister sneer...

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